Text To Mysql Database

Text To Mysql Database
1) I need a script that will convert a text formatted databe with ten fields into a document (xml?) that can be imported into a mysql database.

2) I need instructions how to call this mysql data and format it into a joomla site’s (php based) web page when a web user clicks on a search result on my site.

The text is formatted and called pgn (*.pgn file). It is a database format used to store chess games. There are perl scripts on the net that parse pgn. I need instructions on how set up the script to use it with my pgn data.

Joomla Submit Photos

Joomla Submit Photos
I am using PhocaGallery and need a module where logged-in users can submit photos for the admin’s approval.

The user will select a category (from PhocaGallery’s categories)and upload up to 10 images (size restricted or resized) and then send to admin.

Admin will be emailed with link to view a page of uploaded thumbnails. Admin will check the box by thumbnail of those not accepted and then enter to bulk accept the rest which will automatically go in the chosen categories.

User will be emailed of approval or not.

Online Writers Needed

Online Writers Needed
Immediate work needed for excellent online article writers to write articles for 4 mos. Several people may work on this project together, if necessary to complete work.

-LOTS of articles needed: $1 per 400 words. Price is fixed: Please do not try to negotiate anything else. If you don’t want to follow it, then don’t bid.

-You MUST be able to create HIGH quality writing: must have a proper, EXCELLENT command of U.S. English along with grammar and style (proper punctuation, proper spelling, etc).
-SEO knowledge is highly recommended.

-I want articles that do not require a single edit from me.
*You must include a min. 200 word writing sample

-Must pass copyscape (no plagiarism)

-Topics vary and will need to be researched through a search engine

-I will hold each article’s exclusive rights

A 4 Articles Need Writing For

A 4 Articles Need Writing For
I need someone experienced and well versed to write a total of 4 original articles.

First job: 1- 250 character limit article. 2- 400 word article for website: www.funny-videos-of-people-falling.com

Second: 1- 250 character limit article. 2 – 400 word article for website: www.freeclipofalapdance.com

Please bid for the total 4 articles written. These will be checked for originality and need someone experienced with SEO articles.

Writer – Landing Page

Writer – Landing Page
Seeking copywriter experienced in writing converting short-form sales copy for landing page. See attachment for general idea.

The landing page will have minimal copy, emphasizing benefits. The product/service promoted is related to US Immigration.

The target is someone seeking an immigration lawyer/consultant/product.

The goal is to get the visitor to view the video and to complete a survey to see if they qualify for the product/services.

Here is what will be on landing page:
Very concise headline.
Very concise sub-headline, if necessary.
Powerful call to-action – get user to interact to see if they qualify.

A description of the product:
If the visitor qualifies, 4 versions of the product are available:
1. A No-Risk 3 day trial of tutorial videos (no charge until 10 days);
2. An upgraded package with #1 plus a 1 time correction of the paperwork;
3. An upgraded package with #1 plus unlimited correction of the paperwork, a “document vault”, webinar/group coaching;
4. A premium package that is unavailable at initial landing page.

Checklist of benefits. Self Explanatory.

A guarantee. Self explanatory.

Some credibility copy linking product to media coverage.

Some risk-reversal and social proof (no testimonials or claims).

A favorable comparison chart comparing to traditional legal representation.

Additional guidance to be provided upon acceptance of bid.

Nd. Content Writer Seo Article

Nd. Content Writer Seo Article
Professional Writers needed to write content that is optimized for search engine to find keywords. Need somebody to write content for wedding and gift products. Writing need to optimized for search engines to find keywords. This project will involve 25 products. If the content for the 25 products are well written, we can have a long term relationship to complete 500+ more products. In addition, project will include some articles for our blog.

You will be writing content for a wedding and gift site. Content must be specific to the product with using 300-500 words per product. Write about the product, include suggestions how it can be used or what type of event is it good for, etc.

If you wish, you can write an example of your writing for one of our product with your bid response so we can make our decision. Please visit link below for product.

Visit http://www.hansonellis.com/starfish-wedding-invitation-bottle.html

Article Writing 25-50 Needed

Article Writing 25-50 Needed
I am looking for quality writers to write for me on a weekly basis.

All articles must be written by a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING writer. The article will need to be concise and to the point. I won’t accept articles filled with fluff words meant to fill space.

1. Need 25 unique, quality 300-500 word articles about stress and anxiety. I can supply the topics for each article. If these 25 articles are of sufficient quality there will be 25 more awarded, and then additional articles every week on other topics.

