Website Backend Coding

Website Backend Coding
I will provide the graphics and the server. I need someone to build the site.

Scope: I need a secure login for members only. Members need to be able to pay their dues online and set up autopay. I need a forum feed where people can make comments on a live forum feed on the home page and have access to older posts. I’ll need every member to be able to set their username and update their personal contact info and change their username. I’d also like this to be made in a PHP or some other protocol where the admin can edit online like a wysiwyg site. Open to suggestions.

I’ve attached a sample of the site to be built.

Dynamic Mysql Web Application

Dynamic Mysql Web Application
1st: project to be delivred within 5 days, if you can’t respect the delay please don’t bid.

take a look at
For now i do it manually with Dreamweaver, i need it Dynamic

I need a dynamic and esay application to upload pictures to a page of my website (resize and frame the picture)and choose from a list some field that will be added near the picture simply by filling them, empty fields wont show on the front end.

when a proprety is sold, i will check the case in the Admin panel and a ‘sold’ tag will show on the picture also checked fields will hide from the front end. picture must be linked to a Diaporama that you have to add.

I need a independant admin panel and controle panel: see attached.
It has to work for 2 languages simultanly, because Website is gonna become bilingual soon. Fench English, you don’t have to know french.

I should be able to program the position of each property and add separator with or without text easely..

I alreday have the ‘Vendu’ tag = Sold but in english you have to do it with photoshop etc..

Check the attached files and images you will get better comprehension

Automated Adult Video Site

Automated Adult Video Site
I require an automated adult video site. It should automatically grab all recently uploaded videos from popular adult video sites (exact list given to winning bidder). There must be different layouts provided with the script which should be changeable through an admin backend (links to existing layouts given to winning bidder).
The videos must be automatically categorized in different categories (On is a video which is categorized in ‘Kissing’ and ‘Lesbians’. When the video is grabbed it should be automatically categorized in ‘Somevideosite’, ‘Kissing’, and ‘Lesbians’).

Php Form Similar To Psd2html

Php Form Similar To Psd2html
I have a few sites and need a psd to html type of form for customers. One part of the script should be on all sites with different configurations within each site. The input will be coming from these “dummy domains” posted to my master site. The master site will need some sort of security key that should be the md5 of the dummy site’s ip submitted via hidden input field and checked via ref on the master and compared to actual ip to prevent hackers of submitting, this is very important i will explain further via private chat.

It should also grab the default values like price, options, and timeframe in hours for each possible input selection, from a file or from a simple template on my master site so if i change pricing per any form input types it reflects on all my dummy sites. Script will require collapsing fields depending on user selections so java will be required and attachments and such and will work similar to psd2html but with more values for other options. It would be nice to have a upload progressbar/timer also and that uploads attachments to master site without needing to submit the form. Using cron we can clear uploads if submission is never completed.

The html part of the form is already coded but again javascript/ajax will have to be implemented to hide some boxes and calculate pricing and time total in days+hours it will take depending on options selected.

Script will have to bring user back to the site he was from after paypal payment (paypal ipn). Script will have to send out mail to 3 emails one set from the dummy site’s config with some details after paypal payment is confirmed via ipn or the api very important to be after, one to the master site email with all details about download location, submitted info, etc. This doesn’t have to be after paypal checkout. I still have to have something on master site telling me if the payment went through, maybe in the end of the txt summary or what ever see below. One will be sent to client naturally after payment has been received confirming order with other details.

The attachments will have to be put in a different specific folder for each different dummy domain on the master site and attached will be a txt summary of all what was submitted also of all the inputted details, in case the email ever fails. Each submission should create a new auto incrementing folder also in the proprietary folder and file names of attachments should have a prefix for each file submit field they were submitted from. Please reply with i’m not generic in first sentence of you bid on project so i know who i’m working with.


Quick Php Website 3

Quick Php Website 3
5-8 page php website, very clean and good design, cms for management of a few of the pages, site is basically a lot of content and some photos to be managed via cms,

restrict access to site to users only that i control via cms, no sign up required, the admin will create and manage all of the users that have access to site, so no sign up etc


will show a few examples to help you, but also depend heavily on your design skills to make it looks great, thanks!

