Forum Auto Posting Script

Forum Auto Posting Script
I need a tool that would allow me to post to several forums in just one hit. I can’t say how many forums as of right now but in case it’s needed I can provide a list, although it’s very likely that I’ll be adding more later, so I would be needing that functionality too.

I’m not worried about which platform you choose to make this work as long as the final product is fully functional, it can be either a software or a web-based script. Ok, here are the features I would like the tool to have:

– support at least the most popular forum scripts available (Vbulletin, PPpbb, SMF, Fluxbb, etc)

– must be able to auto login or authenticate to each forum I’d be working with and also be able to save login details into a profile or session so I don’t have to enter them again everytime

– must be able to create new threads inside the forums, so I need to select which forums I’ll be creating the new threads into (either select one forum or ten at the same time)

– must be able to specify on which category the posts will go to, if categories are different on each forum, then that should be taken into account when posting.

– I’ll enter the content of the post to be published and I need to be able to select which of the forums this message will be posted to, before actually hitting the Send button. There should be 2 extra optional fields for Title and Tags which will be particular to each of the forums since some of them require tags and title and some don’t.

– I don’t intend to spam forums with this tool, only to ease my work, so I need to make sure that I will not be kicked or penalized for jumping captcha values. Whenever a captcha is present as a requirement to post or create a new thread, the software or script must be able to inform me and take me the page so I can manually enter the captcha before continuing.

– once the post has been “posted” the system must return a list of the urls linking to each one of the posts created so I can double check them.

You must provide all source code at the end of the project and I’ll retain any rights over it. In case any further functions need to be added or any major code changes occur on the original forum scripts that would interfere with the proper functionality of this tool, I’ll pay for those additional changes.

Please, bid only if you’re confident that you can do this job, don’t bid just for the fun of it. If I’m not 100% happy with the quality of the programmers bidding I’ll repost the project.


From Static To WordPress Site

From Static To WordPress Site
I have an existing static site that I want turned into a wordpress site – (without the blog extension), like another site I have (details on request). I will provide the categories, header, logins etc. I want someone to transfer existing pages within the old site to pages in a new wordpress site you will set up. I’m looking for a 3 column theme.
Full details on request.

Website Redesign Quick

Website Redesign Quick
Hello People,

I am looking for an eye-catching website design similar to , same amount of pages, layout, text etc. Just a more professional looking site than they presently have published.

The CONTENT will be pretty much the same with edits here and there for our Company Name etc.

We will have a NEW LOGO and NEW COMPANY NAME.

This is an URGENT PROJECT and must be complete in 24-48 HOURS.

Payment by PAYPAL when site is Complete.

As I said before this is an URGENT DESIGN so please Send your PORTFOLIO for review and selection.

Maximum Bid: $150.00 USD

Thank You

Inspiration: 35 Wonderful Website Headers

Inspiration: 35 Wonderful Website Headers

Website headers are a very important aspect of any web design, whether the website is a blog, a portfolio, an informational site or even an online store. It is, along with the logo, one of the first things a new user will see when visiting your website. Your website, just like a human-being, should have a personality; the best way to “present” your website’s personality is via the header design. This allows the visitor to quickly determine not only the quality of the site, but if the content is something they think they will enjoy.

This post showcases 35 awesome header designs to help inspire you for your next web design project. All of the showcased headers capture the attention of their target audience incredibly well, therefore keeping them on the website for a longer period of time. And let us know what your favorite header is in the comments!

Section 1. Illustrated Headers

Praline En Schachtel

As soon as this wonderful header has loaded we’re welcomed to a happy and cheerful environment with a great personal touch. The friendly feel of the header counteracts the fact that the navigation doesn’t seem to exist at all.

BAD Health


Once again we are presented with a cheerful environment with the ‘Meomi’ header design. The illustration is, in fact, animated using Flash, so be sure to take a quick look at the live website. Although the design is quite busy, it is easy to adjust to, making it easy to find our way around the site without any problems. The use of a tag line below the navigation menu makes it clear to new visitors what the website is and who it is aimed at – just incase you hadn’t already gathered from the beautiful Flash illustrations.

Blog What? Design

Et Toque!

Et Toque! also uses a Flash animated illustrated header. They incorporate cute character design with bright, eye-catching colors and a superb composition. The navigation is located at the bottom of the page which, in a way, is quite unusual; Et Toque! however have managed to pull it off very well.

