Need A Blog Made Now

Need A Blog Made Now
Hi Guys

I need a blog made for a CPA offer the same as


________________________to run on autopilot__________________________

It needs to have download buttons in the same place, related content terms and conditions privacy policy, contact us etc
Our blog needs to have 7 tabs same as the link above and also fill those tabs with content and provide the same disclaimer at the bottom of the blog in the link. it must be SEO optimized have content and videos from you tube relating to it. You will need to also install this blog to our matrix server so we can roll it out at once

this blog needs to clone the the blog link provided above
We needs strong keywords for a Google Adwords campaign to be attached to it so you need to insert Google’s coding and also we will provide the CPA network code so we can trace that too.

very simple task need it done A.S.A.P

will need to see a sample of your work to qualify and also have good feedback from other SL members

If successful we will make this a regular project

good luck

Quote me happy 🙂

Modern WordPress Theme

Modern WordPress Theme
Need a MODERN Web 2.0 looking real estate wordpress theme with 6 selectable color schemes: Blue, Light Blue, Grey, Orange, Brown, Burgundy. (Winning designer will have opportunity to create many more themes for our company.)

These two examples are almost exactly what we’re looking for:

Both of these have the ability to switch to multiple color schemes via the admin panel. They also have a ‘cuber type’ flash impressive home introduction page. The theme should have the ability to upload images from wp admin for the flash as well as select settings for flash. These theme examples also incorporate a ‘litebox type’ portfolio page that we would like too.

The things we would need that these themes don’t have are:

1. A header area where we could upload 5 images from the wp admin area that would automatically re-size and appear side by side to create a header image 160px tall that spans across the top right above navigation.

2. Where these themes have a graphical name in header, we would just need whatever we name the site in WP admin to appear at the top of site right above the header area described above along with tag line right below.

3. For any page/post, a selectable template style that retains the look of the rest of the site: Header area, but is completely stripped of all navigation, & sidebars. Like a blank canvas.
Like if the page below had the header area described above, but no navigation, and no middle content:

4. On the main intro page a ‘custom content’ area below the header/nav with 4 clearly divided areas “Search For Homes Now”, “What’s My Home Worth”, “Buyer Services”, “Seller Services”. Each ‘blurb’ area should have a small matching real estate icon and the ability for us to edit the content there via theme options in wp admin or via widget. Again, similar to the 3 blurb areas on the main page here:

Would also prefer sidebar to be on the right side of theme. The font style on these two themes is what we’d like as well. Theme should be loaded with 5 ‘skeleton’ pages and top level navigation: Home Search, Buyers, Sellers, About Us, Contact Us, Portfolio.

Navigation should be so when content is added via adding a page you can assign it a top level parent and it shows up under the parent nav item when hovered over. (like example themes)

To summarize, a theme real similar to: with our requests described above and any real estate related touches (icons, images, etc.) you can add is what we need.

We need to have exclusive rights to theme, so it can’t be sold elsewhere and the ability for us to be able to install on multiple sites.

Kittenwar Website Clone

Kittenwar Website Clone
I need someone to make a website for me.
I’d like people to be able to post pictures for public view so they can vote between the two of them in a quick and easy process. The vote is done by clicking which picture looks better. The win/loss results are shown on the following page under the menu, and the next picture battle is shown.

Basically looking for a clone of

When someone submits a picture they are required to accept terms of agreement, give a picture name, email, and the picture. If the picture is too large it should submit a picture that is automatically resized. If the picture is too small it should auto decline and ask the user to resubmit.

I don’t need user side login’s, only backoffice admin access so that the admin can accept or decline submissions based on criteria manually.

The information should be kept in a database. It should have name, email, photo, date submitted, number of battles, wins, % wins, losses, % losses, draws, % draws.

The menu on the left should be like, except so far we don’t need facebook, myspace. Also it should have a search by name field.

But I would like to have Best of the current week and worst of the current week as an selection as well as Best/Worst of all time.

This needs to be well documented programming, interface should be simple.
References is a must. I want to see what you’ve done before.

This website should be fast loading and the backoffice must be easy to use.
Backoffice should have a list of all submissions and easy to approve or decline.

I’d like this done professionally, but you should have fun doing this as most likely it will be a fun project for you as much as me.

I’m pretty good at logos + photoshop for the logo, but I’m open for suggestions. Again, it’s a simple interface, it should be sleek and fast loading, but very well programmed at the same time.

