New Domain/hosting/ssl

New Domain/hosting/ssl
Have a current website that I need a new domain and hosting for. I do not need a new website designed or re-designed, but simply need the database backed up and restored to the new domain and hosting. Although, if you are a great designer and can make our site more attractive for more sales, we might consider a re-design. I will also need an SSL for the site. But for now, we need the current site on a new URL/new hosting/new SSL. I will pay more to have this done quick.

Shopping Cart Enhancement

Shopping Cart Enhancement
I have a pizzeria website with online ordering however I want someone to enhance the online ordering environment. I want the following to be included
1. Convert the javascript only ordering to php/mysql.
2. include an add/remove/update feature to the cart.
3. Integrate online payment gateway.(will be provided later.)
4. create an a coupon system where by I could make different combination items.(examples can be provided)
5. send the ordered item to the company email and fax number.
and other minor enhancement that could make the online ordering easy for customer.
you could checkout the website:
feel free to ask any questions; Time and quality work is very essential here.


Fix Two Bugs

Fix Two Bugs

Another coder disappeared off the face of the earth and left us with two things that need fixing.

On a website similar to – the voting mechanism was working, now it’s not.

Also, we have a feature that allows users to upload an image, but it makes the image squish to be a square and I need it so the aspect ratio / proportions are kept the same.

Clone A Commerce Site

Clone A Commerce Site
I need someone to clone the following website –

Please see attachment for number of pages and layout. We can use this to further refine the requirements and identify what pages we don’t want and what sections we would like to change.

Also, dotnetnuke as been recommended as the technology to use for this.
Please provide an estimate of how much this job would cost and what technologies will be used.

In addition, once the site is complete, there should be some training involved so I may maintain the site going forward. As for additional projects, I have 2 more projects in addition to this one but dependent on this one. If the job is completed above my expectations, there is potential for additional work in building out the entire business model online.

Seo Link Building Project One

Seo Link Building Project One
I need 100 links from PR3 or better pages. ( California Real Estate Industry – PM for link) The page itself must be PR3 or better, not only the site. The link must be in the main content area of the site. All white hat techniques must be followed.

Link building Requirements:

1. The page our link is actually on must have a page rank 3 or higher
2. links must contain relevant content
3. The link page must be included in the Google index
4. No links from websites with a Google penalty
5. links must contain our keywords as a text hyperlink
6. links must be completely different class C IP addresses
7. links must be on English language sites
8. The page where link is placed should be 1 clicks or less from the site’s homepage
9. No more than 20 links on the page where link is placed
10. All links must be permanent crawlable links in HTML: they cannot include a nofollow tag, be excluded by a robots.txt file or hidden in javascript, meta or redirect scripts
11. No link exchange programs or web rings such as,, etc.
12. links cannot be from porn, casino, blacklisted websites or submitted to search engines.
13. No paid site links
14. No link schemes or link farms or FFAs
15. links cannot be placed on flash sites, article websites, forums, guest books, directories, social bookmarks or classified ads
16. No links to be made using spam or black/gray tactics
17. Blog linking in related topical bogs is acceptable. The blog must have at least one unpaid link for every paid link and meets all other requirements

Please send a plan for approval before placing links. A link report is required – links must be shown on website following the above list before payment.

Failure to follow this list in any part will result in non-payment.

I Need 14 Articles Written

I Need 14 Articles Written
I need 14 articles written for the penis enlargement niche. I will provide all of the headlines and i will need 14 UNIQUE articles that give a brief understanding of the problem outlined in the title. (i will be giving you an example of what im looking for) I would prefer someone who has experience in this niche. (however, if you do not have experience, i will expect some research so the articles will be top notch) I will be submitting all of these articles through as well as many other similar websites.

All Articles must be over 400 words.

I only want someone who is fluent in english. Also MUST have experience writing articles.

Must be able to contact me at least 1-2 times a day.

I will be submitting the articles myself as well as writing my own signature box’s. All articles MUST pass ezine articles or they will need to be rewritten.

Thanks -Matt

Article Published In News Site

Article Published In News Site
We have regular work for someone who has inside contacts with an online journalist, editor, or newspaper anywhere in the world.

Can be small countries, 3rd world countries, doesn’t really matter.

The jobs requires getting small articles published in ONLINE media with a small photo.

( NOTE: None of the articles we provide are political or critical in any way. All facts we provide are verifiable too.)


(1) Must appear as an ONLINE article on the website of a REAL Publication.

By REAL, we mean fairly respectable news website with an actual history of being a news website. Newspaper, Journal, Trade Journal, Magazine etc….

We ARE NOT interested in Blogs, DIGG etc..

(2) The actual link to the online article must be PERMENANT.

(3) English language Publications are preferred but not esential if you are prepared to translate it to your language.

If you know journalists on the inside, we have good work for you.

* DO NOT Bid over budget

* DO NOT bid without providing us information of the website where you intend to get our article published.

This is not a “Press Release” Job. We pay PER article published.

Do NOT bid unless you can get an article published in a website right NOW.

This job will be with ESCROW. Job is paid on completion.

Template Cutting Project Pdf

Template Cutting Project Pdf
I have a template that I have designed that would like you to cut for me following some very specific directions

1. I want the template to be a php template
2. I want the template to be split into a header.php, body.php, footer.php
3. I want the header.php to have two parts to it top.php and buttons.php
4. I want the buttons to have a roll over effect
5. I want space in the body.php to be a place for html text that has a scroll bar on the side and fixed left to right.
6. I want the template to have a maximum width of 780px
7. I want the background image to be as shown
8. I want the template centered on the webpage
9. I want to be able to change the image at the back of the logo
10. Area outside the 780px has the same color as the inside of the content area

header.php has two files top.php and buttons.php

top.php has the following:
all items above the buttons

just has the buttons
make the roll over effect nice

has the content holder with scroll bars up and down and fixed left to right

I have attached a copy of a sample blank jpg template that you will use, i will provide a better resolution layered pdf

Note: For cutting i will provide you a better graphic
Note: For cutting I will provide you a better graphic