Bienenstich Band

Matt Hamm

Matt Hamm’s portfolio website has followed a reasonably recent and modern trend by letting his new visitors know what he does in big, bold lettering. To emphasize the word ‘Hello.’ a dark blue color has been used – this makes the personality of the website friendly and very personal. The use of a shadow directed onto the navigation menu at the top of the page makes it stand out more than it already does – it’s almost impossible not to click on the links. To top it all off, a comical illustration of Matt himself holding a Twitter bird icon has been used, telling the public he has a Twitter profile.

Tropikalny Ogrod

Section 2. Hand-Drawn Elements & Textured Headers


Cochemer Stadtsoldaten

This header makes great use of stock images, textures, and shadows, all to produce a memorable compilation. The use of a large website logo only makes the website even more memorable, and the tag line beneath it makes it easy for new visitors to find what the website is about. The navigation is incredibly simple to use, with contact links, etc. being shown at the top of the header, and content navigation links being used beneath.

Sprocket House

Studio Racket

The use of grungy texture and hand-drawn elements in this header design makes the site feel very personal and inviting. The navigation is also hand-drawn, and is rather unusual using a layout similar to that of a spider diagram; although not a common technique, it is very easy to navigate around the website without too much thought and effort.

Belzebu de Saia


All For Design

After first loading this highly textured web design we are almost immediately hit with a burst of bright (and attractive) green. A slightly lighter and subtle green is used behind the parrot to take our eyes into the navigation menu, which has been placed above the majority of the textured background, for easier viewing. A large logo with an embedded tag line is used, which has also been placed above the majority of the textured background, making it easier to remember as an independent logo rather than part of the web design.



The Joby header uses a combination of large (and bold) small letters, small caps, and Sans Serif fonts to attract the visitors attention and let them know what the site is all about in a very memorable and exciting way. The use of a hand-drawn/painted illustration adds a great personal touch to the design.

Jay Hafling

Barclay Farms Estate

Section 3. Typography Headers

Projeto Trinta

This is quite possibly one of the most beautiful and energetic header designs in this compilation. The use of subtle gray colors and a strong, lime green with a combination of torn holes and light grunge textures make this an absolute pleasure to look at. As well as looking great, the navigation is super easy to use with a stylish white highlight effect when hovering over the links. The sponsor icons are also linked, making use of the empty space in a superb way for some advertising campaigns.

Diamond HTML

David Jonsson

North Temple

This minimalistic but great typography-based header design has it all. The large, colorful and photo-based typography header is eye-catching and is very easy to remember. After you’ve stopped staring at the lovely color scheme in the logo, you’ll probably read the tag line, explaining what the site is about, and whether or not it is something you want to carry on reading. If it is, you’re presented with some very simple but appealing text links to find your way around the site.

Trent Walton

The Urban Landscape Lab

Teleios Man

TUT Candy

TUT Candy was very close to being put in the next category, ‘Atmospheric and Bokeh Headers’, due to its starry and spacey background. It is, however, based around three-dimensional typography, securing it a place in this category. After admiring the gorgeous text effects and reading the attention-grabbing tag line, the links and search bar are very easy to locate and use at the very top of the header.

Section 4. Atmospheric and Bokeh Headers


Rareview use subtle (but incredible) animated Flash in their header, so make sure you head on over to check out the live version – you will not be disappointed. The atmosphere the animation creates, especially if viewed on a large glossy monitor, makes you feel like you’re in a different world; it really is that powerful. The minimalistic black and white logo and navigation links make them very easy to locate and use, and make use of some great hover effects (again, see the live version).

Lisa Maya

72 Thinking:Outlets


Section 5. Minimalistic & Simple Headers

CTL – The Business of Learning

The Croquis

This is easily the most elegant header in this showcase. The use of watercolor textures and the minimal use of color adds a very personal touch to the design. The thin black line at the top of the header helps release the potential of the fine logo and navigation typography.

Cloud King

XEDA Design

After looking over these fantastic examples of well designed headers, you should feel refreshed and ready to take on your next web design project, or even redesign your existing header – after all, sometimes only small tweaks are needed to release your design to its absolute full potential.

Css Website + Flash Banner

Css Website + Flash Banner
We are looking for a simple site in couple of days. Requirements are very simple & straight.
We have a template from Dreamtemplate #5801 which includes (HTML, PSD & FLASH Banner)

We need
– Simple CSS website upto 10-12 pages
– Site should be fit on any resolution, web 2.0 style(mid part 1024 pixels & side areas should resize according to screen size)
– Need Flash Skills to change Flash Effects on Banner & Text Animation. We will provide new text
– Site Must Be Cross Browser Friendly (IE6+, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari)
– We need dynamic Photo Gallery in it where we can add categories & photos in that
– We have to sell some tickets via this site so there is functionality required to sell ticket. It will be again simple, You have to integrate Paypal payment gateway on successful payment user can print tickets online as well he will & administrator/s of site will recevie a copy of ticket on email with user details.
-We are still working on Text part of site so there might we need some iteration which i think will be easier for any programmer.