Url Rotator Needed

Url Rotator Needed
I need a url rotator script with all of the same functions as I bought a rotator script but it will not work. I need it to have the public stats for each rotator. Again, the best way to describe what I need is to say I need a clone of I hope somebody can do this pretty quick. Thanks

Typo3 Web Site

Typo3 Web Site
I need a template for TYPO3.
I want it same as
I am going to make pages after template ready.
here is the job:

-making template for TYPO3
-uploading it to our typo3 server
– a few pages for testing menu.
– two language modul.

I dont have too much money for this project.
It wont take too much time, i think.

Convert Prado Site To Php

Convert Prado Site To Php
I have a site that was built using Prado as a base, however it requires a lot of redundant files and code, because the site is fairly simple. I believe the site can easily be converted to not be dependent on the Prado framework, and this would speed up the site, and cut down on the filesize for the files it frequently accesses.

It will be easier to just hard code URLs, for example the site currently uses a constructURL function everytime it has to make a link. I have replaced some of these functions. This should be a fairly simple project, the number of files you will have to edit is around 50 or so.

A link to the site can be found in the PMB.

Psd To WordPress (adv)

Psd To WordPress (adv)

I have a VERY EXTREME wordpress design that needs to be done. I’m attaching screen shots..

The homepage is different then the rest of the pages, but I want the site to be static.

The homepage the navigation will be on all pages and is just whatever coding you want, however, below the navigation is a flash piece so I need a place to add the flash element, under that is the footer that will be spread apart on ALL pages.

The rest of the site is regular wordpress.

$200 is my max bid with a $100 bonus and $50.00/month for pages for this wordpress I will need developed.


– Please respond back, and put “5days” at the top of your bid/post to me so I know you read it.

I need the country drop down to work, with the arrow pointing down when its clicked on.
These don’t need to work, but I will talk about it with u.


Page: homepage_lg:
I need the drop down for languages to work with a good translator plugin installed


Page: homepage_Nav:
I need the navigation to be in that type of font where I can change, and add, I also need it
to have a transparent background with those colums.


Page: homepage_sc:
I need the login to drop down and be working but not go anywhere (so I can type stuff in but
in reality its broken, need arrow to point down when selected)

As for shopping cart Just make it a link to #.

Also, make search function working.


Page: ProductinfoPage
I need it to have breadcrumbs at the top over the banner, but have iton TOP of the image and just words
also, need to be able to replace image.

I need to be able to add all those products as well as click here to learn more which will go to
the product page.

Need the left nav working as well and able to add more, need it to highlight like that and stay
selected when onthat page, need footer working


Page: Sportspage

This is the product page for all the products on productinfopage
I need the enlarge image to work so I can select he image and blow up the picture
Need that little mini image up top with bread crumbs above it
Need a print page button working
Need to be able to edit the colums, navs, ect.
As for the add to cart, just make a spot for that so I can add the QTY, our javca guy
will code the rest
Make the product FAQ, Product Video, Product flier just pop up in a lighthouse javascript or something



Thanks and happy working with you

Of course,a bonus of $100.00 will be paid

German Articles And Blogs

German Articles And Blogs
Please let me know if you can write fresh articles based on tourism in German laguage.
We need 50-75 articles which are 500-550 worded and we need around 150 blogs each 450-500 german words.
This is a long term project.
I’ll Pay Good And High Payment.
I need to check
1St day Work:
60 to 80 pieces.
12 articles and 4 blogs for each article.
48+12 = 60 pieces.
Best Of Luck!!!

Fix My Paypal Ipn Script

Fix My Paypal Ipn Script
One month ago, my paypal.cgi script suddenly stopped working – this is a 1-3 line fix and could be done quickly by anyone. My guess is that Paypal changed something in their API on the call-back.

I will provide FTP access to the paypal.cgi script.

Payments will be made as follows:

20% up-front via Paypal
80% upon project completion

Thank you