Php Upload Plus

Php Upload Plus
Upload script with 2 different admin dashboards:

I currently have the ability to upload to a server using php,
I would like to add some additional functions to the upload script.
(current upload script will be provided to you)

Additional functions required:

Username / pass code:
To upload a document/item, the user will input a name and pass code, then click “upload”.
This will provide the upload script with the individual route to that specific user’s private folder address on

our server.

Let me clarify that,
the user “john doe” has a login code e.g. “1234567”
This tells the upload script where to upload to.
i.e. “folder 1234567” (but the numbers cannot match of course).

Admin Panel 1:
I, as the administrator, need to be able to set up / activate accounts:

Account setup –
User will already have filled in form with details previous to this –
Name – email – contact number – company name – saved to database.

I search by name or email to retrieve previous user data and then auto create user pass code,
also create associated Folder for user on our secure server.
This information is sent to user from admin panel.

Ability to view / edit:
* user profiles / login details / folder info

After uploading document{s}
User is allowed to:
>> View documents uploaded (script already completed) >

New Addition:

>>User – Admin Panel 2:
The user is the only person who can view uploaded documents online.
We need admin panel so that the user can allow access to 3rd party and limit the time the 3rd party have access to the documents.
E.g. 1 day / by date:

* Allow a guest to view your documents for a limited time period via user admin panel
* sort / delete documents
* adupdate profile

experienced people only please apply, cannot give new scripter access to this particular project.

Zen Cart Search+add To Cart

Zen Cart Search+add To Cart
The website is built with Zen-Cart (fork of OSCommerce).

I would like to have a ‘Quick Search and Add to Cart’ (for logged in users only) form as shown in the attachment. I presume the attachment makes claer what the form has to do, but I will describe it here.

The site is multi-lingual, so shown texts must be defined with language constants.

1)A logged in user enters ‘product nr or name’ and clicks the orange button.
2)The form shows ‘products found’ (or te nearest).
2a) If clicked on the blue button a pop up of the products image is shown.
3) After clicking ‘Add to cart’, the button in that row is de-activated (color has got white), the product is in the cart. (The cart has not to be shown after step3). Next step is
4) The form is able to receive another search term.
5) When clicked the burron ‘Go to checkout’, the customer sees his cart just as Zen-cart.

Programming Project 1267170639

Programming Project 1267170639
I need any kind of email extractor to extract email addresses from webpages(posting webpages, advertising, forums…etc).
I need any kind of program or any kind of script(i dont care how will you do it and/or how will you code it or/and if you already have it) to extract email addresses and save them to a .txt file.
Just contact me if you can create one or you already have one.

Lead Capture Site4modular Home

Lead Capture Site4modular Home
I need a website for Modular Homes prospective buyers. People moving to this area want to see photos,floor plan designs, of 50 different model homes. I am not a wealthy real estate guy. I just want to sell the leads.
I supply you keywords,
I supply 50 home models sketches or pictures,
I want the pictures to enlarge when clicked on.
I want to be able to change home pictures easily.
I want a first page video of me talking to the visitors.
I want the video to start as soon as they hit the page.
I can upload the video myself,and change video sometimes.
Make video uploading very easy for me.
I like WordPress funtionality.
A blog page is a must with WYSIWYG editor and admin control.
5 to 8 pages is good. Add more pages later.
CSS style is good.
Stats for knowing where traffic comes from is good.
This site must load “really” FAST!
It must be SEO compatible design. No footers on pages.
No templates that interfere with SEO please.
*This first page must include a LEAD CAPTURE box on FIRST PAGE with Aweber autoresponder functionality set up ready to go.*
I will offer an ebook to customers, who leave me First,Last Name, their Best Email address, and telephone number.
I am open to ideas. Show me what you have done in the past.
How would YOU build this website for yourself?
Thank you.


Since my last project i posted i didnt get clear cut answers here is what i need! PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND WITHOUT A DETAILED PLAN OF STRATEGY! (INCLUDE NAMES OF SOFTWARE YOU WISH TO USE)
I currently have a program that is written in ruby that manages my voip switch and does the lcr, rating, invoicing.
I need a programmer to program for me the following:
a software that gives me a database with all my customers information, lets me add products, add services, remove products/services. Logs the changes.
Creates tickets for each customer every time they call and to have a ticketing system for the different departments to take care of.
Maintaining inventory of the devices that the customer recieves.
integration to a billing software that uses merchants and gets the invoices from the database that is created by the switch software since it has the exact info.
When adding a customer the information should be stored in the like crm program and automaticly create an account on the switch using the API or writing directly to the SQL database.


Recruitment System

Recruitment System
We are a recruitment specialist and we own a database and a website. Our database was developed in MySql 5 and Delphi 7 and has over 40000 records of people stored in it, with about 150 new registrants each day. Our website gets up to 1200 visitors each day. These two applications (i.e the database and website) interact and feed from each other in a rather manual way. This interaction involves loading vacancies from the database onto the website and downloading online applications from job seekers and save them into the database. We are now considering the alternative of web enabling our database so that the two applications automatically interact and thus allow our registrants to access the database and update their records online. In addition, this will also allow us to telecommute. We are looking for persons who can help us achieve this goal and develop such an integrated and web enabled system.

Photography Site

Photography Site
I need a site that like this
The main goal of the site is to sell products (20-30) and to provide service to users as well. The main feature on the reference site that I used is the search feature.

Click on this link to see how it functions

We also need a shopping cart, dealer login ( will have a form that dealers will fill out to order), customer login, banner flash, Social bookmarking icons, etc.

Please review the search function of the site that I have referenced before making a bid. I also need this site done in php, whether custom made or using joomla, drupal or other platforms.


X-cart Skin Customize

X-cart Skin Customize
I am looking for a x-cart pro.

Please send sample work of x-carts only.

I have a client with a design in zencart and I need to convert it into a x-cart skin. I will have access to all images and flash so it should be a simple process.

Please only bid or contact if you are an x-cart pro

Here is the zencart design that we need converted: