Simple Site Needed

Simple Site Needed
I need a simple site as index.php that reflects the site

At the moment the index.php in the root folder is just a forward site and so it is difficult for search engines to get all the info.

What I need is a simple site (no backend needed), which looks like the site and can be edited by me.

I also need to be able to simply add all the infos a search engines needs to find my site.

If you have a better idea than a simple site I am open for suggestions.

Do NOT send references unless I ask!!!

Mlm Web Development Project

Mlm Web Development Project
MLM Web Development Project Flow System

1.Sponsor Bonus = 40.00 points
2.Pairing Bonus = 60.00 points (Pairing by Level)
3.Matching Bonus = 60.00 points (100% – Only 1 Level)

Auto maintain – RM200.00 (200BV – Debit Ewallet)
•5 level (unilevel) 10% for level 1 to level 5

Paid Out (Weekly)
•Minimum Withdrawal = 250.00 points
•Maximum Withdrawal = 600.00 points
•Flushing After Withdrawal
•Cooling off 7 day after completed to sponsor 3 members to qualified 3 bonus


1.When (You) join 1 lot u have to sponsor 3 members to qualified 3 bonus

ii)Matching (100%) 1 level
iii)Pairing by level infinity

Changes To Php Script And Form

Changes To Php Script And Form
I want the following changes made to this form and the associated script processing.

– In the Delivery Date: drop down, make the 12th go away (or not be selectable) as of 12:00 noon EST on 12/11/2010 and make the 13th go away as of 12:00 noon EST on 12/12/2010

– Make these fields not required (they currently are):
“Any Special Instructions:” “Your E-mail” “On-site Contact” “On-site Phone” “Message for card” “Delivery Location”

– Remove these fields from the form and from script processing (i.e. required fields, data sent in emails and to db, java script…):
in the top part of the form drop “Your Address” and “City”

– Under these two fields, “On Site Contact:” “On Site Phone:” add this: “same as above [ ]” it is a check box option, if checked it pulls the data entered above into these fields

– In the “Delivery Time Frame:” field, make the 8:00 am to noon option not appear if they select the 13th or 14th for Delivery Date:, drop the 2 hour option and make the 1 hour option $15.

– Make the “Time Frame, Between:” drop downs show all the time not just for the 1 hour option in “Delivery Time Frame:” (like it does now)

– Above the “Message for card” text box add this drop down list of standard messages.
• Happy Valentine’s Day – I love you [default]
• You are the light of my life
• Let me call you sweetheart
• Heart of my heart, I love you
• Add your own message
Make these appear only if they select the $100 order. Make the text box appear only if they select “add your own message”.

– Add “COD” payment radio button, It will work like the “check” radio button, but if selected show this text (in place of the check info text), “COD orders must be paid in cash or by check on delivery of the Singing Valentine.”.

Also add a printer friendly link and page in the admin area, see attached file.

Website Template Installatio 2

Website Template Installatio 2
The project requires a template to be integrated to an RPG game engine.

The games testing site is

The game runs on a MCCODE engine.

The template which is to be integrated is located here –

Please note that this template is going to be converted from a flash template to a standard NON flash HTML template for easier integration by the template company.

The design is required to be integrated to the engine. Pages that require the edit will be login.php / register.php / smenu.php / mainmenu.php / header.php. All other site content runs through these files.

Access will be given to the accepted bidder. (cPANEL) if required.

The integration will be required to ensure that the site is cross browser compatible with Internet Explorer 7+ / Firefox / Google Chrome.

Flavicons Needed

Flavicons Needed
Need 4 flavicons. (Downloads along with Htlm code)

1. Need The Letter M. Prefer animated and in color, blue.
2. Need An Flavicon Made From An Image I already Have.
3. Need A Smilie Face Prefer animated with different smiles.
4. Need A Clock image, non animated, with vintage style.

will be placed in blogger (blogspot)
wordpress blogs.

PMB is a must

Desire a quick turnover. And would love to “see” your ideas.

REASONABLE RATES are requested.

