Wikipedia Editing – Creation

Wikipedia Editing – Creation
Hello Folks,

I am looking for an experienced Web Professional to EDIT and CREATE a number of WIKIPEDIA postings.

Job will include:

1) editing existing posts
2) creating new Wikipedia pages

The job is very simple and straightforward, i just dont have the time to do the work, or i would have done the project myself this week.

Project should be complete in (1) Day

Project BID should not exceed $50 Maximum

Project will be PAID by PAYPAL upon completion



Uncoded Html Template

Uncoded Html Template
I need an uncoded HTML template for a page of a product review website I am doing. Although it’s just “one” page, it’s a fairly complex one. I expect only qualified and talented individuals to sign up. I am more reluctant to reward the job to an outsourcing company, because I believe that design standards are difficult to uphold. I might not get the quality I see in the company portfolio.

NOTE: I will only consider applicants with a portfolio to showcase. I need applicants that can start work right away, and is capable of working efficiently. No learners please. Please send me a link to your portfolio. One of my greatest consideration is the designer’s taste or sense of style. I will more often than not pick the one with the closest sense to what I am looking for. A high level of technical skills goes without saying.

Alright, here’s the job:

These are the elements on the page:
1. A header file – I will provide the links. Expect to make one for pre-login and one for post log-in.
2. A footer file – Some links. Very easy.
3. The main body

The main body contains the following sections:

The main product information – including a photo, name, description and a rating on the scale of 1-7.

The pros/cons area – a place for users to submit to a list of pros and cons. After adding either a pro/con, the system will allow 100 seconds for edit/delete. The preferred method of communication with the server-side is AJAX. However, I am open to other suggestions. You will have to provide the necessary client-side codes necessary to link up the server-side, and proper communication have to be provided. The user will also be able to thumbs up or thumbs down on a pros and cons. A hidden link that can hide/show a hidden page showing the “individual votes” will also be provided. You’d have to provide the design for the individual votes page as well. See example here:

Price – including the average price, the range of prices for this product, an image graph showing the price changes over time. Also, the user will be able to enter price suggestions, so expect to include a label, text field and a submit button as well. I will suppose that the form be hidden, and a link be included to show/hide the form. However, I am open to other suggestions. The user will the ability to undo the decision within 100 seconds. For an example of the 100 second undo example, see:

Place – a section for users to suggests places to buy this product. For each place, expect to display a photo, name, description, address, country, postal code, URL, how to get there, as well as the name photo of the person suggesting the place. However, not all entries will have all the fields filled in. Expect only the name, description and how to get there as required fields. Should data to a field be unavailable, I will not want to display the field at all. E.g. I do NOT want to show “URL: nil” or “URL: “. I think it’s a waste of space. So your design consideration has to put these in place as well. Lastly, I will expect to include a link that can show/hide a form that will allow the user to input a new place suggestion. The user will have 100 seconds to edit/delete the entry after posting. This is preferably done in AJAX and you’ll have to communicate to me on how this will be linked to the server side. However, I am open to other suggestions on this can be done. For an example of the 100 seconds edit/delete function, see:

Alternative Suggestions – allows the user to suggest alternative products. There will be no form in this area. For each product listing, expect to show its average price, price difference with this product, and the name and portrait of the person posting it.

Questions and Answers – allows anyone to post questions. Another user can post an answer to any question. Pretty straight-forward, kind of like what we usually have in many blog comment area. Just that this is specific to questions and answers. Answers to a questions are collapsed by default and there is an option to expand it. The user should be able to see the number of answers to a particular question.

General comments area – a generally more fun area of the site. Straight-forward.

1. Uncoded HTML templates and all supporting files for the page, header and footer. There might be additional HTML template deliverables depending on project changes. Furthermore, you might need to save multiple copies of the template with minor changes in each to illustrate state changes, or different ways of displaying data.

2. PSDs of all images used.

3. Clear instructions on how to integrate the template with the server-side.

4. I might request for a plain css-only “no-design” page with all the form elements if the time estimate is too long. I will like my programmers to start working with the plain css-only page first before you provide me with the full design.

All content and links should be indexable by the search engine. No content should be hidden in javascript or other non-indexable medium. Some basic knowledge of SEO is a plus, although not really required if you do things right. You should be able to put all content into CSS, and no information should be called from client-side scripts.

Other Notes:
1. I will expect JPG exports of the screen mock-ups to be shown before all the complicated slicing and dicing takes place. I will often request changes based on the exports. This will often save you many trouble of redoing things later.
2. I will provide MORE DETAILS on the project. Although lengthy, the details provided on this page is rather vague. But I believe I have provided enough for you to give me a fair estimate. Detailed plans provided later on can help give you a clearer direction on what to do.

3. I expect HONEST and FAIR individuals to sign up only. I pay fairly and I expect the individuals I work with to be the same. I only give repeat business to talented individuals who make an honest living.

Design Concepts:

I am looking for a sleek, cool, yet simple design with lots of space for expression. Clutter is a no no and I expect spaces to be used efficiently.

Among some design concepts I have in mind includes: – I know the simple design and the gallery.


Please reply with how long it will take you to show me the first draft of the screen on JPG, and how long this entire project will take you.

