Magento Multistore View

Magento Multistore View
I need a Magento Pro to implement and integrate affiliate datafeed file within a new storeview in a magento website. The affiliate feed with price comparison will be obtained from

– A new storeview with a link to the main website.

– the homepage will have a category menu (script obtained from

– the homepage will have menu optional link to a merchant menu page (script to use will be obtained from

– the homepage will have menu optional link to a rebates/coupons/deal menu page (script to use will be obtained from
Refer to the example link on homepage.

– the home page will have a search bar or search box at the header and footer sections (script to use will be obtained from

– shopping tools will include price search engine, product price comparison, rebates/coupons/deals, shop by store, brand & category and search bar or search box all obtained from

– you must include product banners, comparison banners, advertisement banners etc.(script obtained from

– Integration methods to use include JAVASCRIPT, PHP, XML, and JSON.

Previous experience implementing/integrating datafeed into magento is required for this project.

Produce Powerpoint Slideshow

Produce Powerpoint Slideshow
I am looking for someone to produce a powerpoint presentation

To create the powerpoint presentation, you will need to:

Link 68 tiny audio clips with slides (so that slides play the audio automatically, when the slide is presented)
Cut and paste text transcript that relates to audio clips into each slide
Include basic navigation buttons like: replay previous slide, replay this slide, play next slide, etc.

I would like the presentation to look aesthetically pleasing, using a yellow, orange and red colour theme, with gradient background and glassy navigation buttons.

Simple Call Flow Script

Simple Call Flow Script
Small call center is looking for a simple php program to help our team follow our call flow procedures and generate accurate memo of events that occurred.

This is a sample of what our call flow looks like:

Greeting the customer >> Validate Customer’s Identity >> Listen to Customer Concerns >> Clarify Customer Request >> Resolve Customer Request >> Confirm All Modification on the Account >> Request Email >> Offer Additional Sales >> Ask if Customer need other help >> Close

The call flow is subject to change any time. Therefore, we need the ability to change the step by step process of this program at any time.

This program should lay out the call flow procedure for its users, as well as pop up with a window that guides the user through a step by step process that ensures they conform 100% with the call flow model.

As the user moves through various steps of the call flow, there should be different tools supporting the user:

Call flow support: this is the basis of the program. The program should allow the user to summarize the user’s request, sense out keywords, and refer them to a specific help document.

Timer: Sometimes during our call flow, we need to put the customer on hold, but we also want our team to limit the amount of time customer is on hold for. The timer will start as soon as a customer is on hold, and remind our team members to go back to the client after two minutes (please allow option to change the amount of hold time before reminder)

Outcome tracker: allow agent to briefly summarize how they resolve the customer’s request.

Multiple Request support: If the customer has multiple requests, this program will allow user to enter another request, and provide call flow support to the team member.

Sales tracker: This program should ask if an offer is made, what is offered to the client, and what is accepted.

Memo generator: After a call, this program should be able to summarize everything that has happened in the call, and create an accurate memo describing everything that has happened.

Performance Report: At the end of the day, the report should ask for the amount of hours worked, and generate a daily report indicating:

1. how many calls the user took

2. how long on average is each call

3. The agent’s overall quality for the day

4. the agent’s revenue per hr and closing percentage

5. a detail report for each call on an itemized list for the agent and the manager to review.

Pg Real Estate Customization

Pg Real Estate Customization
I need someone to customize the third party real estate program called PG Realty.

I will do most of the CSS and Markup myself. What I want to do is make a lot of the search functions use Ajax and jquery. I also want to customize search categories, create a saved search page, and some other minor things.

need the bidder to be an expert with jquery, ajax, and php

would liek and hrly and full bid as well as an estimate of how many hours it will take total

Quick Written Articles 2

Quick Written Articles 2
I have a small quick article writing project.

I require 15 articles no less than 400 words each with no duplicate content.