Programming Project 1263064064

Programming Project 1263064064
Hi please take a look at

it is a social news website based on a joomla component called TPDUGG

two things are needed

1 if you check the discribtion in the source html of the page you will find that is the general discribtion of the website not the discribtion of the specific news … iy seemd the component does not read the meta discribtion, i will need a solution for this TO MAKE THE COMPONENT READ META DISCIBTIONS OF EVERY NEWS SENT BY A USER

2 i would like a hack that makes this url :
as short as posiible … removing data like “com_tpdugg” ans so on

best of luck

Business Development/ Project

Business Development/ Project
I have spent over 3years in studying human development and success on a project tagged Anatomy of Life. Base on this project I was able to write a manuscript which I intend to publish as a book. This book is collection crucial information for personal development. I have just signed a contract with Thomas Nelson via their Westbow Press division which worth about $6,500. The contract is; they will publish the book, advertise, sell and deliver my royalties to me. So I see it as a wonderful idea and opportunity to have an effective process.

Since I am a Nigerian and I live in Nigeria. I need a Business or Financial institution/Firm that will manage my finance for me. This will be in term of partnership. I will explain my business plan if I get a sincere and reliable firm.

Innocent Obialor

Contact Ebay Sellers 25 Leads

Contact Ebay Sellers 25 Leads

This is a very simple project but please read all information carefully before you decide to bid on this project.

You need to contact eBay sellers and provide me 25 email addresses and ebay user names of those who are interested in earning residual income by selling my product.

About my product: I can’t you much information other then a seller can earn residual income by selling this product…so I don’t see a reason why seller will not be interested to learn more.

Below is the process how it works:

1. Contact ebay sellers with the message I provide you

2. Forward me their reply message which eBay send you to your email address. If their message showing interest to learn more and include email address then it consider as lead.

Please bid on this project for 25 eBay seller leads.

The payment will be deposited in to escrow account and released upon completion of project. The project need to be completed within 7 days of selection.

Let me know with any questions.

Vbulletin Mod (forum Filter)

Vbulletin Mod (forum Filter)
We need someone to develop a custom mod for vBulletin that lets us tag forums in the vBulletin control panel. For example, if we had a forum for every model of computer, we could tag a forum with three variables:

Type of Computer: (Desktop, Laptop, Netbook, etc)
Manufacturer: (Dell, HP, Apple, Lenovo, etc)
Model of Computer: (big list of specific computer models)

When users come to the forum homepage of our site, they will be able to choose from three dropdowns (or use a search box) to filter the forums. For example, they could select “Desktop” and leave the other dropdowns blank and you would see the forums for all desktop computers; they could select Laptop / HP and see all forums for HP Laptops. Or they could just use the search box to search of a specific tag and only show the forums that match that tag.

Their most recent selections/search should be saved as a cookie so it is remembered when they return to the forum homepage.

I need and want a vBulletin expert so in your response, please include samples of vBulletin work that you’ve done.

Zencart Bug Fixing For Enayet

Zencart Bug Fixing For Enayet
—- Projet for Enayet —-

Need bug fixing for my ZenCart website due to movement to a new dedicated server. Before all website was working, know bugs are:

1) internal search engine doesn’t work. Selectioning the categories has no effect and custimizing is lost.
2) data import tool does not work
3)SEO module doesn’t work
4)Template require some css adjustment to be as was before.

Ptc Modification

Ptc Modification
Hi. I have licensed gen3 v1.4 script.

Need some modifications on some pages.

1-) Renting Refferals Page will be modified. The page will be 1 minute active and will be shown clickable packs like Neobux. ( 3,5,10,20,50,100,200,300) 200 & 300 will be shown for upgraded members. Every packs coming from different pool, not common.

When a user click a pack and if no exist anymore, will be a message & the page will show only avaiable packs. No need graphical design. Classic submit buttons will be ok.

2-) cookie settings. I need to setup to 7 days.

Rate My Friend Site 2

Rate My Friend Site 2

i need a site to rate people.

How it works?

Here is a demo of a german site:

1.) A person come to a site and fill out the form (Name, email adress, girl/boy, birthsday, upload a pic).
2.) After that he become a email with a link to confirm the regestration. (that function must be enable and disable)
3.) after the regestration she become a own lin like:
4.) on there link are some question with the answer in a dorpdown menu. the question i can defin in the admin panel. under the photo is a short comment file.
5.) if a user rate the person and sent it… the person will be come a email with the result and the person who has rate he will linked to a rigestration page.

I hope you understand me 😉

Please understand to make a design a little bit like that:

Website Revamp Needed

Website Revamp Needed

We have a website that is in wordpress that we need alterations. These are mainly shifting things around, new navigation etc.

The first page is to have a flash banner at the top of the page but the other pages will have a secondary navigation without the flash banner and all be the same in terms of layout.

I can provide sketches of what we are expecting and what we would like.

It must stay in WordPress and bring all the current content over.