Oscommerce Or Zencart Store

Oscommerce Or Zencart Store
Hello Folks,

I am looking for an experienced Designer/Developer to Create an (8) Product Online Store in either OSCOMMERCE or ZENCART.

The project should include the following:

1) Attractive Front End Website Template (Matching Company Concept)

2) Install/Setup either OSCOMMERCE or ZENCART

3) Import the (8) Products into Online Store

4) Activate Shopping Cart

This project is URGENTLY required, the online store will be launching early next week, and this should be finalised in the next couple of days.

This is a very simple project, this can be complete in (1) day or less for the right designer.

Although its a Small Project, i would like to have a nice looking design concept behind the project.

Project will be paid by PAYPAL upon completion of the job.

Budget for project is $80-$100

Please send details of your offer along with your portfolio to my PMB for immediate selection and review.

Thank You In Advance

Flash Actionscript Fix Safari

Flash Actionscript Fix Safari
need a flash file fixed since it won’t work when opening links using onRelease function for a button in Safari 4.0.4 on Mac OSX. Also want to create a new flash instant messenger system to immediately open the instant message for the receiver if they are online. It should have a way to check for the user being online and tell the sender it’s waiting for a response. Then if not available to send the message in offline mode.

Txt File Parser Script

Txt File Parser Script

I am looking for a small php script that when I load a | a pipe deliminated file into the script it would place a date to the data on every line starting with the current server date.

So it would add mm/dd/yy| to each line with the date being addeded with the pipe end | to in groups of two. so it would would change dates for every two items like


and so on..

It would continue like a calendar for the remainder of the file line by line

of course of the data present is more than one line it would still look for the break of the | to determine the next line to continue the theory.

Please advise.

Quick Programming Job

Quick Programming Job
This is a small programming job to produce resource boxes for articles.

I will supply the required specification to anyone that is interested and suitable. I will then require a fixed price quote.

Please supply company information and rate.

I ma not sure what programming language is required for this job so I am open to suggestion. Please explain why I should use the language that you suggest.

Need Small Banner Upload Scrip

Need Small Banner Upload Scrip
HI Folks,

I need this fairly quickly.
A simple php maybe with javascript, script that will:
have a user upload a 468 x 60 banner to my website. The script must check for: a maximum size that I set, and maximum size of file, and if possible check for .jpg extension and make sure it is actual image. Criteria: only total of X banners are allowed to be uploaded per day and only one per IP per day. This X counter gets reset each day as well as IP restriction.

If sucessful, then the script will display the image on the form, and if user approves, then hits a submit button, this banner will be added to a list of other banners that I will use to rotate on another part of site.

So the form will take the image and save it in a directory path on server and another banner rotating script that you will also create, will look at this directory and rotate everything that is in there upon each page load. Obviously either a text file or perhaps mysql is neeeded to store the banner info such as path on myserver, link URL and IMG text.

I would like Ajax used so the image magically appears if validation goes through. If not, a message should display that the image is either wrong type, wrong size or not proper dimensions, or if max of X banners is already uploaded.

I leave it up to to decide whatever should be used to store the info: a text file, or mysql, whatever is easiest perhaps.

Cron Job Setup

Cron Job Setup
I need help setting up a cron job. I can manually make the run.php file run and it works fine but I cannot get it to work when I try to setup the cron.

This system keeps telling me that my project description is to short. I don’t know what else to say other than that I need a help with a cron job. I’ll keep pasting this text until I get enough to post this Job.

I need help setting up a cron job. I can manually make the run.php file run and it works fine but I cannot get it to work when I try to setup the cron.

This system keeps telling me that my project description is to short. I don’t know what else to say other than that I need a help with a cron job. I’ll keep pasting this text until I get enough to post this Job.
I need help setting up a cron job. I can manually make the run.php file run and it works fine but I cannot get it to work when I try to setup the cron.

This system keeps telling me that my project description is to short. I don’t know what else to say other than that I need a help with a cron job. I’ll keep pasting this text until I get enough to post this Job.
I need help setting up a cron job. I can manually make the run.php file run and it works fine but I cannot get it to work when I try to setup the cron.

This system keeps telling me that my project description is to short. I don’t know what else to say other than that I need a help with a cron job. I’ll keep pasting this text until I get enough to post this Job.

Easy Task – Correct Xhtml Cs 2

Easy Task – Correct Xhtml Cs 2
We need 4 xHTML\CSS pages corrected.

There are some issues, namely under IE7\IE8. We need them corrected.

The pages are already done just need them corrected.

The programmer will need to have a basic knowledge of PHP (there isn’t needed any coding in PHP, is just that the page has php code embedded).

I’ll send a link to the website upon request in PMB.



Duplicating A Script

Duplicating A Script
I got screwed by a programmer making a script.

I need the script of this site made/copy with slight changes

h**p://sexkonnect(dot)com/ This is a grabber script,

I have the basic script that does not have the DB or admin panel.

I cannot afford much money, but if a programmer will work

with me, I can guarantee high profitability.

pm me your questions

Need Traffic….

Need Traffic….
I need someone to drive traffic to my site. I can either pay a fee, or we can work out a percentage on what I make from the site. If you opt for a percentage I will pay a small fee up front.

Please take in mind that if you take a percentage it will likely be higher then the fee you will charge.

You will be promoting a web event that take place on my site 2 times a month.

Thanks for your time.

Thanks for your bids.