Wp Plugin Coding

Wp Plugin Coding
I currently use Openx to serve all my ads but I need to add the functionality to call all adserver tags from a plugin inside my WP admin console. Plugin would be something like AD-minister or maybe even simpler. Here’s the scenario:

Openx provides an invocation code (iframe or javascript code, though I don’t think that would matter) which is used to call for advertisers content to be placed inside the page.

The plugin I’m looking after will handle this invocation code and must be able to:
– set a refresh timer for these codes to be called (ad would be refreshed every x minutes/seconds)
– every time the ad is refreshed it has to be a new call, must not be cached or anything like that

Keep in mind that you won’t have to deal in any way with Openx, it’s just a simple url management and pass thru on my end. I’ll only use Openx to get the ad tags that will be placed on the plugin.

Plugin must be simple enough as to be compatible with current and future versions of WP, I don’t want anything fancy, just functional. In case WP has a radical code change in the future that stops this plugin from working I’d gladly pay for any fixes.

You will deliver source code as well.

Please, submit your bid if you’re experienced enough with WP as to do the job.

Secure Price Sheet Pages

Secure Price Sheet Pages
I am a graphic designer in need of a coding partner on a web site for a wine distributor. The portion I need help with is connecting some CSV files with Dreamweaver pages to make a secure online Price Sheet. I also need a little javascript help, and some pointers on making sure the CSS gets applied to the data coming in from the CSV files. I am estimating the job will take about 10 – 15 hours over a two week period.

Bug Fixes For Websites

Bug Fixes For Websites
I have a number of simple code fixes in my existing websites. Should be rather quick & easy for anyone with knowledge of PHP/MySQL to do.

Firstly, I have a website that allows people to review TV shows on Twitter. This relies on the website pulling feeds from to gather the data on TV shows. Currently, no data on TV episodes is being generated, most likely to do with a simple coding error. It needs fixing so it automatically populates the database with episode information every hour. In addition, a simple bit of coding is required in order for a ‘Latest Episode’ box on each show to display the latest episode of a show that has been shown, based on the first aired date in the episode data.

Secondly, I have a Joomla based website with Gavick PhotoSlide 2 and NewsImage 6 (a carousel thing for featured content). I need a simple edit to the code (PHP & Javascript used here) so that the large image of the content links to the content rather than the text below.

These are simple code fixes and will not take long. I am looking for a reliable and affordable developer to work with in developing the Twitter/TV site further in future projects so there will be plenty more work available to the selected programmer.

Cms Software

Cms Software

I am looking for a multisite CMS package.

Basically I would like a site where all clients go to to access the account.

At that point they log in and see a list of their own pages and extras, such as catalogues etc…

They click on “home page” and simply edit it in a WYSIWYG editor, then save.

Must be MySQL driven / PHP code.

I need to be able to control the user and select if they can create new pages or not… And allow extra functions such as catalgues etc…

Html Psd To WordPress Cms

Html Psd To WordPress Cms
Hi All Bidders,

I am looking for someone who can create a website in wordpress including blogs and cms based from existing HTML/PSD/CSS Files.

This is the template i am buying:

It has html/css/psd files, what you need to do is convert the entire site into wordpress with cms for rest of the pages.

Additional i want:

1. facility for a candidate to register and fill up a job form with the facility of uploading their resume in .DOC format.

For form reference one can refer to naukri(dot)com
NOTE: I just want a facility for a user to register/login and update a resume no employee login.

2. Candidate to login and then update their resume.

3. As myself the site Admin should have the facility to search the database, download resumes, and post hot jobs.

Its a Man Power Consultancy Site

Please bid only after checking both the sites.

happy bidding!!

Real Estate Homepage

Real Estate Homepage
Hi, I’m looking for a clean, stylish Web 2.0 homepage mockup (IMAGE ONLY, not html) for a finance/real estate/property website using the following criteria:

Colours based on:

Design/Layout based on:

Image/Design must include:

1)Top and Side navigation menus;
2)Featured properties area
3)Advanced search form.
4)Large Main Image

It’s fine to use “lorem ipsum” for dummy text and a text-based logo.

Bids considered ONLY if you provide a (watermarked) mockup with your bid. Please don’t bid above my $25 budget.

Any questions answered immediately via PMB. Many thanks for bidding.