Web Developer For Fixes

Web Developer For Fixes

I need someone to work on many small items and bug fixes if need to be. I need someone reliable, I want to built a long term relationship. My goal is to provide any work to the same person. I do not like having different people working on the site. It can get very messy. I’m technical person, so be aware that I will be able to judge the quality of your work or either unneccesary work done. If you have a problem with this… do not apply.. also I’m a woman..
I do not want to deal with machos types…

Please do not apply for this job if I can not rely on you because you have too much work.

I want a programmer not a designer, PHP, MySQL, javascript and OScommerce
is a must.

Please take a look at the site before you commit..

This is not a full time job but I need someone who can take care
Adding links
Removing links
Adding Users rights
Adding phone
integrating credit card module
Changing Global Parameters
Adding funcionality… not sure now

Drupal Module Help (cck)

Drupal Module Help (cck)
I’m building a new Web site using Drupal 6.15. I am just learning the CMS, but so far it’s very straightforward.

However, I need the added functionality from the Content Construction Kit (CCK) module. The read me file instructs one to copy all of the files in a new cck directory within the sites/all/modules directory. I did.

Then it says to login, go to the Admin area and enable the cck modules. I can see them all just fine, and I enabled the Content Module and associated Field Type Modules.

But when I tried to save/update, I got this message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function content_field_instance_read() in /home/content/c/r/y/mysite/html/modules/cck/content.module on line 1476

I need to get this troubleshooted asap. While this is likely a quick and easy project for a Drupal specialist, it could be the start of ongoing work from me around Drupal development.

Fix Joomla License Error I G 2

Fix Joomla License Error I G 2
One of my client’s websites www.laserelect.com that’s on a very custom high end Joomla platform and hosted by bluehost.com is NOT allowing anyone to edit or get accesss to the 98 web pages thru Joomla’s front end as of last 24 hours for some retarded reason.

I’m sure it’s some 20 minute fix from someone.

We can logon/off Joomla website fine, all web pages are online no problem there, I can get to any page no problem, but once I click on the upper right hand corner edit page icon for Joomla I get this error message on EVERY page on the website and won’t allow me to edit pages now.

Gray window pops up labeled “Message from Webpage”
Yellow triangle with exclamation point graphic that says next to it “License Error: (4) license expired! (see screenshot of this exact error message)

Makes no sense since it’s been running perfect for almost 2 1/2 months straight with zero problems and never seen any error messages.

Contacted two engineers from hosting company here is what they told me. “Your permissions are probably the cause of this:
they should be: folders = 755, and files = 644.”

“This is not a server issue. Your getting a license error probably
because your using a non standard plugin for editing. Make sure
that your using the Tiny MCE module for editing and check that
you don’t have any third party or custom editing modules installed
that may require a license.”

I have my client very high in SERPS and Alexa top 425K in the world. So I need someone that is a Joomla guru and can tell me BEFORE I give you bid what this issue is and how exactly they will fix it quick. I don’t touch anything programming/coding wise. I just want to make damn sure your not like every 3rd world country idiot that blindly bids on projects they have no idea how to do.



Also you must have Yahoo chat and Skype.

Shopping Dot Com Api Expert

Shopping Dot Com Api Expert

Please note this project is only for programmers that have had experience with the shopping.com api


We are trying to return all products within a category.

we are using


Can you please help us with the following?

1. Can we get all the pages or will they go back to page 1 part way through as the docs say
2. We keep encountering the following every so often Error => ‘Shopping.com Search Engine currently unavailable. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact your Shopping.com representative.’
3. Paging keeps reverting back to 5
4. Are price comparisons just “offers”
5. Where can we get product ids? (Can only see offer ids in the structure returned)

Please bid if you know how to help us.



Swoggi/swoopo Clone Script

Swoggi/swoopo Clone Script
Dear Coders,

We are looking for a ready made clone of swoggi.fr which probaly uses the swoopo script. Your script must be completely functional, stable and configurable. We are looking for the same kind of design and features as swoggi.fr although with different colors. Code must be open for future modifications as we would like to add shopping cart/eCommerce functionality later and extra payment options by phone and sms. Site needs to be in french and we can offer the necessary translations.
Please only bid on this project if you are 100% sure you can deliver what we request.

– Fully working script
– Powerful built-in CMS
– Free bids for customers who recommend friends (bids to be awarded on friend sign up)
– A coupon code section to receive free credits by signup (can only be used once by customer at signup)
– The bid robot system – the ability for users to ‘book their bids’and for admin to view booked bid robots
– The ability for members to login, update their account, purchase more bids and pay for their won auctions.
– Add, edit, delete and clone auctions.
– Max end time option for auctions so once max time is reached more bids do not increase end time of auction
– View, edit, add, delete and suspend users and IP’s.
– Manage the website categories, add, edit and delete new categories, which can be unlimited levels deep.
– View users bidding history, purchased bid packages, add free bids to the user and refund bids for the user.
– Multiple security features
– Full rewards system
– Ease of changing template design/banner
– Communication integration (newsletters/Contact forms and etc..)

