Code Help (immediate)

Code Help (immediate)
Finnaly sorted most issues on my website but need help on code for a redirect.

On contact page is form to gather comments from visitors. On submit the info is sent to mail.php and screen returns blank to ‘”.

Need to add code so if there is an error the screen let’s the user know there was an error and returns them to the contact page OR if submit was successful let the visitor know the info was submitted successfuly and then returns them to the index page.

Need to complete within the next hour.

Simple Flash Game

Simple Flash Game
I need a simple casino flash game where the user must spin a wheel and can land on one field; each field does have a cash value and a mysql query needs to be done with the value where the user lands on.

It`s not a difficult game, but the game must be very professional designed and must run very smooth.

Only programmers that show me references of developed flash games or flash applications will be considered and provided with project details.

Adserver Development

Adserver Development
We need a Company that can build us a massive adserver that we can resell to our customers as a asp modell. Should be simular to other Top Adservrs with management of advertisers, campaigns, banners, adwords(google API), our course also reporting and billing. Please only bid if you can deliver high-performance scalable applications

Mod_h264 For Clipshare

Mod_h264 For Clipshare
I am using clipshare 4.1.5 and multiple server plugin. My site runs on 2 servers. Main server for the site and the second server for conversion and streaming.

There is a free mod for h264 conversion, which will convert to mp4 (with flv format) here

Unfortunately, this mod does not work with multiple server. I need somebody to customize this mod, so it works with multiple servers (mean 2,3,4, or more servers for conversions & streaming).


Magento Error Help

Magento Error Help
Does someone know how to fix this error on magento.
On checkout if someone registers on checkout they are getting this error message and can’t checkout:
“customer email already exists”.

It is impossible that the customer email already exists. I need this fixed tonight or tomorrow as soon as possible Thanks

Looking For Article Rewritter

Looking For Article Rewritter
Hey guys,

I am quite new to this website and looking to hire article rewritters. I would be interested in those who can rewrite articles in insurance filed.

As i am new and no one knows me so i have decided to pay for every couple of articles the choosen bidder will write for me. I will only through paypal or Moneybookers. I can pay through scriptlance but in later days.

Please make sure that you send a unique sample written/rewritten by you in insurance niche. As i don’t know any of you so i will not be able to choose you on behalf of your bidding style or ratings.

I need about 1000 articles to be rewritten. I will provide you with the links of article to be rewritten.

Happy Bidding

Commerce Website

Commerce Website
xt:commerce or os:commerce

An absolute and exclusive professional work has first priority. If your work doesn’t meet the requirements or you are not able to make a convertion like advertised – DON’T BID! Otherwise I won’t pay for your efforts – because my client won’t pay me.
Read the below requirements carefully, this will save a lot of time!
With bidding, you agree with my requirements and claims.

General Requirements:
1. You are not allowed to use the project as your reference, don’t pass links to our projects or give it to anyone under any circumstance. Our cooperation remains between us, noone from outside should know something about this.

2. After finishing and payment of the project, it passes into my ownership.

3. My company is a professional webdesign company in Austria, so I have professional clients and it’s very important that they will be satisfied to 100%. Because of this it will be necessary that you are working until everyone is completely satisfied, even if it requires repeated corrections.

4. Never contact the client directly.

5. valid invoice

6. You are not allowed to injure third-party rights.

Subject is a Website like for an airsoft dealer. Because of the site-topic it should be dark/gloomy (grey/black?).
! Need a professional header – imagination is a bunker in comic style (also need this bunker as vector grafic)

Of course high quality work, including
– Clean W3C Valid XHTML+CSS Coding (if possible – tell me)
– Hand coded markups
– Cross browser compatibility (IE6, IE7, Firefox, Opera and Safari)
– after-sale technical support
– seo semantic code
– optimized load speed
– flexible layout
– JTL WaWi Connection
– payment methods like paypal

Sincerely yours,
Mario Lengauer

>> Bidding time 1-2 DAYS so convince me fast, Completion should be within 10 days!

Psd Conversion To Xhtml / Css

Psd Conversion To Xhtml / Css
Hi, We are looking for an experienced developer to convert 6 layout screens to XHTML / CSS.

Must be a tableless layout, fully W3C Validated and Cross browser compatible.

We are looking for someone with previous conversion experience, and daily updates and consistent communication via IM is required.

Can provide jpeg screenshots via PMB if needed to place a competitive bid.