These articles are to be writting of different subjects from my promotional products website (

This is a quick job that I require finished as soon as possible, I will make myself available at any time of the day to get this job complete

Mma Site With Leaderboard

Mma Site With Leaderboard
to get more familiar with what i’m looking for, you can see similar sites at and ….a lot of basic features from these sites is what i’m looking for including; membership w/profile, ability to charge membership and give those members extra features, forum for members, and 2 leaderboards(members select fights and are graded in +/- units) and a second leaderboard for longest win streak(so i need to be able to manually adjust the fights dated by time).

an admin panel is a must where i can control most of the site. the closest thing i can find online to what i want is at – they have a registration system and members area tool, password protector for web pages, multi poll survey builder, poll builder

essential needs are:

-member database, able to modify, delete, notify members. paid membership option which changes what the member can do

-i can post polls that will display for members when they log in. poll/voting builder, i am able to display polls, whichever ones i want and wherever i want

-a voting application(like college football top 25 where i can get votes to establish a top 10, and a way of tracking 1st place votes in the voting poll

-the 2 leaderboards as described above; must have the ability to grade the fights and change the times of the fights(which affects the win streak count)

– members forum, member profiles with options to customize

-a custom homepage, example would be like

**will need help uploading to my webhost and some support. let me know what type of support you are willing to give. I am fairly green so keep that in mind. : )

If you have any questions about the project, please reply and i will be happy to fill you in so that you can make a more accurate bid.

thank you


Need 4 Custom Backgrounds Made

Need 4 Custom Backgrounds Made
We need 4 custom backgrounds made for the following social sites.


You most be very professional we need something made with good graphics and to custom fit each social site we will give you the login details of each one so you can test them out as you create one.

After we see some of your work, we will give you the full details we need someone who is good in photo shop and can create some amazing graphics.

Thanks, Justin

Logo Integration 3

Logo Integration 3
We have joined a trade organisation and need to show the logo on 10 Websites we own. This is straigtforward but the person integating tthem will need to make sure they sites we have are not damaged by bad coding or putting them in in the wrong size. Excellent communicatiion skills are required. WARNING TO ALL BIDDERS : if you send a Bid or PMB saying: I CAN DO THIS OR WILL BE DONE forget it!!!! Alos do not send me links of your work that fail it wastes everyones time.

Sell Me Your Unpaid Projects

Sell Me Your Unpaid Projects
Hi all programers have you done a job for some one that never paid you for the finnished work or decided to end the project before you finnished but you were almost done or have you done a project that is unique that you can sell me the script clone code app. ect… if so please send me a PM with what programs , Scripts or projects games apps ect… you have ready to sell give me a run down of what it is you want to offer me and an asking price a demo is required

Website Designs

Website Designs
Hi Graphic Designers

I am looking for the people or company that designed these websites:-

However, if you have any other websites that you have designed that match the standard of the ones I want please submit the urls so I can check them out.

I will be especting initial designs as jpg then once we agree on which one I want, I will requir the full design material as PSD. I will need some standard things with each designs [favicons; home page designs; sub page designs; form page designs].

I am looking for someone to work with immediately.

I need some designs done asap.


Dynamic Real Estate Site W/cms

Dynamic Real Estate Site W/cms
Need a Fully Dynamic Real Estate Site created. The Customer needs to be able to:

– Automatically import MLS Listings
– Google Map Property Search
– Manage users (there will be three kinds of users… sellers, agents and buyers)
– Newsletter System
– Some pages might need dynamic content… bu nothing fancy

The idea is to make the site as easy to use as possible. I want to use as much ajax as possible to reduce the amount of times the page refreshes. I will be handling all of the markup and styling… I have already layed out some of it here:

It’s a very Jquery/Ajax heavy site so you’ll need to be well versed in both. My server is setup for PHP so That’s what I want. There will be changes to the site over months/years, so I would like a flat rate quote for the work to get it setup and then an hrly quote for changes.

Also provide an estimate for how many hours it will take to get the site up and running. I will convert this to a featured project before I formally accept a bid. I’ll PM you to notify you if your bid has been accepted.


Ideas For Php Seo Scripts

Ideas For Php Seo Scripts
I’ve developed (and had developed) almost a hundred SEO-related scripts, and now, I’m finally out of ideas.

This project is not based on programming knowledge – it is based on overall knowledge of SEO, as well as creative thinking and knowledge of development (know your limits! Don’t send me a script idea that is implausible or impossible to create!).

If the script cannot be created using a combination of HTML, PHP, and Javascript, then it should not be sent to me as an idea! (Please avoid sending Flash and AJAX ideas – I don’t want to use anything else! Script setup should be simple, so please avoid scripts that would require extensive setup as well.)

