Filtering For Online Catalogue

Filtering For Online Catalogue
I’m looking for a solution for my online catalogue of products similar to the one found on where you can filter product listing by different criteria. We have a solution at the moment but it’s working much too slow. We need a more efficient and faster solution. Please contact me and I’ll send you the website address and source files.

Website – Odds Aggregator

Website – Odds Aggregator
Hi! We need a nice and easy website, something like a small version of which sums up the best sport events (priority to soccer A,B series, WorldCUP, Champions League, EuropaLeague, F1, MOTOGP) and the highest ODDS.

(we will develope in a second time : volleyball, basket, horses, rugby, tennis, cycling)

How it should work: like
1. user searches through the menu or list of events
2. user clicks on the event
3. the website aggregates the odds (highlighting the best ones) and the bookmakers (we provide the list of italian bookmakers)


recap: we look for a developer/ webdesigner to create a simple application to act as “best odds aggregator”- to find automatically the events and highest odds on the events. the website has to be in italian so we deal with text. we need a cms system to manage the website.

Magento Website Design 2

Magento Website Design 2
I need a Magento Pro to implement and integrate affiliate datafeed file within a new storeview in a magento website. The affiliate feed with price comparison will be obtained from

– A new storeview with a link to the main website.

– the homepage will have a category menu (script obtained from

– the homepage will have menu optional link to a merchant menu page (script to use will be obtained from

– the homepage will have menu optional link to a rebates/coupons/deal menu page (script to use will be obtained from
Refer to the example link on homepage.

– the home page will have a search bar or search box at the header and footer sections (script to use will be obtained from

– shopping tools will include price search engine, product price comparison, rebates/coupons/deals, shop by store, brand & category and search bar or search box all obtained from

– you must include product banners, comparison banners, advertisement banners etc.(script obtained from

– Integration methods to use include JAVASCRIPT, PHP, XML, and JSON.

Previous experience implementing/integrating datafeed into magento is required for this project.

Create Csv Product List For Me

Create Csv Product List For Me

I need someone to create a large product list for me in CSV format. Products will be derived from the listings on 3 different websites, which I will give you. There will be over 1000 listings needed to be added.

I will be dropship selling the products from the 3 companies, so need a full CSV list of all their products. Will supply the empty CSV file (with the required headings). I have attached the sample CSV file.

The project must he completed as soon as possible.

Payment is via paypal, moneybookers or google checkout upon completion of the product and inspection of the CSV file. Any edits will need to be made before payment, if there are any errors. Once I am fully satisfied that the CSV is complete and error free, payment will be made via your choice of the above payment methods.

Any questions please feel free to ask.

John Netherlands

Php/sql Search And Replace

Php/sql Search And Replace
I own a website based on a script and i have to do a big amount of “search and replace” operations. I am losing too much time doing it manually so i am looking for some helps from a programmer.

I have two goals for that project, here are the details:

-I have a database with some videos in flv. Each video has a field with the video url in a html code. What i need to do is to extract the flv file location from this html code and insert this flv url location in an other html code. Currently the html code uses a flv player from a third party website and i want to host my own flv player on my website.

To give an example, let’s take this code:
<object classid=’clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000′ width=’300′ height=’300′ id=’player1′ name=’player1′>
<param name=’movie’ value=’http://OTHERWEBSITE.COM/player.swf’>
<param name=’allowfullscreen’ value=’true’>
<param name=’allowscriptaccess’ value=’always’>
<param name=’flashvars’ value=’file=playlist.xml’>
<embed id=’player1′

I want to get the VIDEOURLLOCATION.FLV in this piece of code:

<object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”” width=”320″ height=”240″>
<param name=”movie” value=”” />
<param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true” />
<param name=”FlashVars” value=”flv=http://OTHERWEBSITE.COM/VIDEOURLLOCATION.FLV” />

I have 1000 videos in the database so a script that can do the search and replace for this would save me a lot of time.

– I need a piece of code to search and replace a key in my database, it should be pretty straighforward with cURL functions.

If you think you have any questions or need details, please send your questions.


Form Map

Form Map
We are a web development company. We have a form that submits using PHP to a MySQL database. This is a vehicle accident report form, in which the user submits information about the vehicle accident.

We need an addition to this form that allows the user to illustrate the accident.

To achieve this, we need an item added into this form that allows the user to drag and drop and rotate icons for the driver’s car, other vehicles, traffic light, tree and an other obstacle (representing anything else not provided as an icon).

see attached the blank diagram that the user will be able to drag and drop these icons on top of.

The resulting information is to be done in a format that we can submit using PHP into the MySQL database and then extract to be viewed by the admin. We will do this part of the work but you must include the code to do this to illustrate what you deliver works.

Vtiger Lead Webform Install

Vtiger Lead Webform Install
I installed Vtiger on siteground hosting.

I need to add webforms to the CRM system in order to have leads directed directly to the system. There are specific fields that I need in the form and I would prefer a customizable form (so that i can change the fields later on) but it is not a must. Lastly, I have an index page and I would need instructions of how to insert it into my page (I use adwords for advertising).

Please send me an offer ASAP.

Myspace Music Profile Design

Myspace Music Profile Design

I want to offer a gift to a friend.

A personalized music myspace music profile.

He’s a dj so you should create the theme/personalization based on that. Don’t forget that is a myspace music, not a normal myspace (you choose that when you regist on myspace).

It should be simple but with great design.


Like those but not equal of course.

thanks. Clone Clone
I need a clone site jus like worldstarhiphop Videos to be added But NOT hosted on my site. Videos taken from other video sources like Some sort of list for the videos on the front page -Big image/header to put at the top. -Header at the top with links, and a search field. -Be able to search for videosEach video page can have: Description of video, video date added, video views, video code that includes the url, embed code, and auto play code. Also be able to add comments for the video. It looks like the site doesn’t actually upload the videos to their host, they actually just use videos from youtube, google, etc. and just has their own video interface for the player. If you go here: it actually tells you it doesn’t: “None of the audio/visual content is hosted on this site. All media is embedded from other sites such as Google Video, Youtube. Therefore this site has no control over the copyright issue of the streaming media.” I think that is pretty much it. If you have any questions just ask on the PMB.

Php Addition To Script

Php Addition To Script
I have a website, up and running, similar to

I need the following added to the script:
1. CAPACHA image for sending e-mails
2. Limit put on number of e-mails a person is able to send each hour and each day based on IP. (IP must be logged in SQL Database.)
3. Small tracker that displays in admin panel how many e-mails sent by each IP over a lifetime.
4. The ability to add a footer to every e-mail sent.
5. Change the size of my TextArea Form box in “New Message, Reply, and Forward” I’ve tried the rows and cols function but something is over riding them.

Project bidder will be accepted 15 hours from now.

Note: No bid over $30 will be accepted.