Signup / Login Script

Signup / Login Script
First part of a larger project for a brand new site.

I need the SIGNUP / LOGIN / mini-site creation part (but not the actual site mini site).

It needs to be SIMPLE & SECURE.

Timeframe: soon, but not urgent (I want it quickly but do not wish to pay more to have it done urgently)

PHP 5, IT MUST be coded in PDO Php Data Objects (PHP extension) as the other part of the project will also be coded with PDO.
PHP & JavaScript validation
XHTML & CSS – no styling needed, will be based on style of the site – different project
The site will be aimed at private language tutors who teach foreign languages. (The site will only be in ENGLISH)
The main site is the sales site (, it offers private language tutors the ability to have a personal website promoting their services. They sign up via the online form ( and have to activate their account by following the link sent to their email. On clicking this link the system creates a sub domain ie: (, which will be their personal site. It also creates a standard template site on this sub domain that they will be able to edit by logging in. To edit their site they login via the main site ( and are redirected to their secure admin section ie: ( At a later stage a separate domain name will be purchased and pointed to their sub domain, ie: > they will however still login via (
Sub domains would be created from 1001 and increase by 1 each time a new site is created.
1st site:
2nd site:
3rd site:
Each sub domain will contain an independent templated site. All independent sites will use the same database. When the sub domain in created, tables will be written to the database.
So if the template site contains 3 tables (still to be defined): content, photos, links and a new site is created: when this site is created the tables will be inserted into the Database as ‘1001content’, ‘1001photos’ & ‘1001links’.

– Complete site functionality needed if JavaScript turned off – PHP as well as JS validation.
– Must not be obfuscated as I need access to edit original code.
– I am using CPanel hosting, PHP 5
– I want sub domains created NOT htaccess and URL rewriting.
– Basic annotation of script.

Sign Up Page:
– email(username) + password + first name + last name + agree to terms check-box.
– client and server side validation: email (if already in database), password (minimum 8 characters must include a number), ‘agree to terms’ (make sure box is ticked)
– email activation > temporary URL sent via email, click to activate.
– On activation > auto creates a mini site to a new sub domain. This site will be a different project, but needs a secure admin page after signing in (see below).
– email activation include welcome message
– Error message if account signup successful but tables in database not created etc.

On activation, a script will be needed that creates a sub domain (CPanel hosting) with a mini site including creating associated files and create tables in the database. (These files and database tables will be defined separately at a later stage)

Login Page:
· Email(username) + password
· remember me – cookie option
· automatic time-out an idle session after a period of inactivity (30 mins) if remember me not ticked.
· lock account after 3 failed logins – 15 min. lockout
· JavaScript validation (on email(username) and password – error message to say email(username) incorrect format or password incorrect format)
· PHP validation – (error messages if wrong username or password – lockout: see above)
· Forgot password – email link to reset – client and server side validation on new password (minimum 8 characters must include a number)
· Login Interrupter Redirect:
If I’m trying to hit a protected page and my login cookie or session expires, I expect to be hit with a login screen. When I login, expect to be taken to the page I had requested in the first place. – is this easy or does it involves lots of extra coding?

After logged in: (in admin page)
– logout – redirects to index page
– change email – with ‘are you sure’ PHP confirmation
– change password – client and server side validation (match / check min. length & includes number)
– at top of page ‘Welcome *name*’ the name they used on the signup form.

· Passwords: md5, salt, SHA-2
· SQL injection (PDO)
· Cross site scripting
· Cross site request forgery
· Prepared statements (PDO)
· Session ID hijacking
· Form keys

This is to give you an idea of the project scope. It is not set in stone, If there are better ways of doing it than I have described then we can discuss it.