I would like a list of a minimum of twenty (20) NEW tools that I do not currently have listed as part of the Ultimate EasySEOScripts package (see I will not set a maximum for the number of tools you can suggest, but realize that if they are not feasible, or are doubles, then you will not receive payment for them.

Each idea should have a title (similar format to the current titles at, a short one-sentence description summary, and a 4-6 sentence description of what the tool will do and how it will do it (you MUST include where data will be pulled from, what method it will be pulled by, what fields would need to be input by the user, and what fields would be produced by the script).

Scripts must pull from FREE SOURCES ONLY! Please do not send me ideas that require me to purchase subscriptions to sites, or pay setup fees!

If the functionality is already covered in one of my current scripts, then you will not get credit for that idea.

I will pay $2.00 for every workable idea that does not have the same functionality as one of my existing scripts.

I will pay an additional $3.00 for every idea that I eventually develop (total of $5.00 for a workable idea that I eventually develop).

This is an easy $100.00 for the right person. All you have to do is put your brain to work for a half hour or so.

REMEMBER: I am NOT asking you to develop anything, just to come up with the IDEAS for the scripts/tools!

To qualify, please include a UNIQUE idea IN YOUR BID (include the title and short one-sentence description summary at least). If you do not include a unique idea, you will not be considered as a candidate for the project.


List of current scripts is below – remember, you cannot use any of these as your ideas!

Website Rank Checkers:
Fake Rank Checker
Alexa Rank Checker
Multiple Keyword SE Position Checker
Multiple SE Position Checker
Multi-Rank Checker
Search Engine Position Checker
Site Rank Checker
Multiple PageHeat Checker
Multiple Fake PageRank Checker
Multiple Compete Rank Checker
Multiple Compete Statistics Checker

Source Code SEO Tools:
Source Code Viewer
MD5 Encrypter
HTML Encrypter
HTML Optimizer
Website Speed Test
Single-Level Sitemap Creator
.htaccess URL Rewrite Tool

Header/Tag SEO Tools:
HTTP Header Extractor
HTTP Header Viewer
Meta Tag Extractor
Meta Tag Generator

Search Preview SEO Tools:
Search Engine Saturation Checker
Spider Viewer
Spider Viewer (Keyword)
Search Engine Listing Preview
Website Resolution Viewer
Text Website Viewer
Google Datacenter Search
Google AdSense Calculator
Google AdSense Preview
Robots.txt Viewer
Bing Indexed Pages Checker

Website Submitters:
Automated Directory Submitter
Automated Search Engine Submitter

IP SEO Tools:
Reverse IP Lookup Script
Ping Script
IP Locator (country)
Firewall Scanner
Reverse IP Lookup Script (Bing)
Multiple IP Address Checker
DNS Lookup
IP Address to Hex/Decimal Converter
IP Routing Lookup
ISP Cached DNS Lookup
IP SPAM Database Lookup
IP Tracepath

Keyword-Based SEO Tools:
Keyword Density Checker
Keyword Click Value Tool
Keyword Suggestion Generator (Yahoo!)
Keyword Suggestion Generator (Google/Bing)
Keyword Rich Domain Finder

Link-Based SEO Tools:
Link Popularity Checker
Link Suggestion Checker
No Follow Checker
Reciprocal Link Checker
Link Analyzer
Backlink Checker
Valid Link Checker
Multiple .EDU Backlink Checker
Multiple .GOV Backlink Checker
Multiple DMOZ Backlink Checker
Yahoo! Directory Backlink Checker
Multiple Yahoo! Directory Backlink Checker
Multiple Authority Link Checker

Social Bookmarking SEO Tools:
Twitter Links Finder
Multiple Digg Link Checker
Multiple Delicious Link Checker

Code Validators:
HTML Validator
CSS Validator

Domain/URL SEO Tools:
Domain Typo Generator
Domain Availability Checker
Domain Age Checker
WHOIS Lookup
Domain WHOIS Retriever (com, net, org)
URL Shortener
URL Redirect Checker
URL Obfuscator

E-mail SEO Tools:
Free E-Mail Address Checker
E-mail Image Generator
Anonymous Email Script

Miscellaneous SEO Tools:
Website Status Checker
Online Calculator
Browser Details
Countdown Generator
Javascript Hit Counter
List Cleaner
Unix Time Converter
Google Banned Checker
Favorite Button Creator