2. Keywords should be in title and used 5-8 times throughout article but should read naturally.

3. Need correct grammar and punctuation. Also, the articles will be reviewed through Copyscape for plagiarism. Payment will not be provided for plagiarized work.

4. I need 5 unique variations of title and 5 unique 2-5 sentence descriptions of the article.

5. You will agree that I will have EXCLUSIVE rights to the articles will transfer to me. You will not be able to sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way.

6. Please provide samples of your work.

Update Logo – Redesign 2

Update Logo – Redesign 2
We are reposting this listing as to clarify what we are looking for.

We are NOT looking for a new logo. We are looking to update our current one. Just as these companies did with their logo’s:





We feel the logo we have needs to be updated. You can what ever you would like except the overall color scheme (you can change the font, move the name, emblem, tagline, etc), but ultimately we are looking to have the emblem updated. We feel it is too linear, and needs some dimension/texture to it. Give it some movement (sketch it, twist it, bend it, stretch it, lines through it, etc). In the end, the emblem should be somewhat recognizable (identifiable) from the old logo to the new logo.

We don’t want something too flashy. It needs to be simple, professional, modern looking and in good taste, and have a ‘technology’ feel to it.

Other words that could be communicated through the logo: Stability, knowledgable, technical, Trustworthy, supportive, cost effective.

No cliparts please

Transparent background

We will need the final release of the logo in layered .psd, .ai, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp, and .gif, as well as one vectorized format (.ai and/or .eps).

We will own 100% rights over the logo.

Any font files used, but be included in the files.

Contact us for a link to the current logo.

Please send sample of your work!

Thank you!

Php Editing

Php Editing
Report Edits

1. Compare 2 reports (Activity Summary and Billing Summary) and fix so
that both reports return the same totals. They are run on the same data, and are currently showing about $1000-1500 difference in totals.

2. When the report page loads, add a multiple select box function on the right side of each row of data, so that for each row, the user can decide not to include some lines on the report by checking a box on the right side of that row. Checking this box should not delete the data from the database, but will instead only delete the rows from the output of the current report.

3. After selecting rows NOT to show on the report, refresh the report
page. Add a button which says “bill these services?” or print. If “bill

these services” is checked, do the following:
a. Update that record in tblacts.billed with a “1” for each row.

For example:
UPDATE `famsol01_avail`.`tblacts` SET `billed` = ‘1’ WHERE `tblacts`.`actid` =2147190620;

Note that each “row” in an Activity Summary or Billing
Summary report contains one “activity” (tblacts record, which are uniquely identified by an integer (tblacts.actid).

b. After the update, refresh the screen, and include a button allowing the user to download a .csv version of the report data. Allow the user to select the download location. Name the file with this kind of name:
date_time_activitysummary.csv or

4. Edit the two screens for “Activity Summary” and “Billing Summary” to allow the user (in addition to the other choices available) to choose:
– Show all records, billed* and unbilled**
– Show only billed* records
– Show only unbilled** records

billed* = tblacts.billed has a “1” in it
unbilled** = tblacts.billed has a “0” in it

5. If a user selects to show “billed” items, give the user an option to change the status to “unbilled” by doing this kind of update:
UPDATE `famsol01_avail`.`tblacts` SET `billed` = ‘0’ WHERE `tblacts`.`actid` =2147190620;

6. Make sure that only the “admin” user or one designated as a “1” in
tbladmin.superadmin is allowed to run both the Billing Summary and
Activity Summary. Non-superadmin users (tbladmin.superadmin = 0) can only run the Activity Summary, with their staffname pre-selected. Their staff name should be unchangeable on the Activity Summary Form screen.

The forms are in forms.rar and the reports are in reports.rar. More detailed information can be given to the selected programmer. Thank you very much.

Php Database Development

Php Database Development
I have a web site that I want to connect to a database

With three log-in choices…..Client Login, Candidate Login and Partner Login

Each Login link will be activated when an individual signs up with their pertinent information and also a ID and Passsword should be automatically assigned. I would like to Be able to review specific information that has been I entered in the database as it pertains to them.

Zen Cart-remove Small Changes

Zen Cart-remove Small Changes
On my ZenCart site i want the category image removed from some pages.

Basically the only place the LARGE category image should be visible is on the “colection” page. For example when you are looking at a bedroom collection you would see all the items in that collection. But when you where looking at the category page and viewing All the thumb nails the LARGE category image would not be at the top of the page. Also on the individual products, the category image would not be at the top of the page.

The Skype icon needs to be removed from the navigation bar.

The main banner image needs to be swapped. I will provide the new image.

Only bed if you have excellent Zen Cart history and a fantastic feed back.