All updating of content from within the admin pages of the templated sites will use the sub domain number, ie: updating the homepage header and body-text of

$sql = “UPDATE 1001content
SET homeheader=?, hometext=?
WHERE id=?
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
The sites on the sub domains will all be the same layout and be editable by logging in with the respective username and passwords. The sites will contain approx. 8 pages and include text, photo gallery, google maps, contact form.
This is what will be editable
Admin.php (this is the only page that will need to be included with the project you will be doing)
change password
change email
Index.php – introduction to services
Header (text)
Page text
upload single image
Courses.php – courses and style of working
Header (text)
page text
Location.php – where we are, how to get here
Header (text)
page text
address box – for google maps
dropdown to select zoom for google map
Gallery.php – images of us and classroom
Header (text)
page text
upload images with description.
Availability.php – dates available for tuition
Header (text)
boxy text
availability calendar – possible import Google calendar or 3rd party script
editable boxes which will allow input of hourl.y & weekly tutorial rates – this will be formatted into a table on the front of the site.
Contact.php – contact us
Header (text)
page text
contact form – sent to email address used for login.
Material.php – teaching styles, some sample language tests etc..
header (text)
page text
Links.php – links to other services – local library, Amazon dictionaries etc..
header (text)
page text
form for creating links.

— Table structure for table `content`

`homeheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`hometext` longtext NOT NULL,
`facilitiesheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`facilitiestext` longtext NOT NULL,
`locationheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`locationtext` longtext NOT NULL,
`zoom` tinytext NOT NULL,
`address` tinytext NOT NULL,
`ratesheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`ratestext` longtext NOT NULL,
`availabilityheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`availabilitytext` longtext NOT NULL,
`houlyrates` tinytext NOT NULL,
`weeklyrates` tinytext NOT NULL,
`materialheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`materialtext` longtext NOT NULL,
`contactheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`contacttext` longtext NOT NULL,
`linksheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`linkstext` longtext NOT NULL,
`galleryheader` tinytext NOT NULL,
`gallerytext` longtext NOT NULL,
`googlekey` tinytext NOT NULL,
`email` tinytext NOT NULL,

— ——————————————————–

— Table structure for table `links`

`rank` tinyint(11) NOT NULL,
`urltitle` tinytext COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
`url` tinytext COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
`urltext` tinytext COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,

— ——————————————————–

— Table structure for table `photos`

`description` text NOT NULL,
`src` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
`tn_src` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
`rank` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,

Music Database For Composer

Music Database For Composer
Create a database of music and video files with a user interface that allows me to make customizable playlists (in html table form) with embedable code for me to cut and paste into websites. Html not flash. I need the tables to be indexable by google.

1. I’d like to be able to upload data as in the attached file.

2. When outputing a playlist, i’d like the option of choosing the fields

3. The resulting code would allow viewers of the website to click on column headers to sort the info on the page.

4. The links to media would bring up pop up windows like the media links on this page: [look at the ones at the top of the page] If you can suggest a way to do this with flash, like a popup flash player that would play either video or audio, that would be great.

I realize that something like this might already exist. So i’m looking.

Website Wizard + WordPress

Website Wizard + WordPress
I need a website wizard (example,, where clients can answer questions for information that needs to be used to create their custom website.

I would like the website to use an easy to use content managment system that someone with no html experience could use to add copy, insert pictures,change addresses, change phone numbers, etc. or someone with html knowledge could use as well, to add links, or anything that a common html editor would allow) in addition to a blog. The look of the site need to have the format of a site like (

The site will also need to have the ability to adjust page names, title tags, meta information for each page.


logo needed. I don’t need any mockup’s or competition between providers as I always felt its unfair

I will pick someone that can do this job for 10-15 USD

After selection, I need 3 good concepts, then I will choose 1 and you must give revisions till I accept

I know the price am offering is less, this project is on a tight budget. I will promise better budgets for next projects. If I have offended or hurt any providers feelings, I apologize and assure you its not meant

Raffle Ticket Website Needed

Raffle Ticket Website Needed
Hey guys.

I need a fully functional auction website. The site will be very similar to a penny auction site. However, it is a raffle ticket drawing for various products. When the auction time is up, one random ticket winner will be chosen.

Here’s how it goes:

user signs up –> user enters information –> user performs tasks for tickets –> user uses tickets on auctions –> ticket drawing

An admin control panel and a user control panel/profile page is needed.