Osc Project Small Changes

Osc Project Small Changes
I have a new OSC install I need help tweaking a bit…

1. Add shipping module… I believe to accomplish what I need you need to install 2 things..

Code Windows Script To Linux

Changes To My Filemirror Site

the end result should be I can offer multiple shipping options and charge by percentage of the cart total… like this..
7% for Ground, 10% for Second Day Air, 15% for next Day Air. Etc…

2. I had a developer make a change to the top of the pages (he removed the currency and language dropdowns) after he did this it caused a small alignment issue… I need this fixed…

3. remove the generic logo from the template and leave the space blank…

Little Bank Transfer To India

Little Bank Transfer To India
hey there Indian buddies

I need someone to transfer around 2500 Indian rupees to my younger brother in India as he have his birthday tomorrow..

I right now can’t transfer it to him because my limit is already exceeded and even if i will try it somehow then it will take at least 3-4 days but i want someone to send him this money by tomorrow through bank transfer or moneygram or western union from India within India..

I can transfer you the money via paypal or SL + $10 extra with 10/10 feedback, kindly help me someone..

Simple Joomla Task – Menu 2

Simple Joomla Task – Menu 2

I want this menu =>

On this template =>

Bid if you can do this simple job, i want full functionality ofcourse!
We will pay after the project is done, no escrows as this is 4th time we are posting this project, all other programmers runned away with escrows.

We have few other tasks, like css editing in joomla and making space for new modules etc. Those small jobs will be all offered to winning programmer HERE, altough please for now, bid ONLY for menu job.

Logo And Minor Changes (phpld)

Logo And Minor Changes (phpld)
i need a simple logo for website.

the two skyscrappers dont fit into the two boxes on the left and right side so that needs to be fixed.

i need the “statistics” widget translated into Croatian (i help you with that. A few other phrases like “Lost password” also need translated.

And last the “Pošalji” and “Novo” buttons in the menu are currently drop downs with the ability to submit both links and articles. I want only a link submit, not the articles.

I need this done ASAP.

Thank you

Script Install – Modification

Script Install – Modification
I would like a site with a few OCR scripts installed.

It needs a front-end that allows immediate OCR from language dropdown list.

Afterwards, the result (UTF-8) is checked in an editor (the entry style in the editor depends on the language selected in above dropdown list).

Then, file(s) are saved on the site AND can be edited, e-mailed.

This project may require a knowledge of variable tagging.

Php Expert For Database Inquir

Php Expert For Database Inquir
Are you a PHP and MySQL programming expert??

Can you write a script, or in our case FIX an existing script where a USER types in some words in a text box. The script then breaks down the written words so it identifies 1 to 4 key words and uses those key words to search a MYSQL database for a string of words that response “answer” what is being asked. This is a Question and Answer script.

You have to be able to break down the question to identify the words to be used to search the database. The key words to look for should be in a database themselves. This is a simple LOGIC process.

Let me know if you can do this, send me samples URL of your work, tell me the TIME TABLE you need and how MUCH to write this ONE SCRIPT!

Once again, we have it written NOW, it is returning mulitple answer files vs JUST ONE.. So it is obviously NOT breaking down the question correctly.

Thank you, Wayne

Project For Indira

Project For Indira

This jop post is for rewriting 100 articles.

The rate is $2.00 per 425 word rewrite.

Of course, I will supply you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases.

I intend to “republish” these articles at so it is a good idea to take a quick look at their editorial guidelines as the articles need to get approved by them.

Here are the requirements of this project.

– Each rewritten article must be 80% original and it has to pass

– The articles, including the titles, need to be 400 or more words. The keyword phrases provided need to be used in a logical, conversational manner throughout the articles.

-The articles should be SEO optimized for one keyword or keyword phrases
– Have correct grammar, punctuation and spelling

– The sentences must be completely unique. Changing just the words from a different article will not be unacceptable. The sentences and paragraph must make sense.

-The rewritten article must be concise and must exhibit a coherent theme. Articles must be rewritten with a logical flow from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.

– Give article an eye catching SEO optimized title

– You agree that upon payment, all rights to the written articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any manner, both online and offline.

YOU HAVE TO KEEP IN MIND… the articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and punctuation. No fluff will fly with me!

The rewritten articles must be at least 80% unique as they will be reviewed through Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism at the Ezine Articles.

If an article you submit to me is not approved by the Ezine you will not be paid for that article. Of course, I will email you a screen shot of the rejected article from them.


Thank you for bidding. If you have any questions… please ask.