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Bruno P.

Reverse Classifeds Site

Reverse Classifeds Site
We require bids from developers who can develop a classified type site – that works in the opposite way to a traditional classified site.

– The BUYER will be the persons who post WANTED ADs, in which they make clear – what they are specifically looking for and their $ budget.
– SELLERS who have what is needed can then respond with pictures and costs.
– The BUYER then reviews each SELLERs response and makes contact directly.
– They can negotiate confidentially online through a Personal Message Board.
In this scenario, BUYERS would pay a fee to post a WANTED AD.

The site must also have an ADMIN area for us to manage users, fees, etc.

It would be helpful if there is already a ready made script for this type of site – and then all we will need is to customise the look & feel with a professional and clean style. If your bid is include a pre-built script please indicate accordingly.

Osc – Change To Dropdown Menu

Osc – Change To Dropdown Menu
Project description
OSCommerce website
The display of existing dropdown menus (left column and at head of page) to be edited to also show individual products that do not belong to a category or subcategory/.

Current displays as applicable:
category > sub-category

Future required display as applicable:
category (already exists)
category > sub-category > (already exists)
individual product

Note: The existing site is working well. It must be ensured that changes made will not harm or change or negatively affect the well-functioning of the existing website.

Adult Embed Grabber

Adult Embed Grabber
I need someone to create an application which can automatically pull the embed code from all the new videos on xvideos xtube, empflix, tnaflix, keezmovies and post them to my website(it is a xxxmediascript, please make sure you are familiar with it). It would make sense if it ran an update every hour or so and posted all the videos to my website. I need this to be automatic so as long as the application is running it will pull the video, title, tags, and description and then add them to mine. I don’t need it to download the videos just yet, but just embed them.

Like I said earlier I want it to pull the latest videos added to these websites. The application also needs to be able to not double post.

Again I am using a script which can be seen at mediaxxxscript.com

Gumtree Ad Submission Service

Gumtree Ad Submission Service
Project Brief

– The purpose of this online service is to keep ads on top of the Gumtree listings and stay within the Gumtree rules at http://brighton.gumtree.com/help/posting_rules

– The online service allows subscribers to automatically resubmit their ads on www.gumtree.com in any of Gumtree’s supported countries and cities

– The online service will download an existing ad or several ads (selected by Gumtree reference number) and store it in a database ready for resubmission.

– When resubmitting using the service, the following happens:
– The subscriber chooses the ad in the database (Premium subscribers only)
– The selected ad(s) are deleted (manual or scheduled) from Gumtree
– A new, identical ad with a new Gumtree reference number is created
– That ad is stored in the database, ready for the next resubmission
– The service thus ensures that ads are not duplicated

– Non-paying subscribers:
– Only allowed one ad
– Need to manually log to do their ad resubmission
– Can only resubmit an ad once every 2 days

– Standard paying subscribers:
– Only allowed one ad
– Can specify what time of day their ad is resubmitted
– Choose what date the ad is resubmitted for the first time
– Choose what date the ad is resubmitted for the last time
– Only allowed one ad resubmission a day

– Premium paying subscribers:
– Allowed unlimited ads
– Can specify 10 different times per day their chosen ad is resubmitted
– Choose what date their chosen ad is resubmitted for the first time
– Choose what date their chosen ad is resubmitted for the last time
– Allowed 10 resubmissions per day per ad

– Non-paying subscribers can be flagged by a system adminstrator:
– The flag has 3 states:
– Non paying subscriber (default)
– Standard subscriber (with expiry date)
– Premium subscriber (with expiry date)
– On expiry, the subscriber is reverted back to non-paying status
– The subscriber’s timezone is used, so expiry happens at their 0:00

– Recurring payments to subscribe to this service need to be taken monthly automatically via PayPal after subscription.

– User defined subscription fees for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year.

– This service will need ongoing support and modifications as Gumtree makes changes to their website. This is to be quoted separately to this project.

– A downloadable log of all user activity is created. A new log is created on the first of each month.

– All intellectual property and code becomes the ownership of Human Touch I.T. and is to be made available to Human Touch I.T. on final payment.

Joomla Template Modification2

Joomla Template Modification2
We bought a joomla template that has to be modified.
The new design will be delivered in a Photoshop file.

The original template looks like this:

The NEW template should look like this:

2. A guestbook module and a photo gallery module need to be set up.
3. A feedback form needs to be set up which has 20 fieldnames.
4. frontend administration has to be set up for the German language.

Template and PSD file will be provided.

Article Writer (bulk Project)

Article Writer (bulk Project)
Needed 4 writers in urgent basis.