Questions? Ask via PMB. Thanks

Stair/rail Website Clone

Stair/rail Website Clone
I have 4 cd’s of content from original website. Need installed/designed for my version of same site. Original website owner has authorized me to do so. I just have to re-name my new site when completed. Would like to be able to add videos (quickly loading or instant, not slow and glitchy) or at least, links to videos. Also want seo blog on site or linked to site. I understand some of this tech stuff but not much, so counting on programmer to answer my dunb questions. So sorry for last posting expiring, but got very busy immediately after posting. How would I get 4 cd’s of content into a particular file?

Facebook Fanpage

Facebook Fanpage
I want a facebook fanpage you will need todo
Page layout
Something to keep members happy and comming and a fan forum.
And targeted I will tell you in pm what its targeting but its a celeb
I want the max fans for this page not sure how many that is I heard its 5k?

Please only bid if your good with facebook and can dev

Habbo Hotel For Facebook

Habbo Hotel For Facebook

I want make a little version like habbo hotel but in facebook application tell me how much and how long is going to be.! experience people only!

User can:
-Create Rooms
-Trade Furniture
-Buy Furniture on catalogue
-Talk With the Other User on the room
-Decorate their rooms
-Paint And put floor to their rooms
-Add friends
-Choose the clothes

Application need to have:
-More than 100 Stuff (including chair, tables, bar, friged etc can see catalogue of the real habbo)
-10 Diferents Pants (Diferent Colors)
-10 diferents Tshirt (Diferent Colors)
-10 Diferents Shoes (diferent Colors)
-5 Boy hair cut
-5 Girls Hair Cuts
-3 Color Skin
-Cinema Room
-Nigh Club Room
-Beach Room

-User Can Buy credits (in the admin panel i can search the user and put the credits)


some information is going to give to you more future

Ramon E.

Simple Embed Script

Simple Embed Script
Need a simple embed script. Users can ad page by submitting a title and the embed code for the media. Once

submitted, the page must first be approved by the administrator before actually being created. If approved, page

gets created and is now searchable from the site! The main key is that all the codes are different, they wont just

be youtube codes, but many many different sites – so the user needs to be able to just paste the code in and have

it work. Other scripts i’ve tried only let you use certain supported websites and are a major hastle to use for

the visitor. I need the user to simple be able to put a title and an embed code in and have a page created and now

searchable from the site.

User side:

Main Page:
The main page just needs to be the site logo, above a search box – Exactly like Google’s main page layout. There

just needs to be a link to the embed a video page. I’d also like some simple stats like: Number of pages created,

Number of new pages today. It would also be cool to show the top 20 viewed pages and maybe a search cloud. A

browse all pages by a-z page would be cool too, but not necessary if it’s difficult.

Ad Embeded Page – page that lets visitors put in an embed code , a title,

and a description for that page. If approved by admin, script creates a page with that embeded media on it. Page

creation/titles should be SEO friendly like A random number/letter

combination could be used somehow to prevent douplicate names being a problem. I need to be able to edit how the

page with the embeded media on it looks easily (edit/change advertisement codes etc). There should also be the

voting side of the “Does it work?” rating system on the page created. There should also be a “Flag this video as

dead” button which adds to the flagcount on the page in the manage existing pages admin panel. Should make it so

each IP can only flag or vote for a does it work on a page once every 24 hours.

I need users to be able to search all the created pages. Title and description should be searched. Additionally,

there needs to be a “does it work” voting system. Users can vote while watching the embeded content. Just a “Yes”

or “No” answer. Ex. if 6 people said “yes” and 4 people said “no” it would show as “Does it Work? 60% Said Yes”.

There also will be an image to the left of the results that when 50% or more people vote “yes” the image is one

color, and if 49% or less say “no” it is another color [a different image, the same just a different color].

Results also need to show views (How many times that page has been visited),flagcount, and the date added. Users

should be able to sort search results by title/date added/”does it work?” rating/flagcount.

Admin Side-
Need to be able to view all pages waiting to be approved, and view/edit/delete all existing pages.

Manage Existing Pages:
Organized in a table – All the links that exist. Should be able to sort by title, url, views,IP address of

submitter, date created, “does it work” rating, flagcount. Would be nice to have maybe 20 results per page and

checkboxes next to them with a “delete all checked pages” feature. Each result should also have a “delete” and

“edit” button to delete or edit them. Admin should be able to easily search through the pages and edit/delete


Managed Pending Pages:
Should be similar to the manage existing pages panel, but it shows the submitted pages waiting for approval. Admin

can select whichever they want, and select “approve selected pages” or “deny selected pages” [deletes entry].

If you can do this, bid now 🙂