It will be similar to this site:

For any questions or info, please use PMB. Thanks.

Scraping Website

Scraping Website
Need all product information from the website to be scraped and delivered in excel. Image files must be downloaded and filename stored for each product.. First, need all antibodies from page, Fields needed are, catalog number, product name, background, additional names, image, descripton, source, purification, clonality/clone, host, immunogen, applications, tested applications, buffer, blocking pepitde, storage, positive control, species reactivity, protein GI number, protein accession number, short description, product categories, related products, references.
Need all cell lysate product information, from this page ( Product information fields to collect are catalog number, name, background, cell line, tested application, buffer, storage, species reactivity, short description, growth media, and any other fields.
Need all recombinant proteins from this page, Fields needed for each product are, product name, catalog number, background, additional names, location, source, reactivity, preparation, tested applications, storage, species reactivity, purity, short description.

Move Databases To WordPress 2

Move Databases To WordPress 2
I am moving my website to WordPress platform at

I would like to hire you to move the databases of lawyers and advertisers correctly to wordpress for me, and make sure there is an admin section to manage both registered attorneys and advertisers.

End of project, the following has to work in WordPress:

– This registration page for attorneys will work from WordPress. Submit button will deposit info from the form into the database and take lawyer to PayPal to make a payment.

– Database of registered lawyers will be connected to search functionality so the lawyers could be found on the WordPress site.

– “Professional Directory” (these are advertisers) moved to WordPress and registration page gets deposited into database and takes advertiser to PayPal to make payment when they click Submit button

– Admin page to add/edit/delete attorney profiles and advertiser profiles

This is a detailed description of the task, but quick and easy job for anyone skilled with databases and WordPress. Turnaround time is same day/1day and max budget is $50.

I will select developer within hours so do not bid if you cannot start working right NOW. Please do not bid if you have zero or negative feedback.

Thank you for taking the time to read my project, I really appreciate it.

Website Scraping

Website Scraping
We are looking to scrape the website and collect product information from PDF Files. Final format needs to be in excel. Need product information from the categories recombinant proteins, polyclonal antibodies, ELISA, Immunoaffinity columns. Specific instructions for each product category is as follows:

recombinant protiens – download PDF files and collect the following fields: product name, catalog number, size, synonym, description, form, purity, image, references.
polyclonal antibodies – download PDF files and collect the following fields: product, cat. no., lot no., immunogen, host animal, format, PH, buffer, preservative, storage.
ELISA – Extract from html, catalog number, item name, additional information, pack size, sample type, assay time, sensitivity, specificity,

Php Remove Params From Url

Php Remove Params From Url
Example: hxxp://
(2 variables set and redirects to this URL passing the variables in the URL)


This script grabs and displays the variables from the URL, but I need some code to remove the extra params from the URL, so it looks like:


… but still allow me to display the passed variables on multiple pages on the site.

I’ve attached copies of the two PHP files to hopefully make it easier for you.

Ning & Php Customization

Ning & Php Customization

I have a new web template for an existing site
i need my new design installed into my site.

My site is a video streaming site it’s PHP
i have used the script
to create the site.

I also need my new design to be installed into my social network.

I am on a very tight budget, i need a good programmer
who knows what they are doing and can be trusted to do
what they state

Osc Custom Shipping

Osc Custom Shipping
We have a very specific shipping requirements that need to be implemented in to OSCOMMERCE.

We’re shipping food products across the USA that must be delivered in 2 days or less.

We ship via UPS. We must have the user be able to choose what day they want their product to arrive. For example, if I want a cake delivered tomorrow I would be forced to choose next day Air.

However, if I want standard delivery then the application must choose whether to send via ups ground (if the product will arrive in under two days based on zip code) or if it requires second day Air (if the zip code is located outside of 2 day ground shipping).

All this must be linked to the UPS API in order to receive proper pricing and delivery date information. Users must also be able to schedule shipments in advance (For example, I want a cake to arrive on my sisters birthday in March).