I want 10 articles everyday for atleast 3 years. May be you are not a native writer but your English should be very easy to understand, flawless and most important grammatically correct.

My rate is $1 per 500 words, $1.20 per 600 words. For the first 10 articles I will pay instantly to build trust after that I will pay every Tuesday & Friday through PayPal only.

Your article must pass CopyScape. As CopyScape is a paid service you will check your articles on Viper Plagiarism Detector (Free to download and register). I want 0% plagiarism there (not even 1%).

I000 Automobilesite Backlinks

I000 Automobilesite Backlinks
I am looking for 1000 PR2 – 5 links to generate traffic for my Joomla site. I am also open to other ideas white hat ideas for generating daily traffic. Current Page Ranks is 0.

For this project – 1,000 quality links built over the course of up to 3 months. The links must be unique, on PR2+ pages, and be obtained via white hat methods. Target is (Automobile*Air*Conditioning). Goal is to be on first page of Google.

1. Must be guaranteed live for 90 days, or you replace for free
2. Must be as relevant as Possible to key words
3. Must Be “Do Follow”
4. Must have unique description content (can be Comment links, Page Rank Must be the page Link is placed on. No simple, Anchor Text links allowed
5. Must not be on a re-direct, frame or bad neighborhood
6. No more than 20 out-bound links on page
7. Must not be a classified ad page or job posting page
8. No footer links, not anchor text links without description content

After winning, we will provide you with anchor text for the links that you should use (they will vary across a handful of anchor text/urls mostly deeplink).

I will need an excel spreadsheet with the link text, the url the link appears on, and the PR of that page.

The links must conform to the following:
1. One way DOFOLLOW non-reciprocal, static links only, English language-based, no link exchanges.
2. All links must be permanent from individual related website.
3. No sites banned by google or sites under Construction).
4. Link page must have a recent Google & Yahoo cache.
5. Must be manually submitted, No more than 25 outbound links per page.
6. No link farms, link-exchange programs,
forums, Google banned site, black hat website, porn, political or religious sites.
7. No Submitting by Automated software.
8. All links must be from a different domain and IP address (different class-c IP address block).
9. links must be submitted on a staggered basis over (at least a) one month period to avoid any penalties.
10. No blacklisted or spam sites.
11. links must contain target anchor text and link to a given page.
12. All links must be indexable by Google.
13. links must be on a PAGE with a Google PR of the desired PR2+ value, not just the sites main page.

Upon receiving the excel file that contains information for all the links, we will verify the majority of the links, checking that they conform with our specifications. If they check out, payment will be made to your scriptlance account.

If you do good work, there will definitely be more opportunities for repeat projects and work on other sites.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing your bids!

The PM for Site details.

Link Building For Traffic

Link Building For Traffic
I am looking for 1000 PR2 – 5 links to generate traffic for my Joomla site. I am also open to other ideas white hat ideas for generating daily traffic. Current Page Ranks is 3.

For this project – 1,000 quality links built over the course of up to 3 months. The links must be unique, on PR2+ pages, and be obtained via white hat methods. Target is (Private*Jet*Charters). Goal is to be on first page of Google.

1. Must be guaranteed live for 90 days, or you replace for free
2. Must be as relevant as Possible to key words
3. Must Be “Do Follow”
4. Must have unique description content (can be Comment links, Page Rank Must be the page Link is placed on. No simple, Anchor Text links allowed
5. Must not be on a re-direct, frame or bad neighborhood
6. No more than 20 out-bound links on page
7. Must not be a classified ad page or job posting page
8. No footer links, not anchor text links without description content

After winning, we will provide you with anchor text for the links that you should use (they will vary across a handful of anchor text/urls mostly deeplink).

I will need an excel spreadsheet with the link text, the url the link appears on, and the PR of that page.

The links must conform to the following:
1. One way DOFOLLOW non-reciprocal, static links only, English language-based, no link exchanges.
2. All links must be permanent from individual related website.
3. No sites banned by google or sites under Construction).
4. Link page must have a recent Google & Yahoo cache.
5. Must be manually submitted, No more than 25 outbound links per page.
6. No link farms, link-exchange programs,
forums, Google banned site, black hat website, porn, political or religious sites.
7. No Submitting by Automated software.
8. All links must be from a different domain and IP address (different class-c IP address block).
9. links must be submitted on a staggered basis over (at least a) one month period to avoid any penalties.
10. No blacklisted or spam sites.
11. links must contain target anchor text and link to a given page.
12. All links must be indexable by Google.
13. links must be on a PAGE with a Google PR of the desired PR2+ value, not just the sites main page.

Upon receiving the excel file that contains information for all the links, we will verify the majority of the links, checking that they conform with our specifications. If they check out, payment will be made to your scriptlance account.

If you do good work, there will definitely be more opportunities for repeat projects and work on other sites.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing your bids!

The PM for Site details.