Vectorize A Logo

Vectorize A Logo

3 jobs:

1. I need a scalable vector version of the attached Logo without any changes.

2. I need each letter seperate as vector, means we need to seperate the D from the C in a way that they look like complete independent letters.

3. I need the number 3 in the same way like the other 3 letters. In order to create the new logo “3D CT”

You can ignore the blue writing… only concentrate at the big blue letters.

Email Sniffer / Email Scrapper

Email Sniffer / Email Scrapper
I need to find email addresses on Spanish spoken websites related to one city. The service should return a CSV with 4 columns. First name, Name, Male/Female, mail…(if possible) As well I need a solution for recognize the gender. If any external links are found on the scanned websites they should be scrapped next. Please ad a interface for entering and editing website-scan-Queue. Project is to be done in PHP.

Xcart Repeat Last Order

Xcart Repeat Last Order
I currently have the BCS Engineering Reorder mod at my xcart store, but this requires you to actually go into your order history and select a previous order to load in into your shopping cart. I would like to create a “repeat last order” button that will add the contents of your most recent order to your shopping cart, eliminating the need to search through orders.

Get Paid 39 Usd For Online.

Get Paid 39 Usd For Online.
Hiii friends.

Want to make great money just by working few hours in a day.

Here is the site.

Just click or copy paste the above link to your browser and join the site and get 39 USD instantly for taking surveys within few mins.

Due to tremendous response in our earlier posting, we are reposting the same offer once again for those who have missed the earlier chance .Many more will be named to you further.

Dating Website Update

Dating Website Update
I have a Dating website in demo mode which needs changes and additions. It can be seen at It is a classic HTML/PHP/MySQL. I have a budget of $500. Please tell me which changes you can include within this budget

The key changes are as follows:
Recode master profile panel, and create master Standard page to grid dimensions supplied ( XHTML)
Apply this standard page to key search results pages (8-10 pages)
Revise search by postcode ( UK Postcode)
Add Instant Messenger live chat function
Change search results criteria
Change My Match results criteria
Change photo upload sequence and add crop
Add ‘take photo from webcam’ option
Revise photo display
Revise application form collapse / expand function
Minor errors to existing code to be fixed

Message me for full details.
I give clear instructions and like to run an efficient project and expect the same from my coders.
I have ongoing work and I am looking for a reliable coding team.

The job is ready to place and funds ready to escrow

Collective Group Buying Site

Collective Group Buying Site
We are currently looking to develop a collective group buying site similar to and with some minor adjustments. Please visit those 2 sites to familliarize yourself with the concept and all necessary features

General requirements:
100% Open code/No obfuscation, bug free and secure
Easy editing and change of website upon handover

Control panel to handle all features of the website including but not limited to the “deals”, cities, users – consumers and businesses, forums.

E-commerce payment processes ready – credit card, paypal

Daily Newsletter to subscribers

Ability to allow users to post the deals they are interested in/ purchased in facebook wall and twitter

Referral reward program for all users who successfully invite others to purchase a product from the site

Automated issuing of coupons to successful buyers upon full receipt of payment via email

All pages features – similar to so please go check it out

Please refer to attached pdf file

Parties who have already done launched such a website before are preferred, please indicate your fastest time of completion and bid asap as we are sourcing from channels both online and offline.

Website Design.

Website Design.
I would like to work with a reputable company with experience, to initially complete my website design.To adapt my existing website template,improve on it with seo extensions appls.
This site is already designed but i need an improved multi media,and other applications on a joomla background.
This job will open doors to those wishing to have collaboration in Europe with my company.I market IT products, you design them.
You are expected to have programming knowledge,design background,SEO, ability to set a feasible project time,admin site for updates.

Long Term Writing Project

Long Term Writing Project
Looking for a dependable, experienced writer or writers to produce articles for a large number of web sites.

The articles must be unique. No copied, duplicated or existing work will be accepted. All articles must be newly created by you. They must be original. Don’t just copy and paste from other web sites. Don’t use copyrighted material. All work will be checked through Discovery of any duplication or use of copyrighted material will result in automatic disqualification from any further assignments.

This first job will be for 10 articles. However we represent over 500 websites that constantly need new content. So if you are the right person this will be a long term rewarding relationship. If you are chosen and we decide to work together we will send you the topics and guidelines.

If you have particular or specialized knowledge in certain areas and feel that there are areas you would be better suited to writing about let us know and we will try to match you with the site requirements that best suit your skills.

Please include some of your references and three samples of articles you have written. Writers who do not submit samples of their writing for evaluation will not be considered. List the topics are you most comfortable writing about.

Articles must be between 550-600 words. We will supply the topic and keywords. The articles must be free from typographical errors, spelling errors, and grammatically correct for the North American reading audience. The articles should be informative, easy to read, fun and engaging. The web sites will be targeting the US market so fluency in English is a must

We will be paying $3 per article to start. All articles must be original, well researched, and well written without errors. We will not accept regurgitated boilerplate. If this initial batch of articles, depending upon how well they are written, future assignments may be at a higher negotiated rate of pay. I’m not looking for the cheapest writer but the best quality at a reasonable cost.

As you can see by the size of our organization this has the potential for you of being a very profitable relationship. Please send three samples of original articles you have written for evaluation. If we like your writing quality and style and decide to work together we will send you complete writing guidelines and topics. Let us know how many articles you feel you could reliably produce on a daily or weekly basis. Dependability and reliability will be of paramount importance. However deadlines are reasonable and flexible. We understand sometimes things come up. Quality of the articles is what is most important. It is important for you to tell us how many well researched, well written articles you can produce on a consistent basis. You set the schedule – say for instance 10 articles a week or every two weeks and we will keep you supplied with work.

I look forward to hearing from you and working together with you.

All the best,

Help With Video Script

Help With Video Script
I have a video/media sharing script fully installed on my server. Everything works, including the database, EXCEPT for the most important thing; it will not play the videos even though it uploads them successfully!

I did some research on the script (I just don’t know a lot about what is required to make videos, etc, work on web servers) and discovered the following:

Other then PHP / MySQL / GD that are already installed on most servers or hosting packages, our script requires the following modules used for video converstion and thumbnail generation:

– FFmpeg (
– FFmpeg-PHP (
– Mplayer + Mencoder (
– flv2tool (
– Libogg + Libvorbis (
– LAME MP3 Encoder (

I contacted my web host and asked about having the referenced modules installed. He said that ALL of the modules were available, however, it would require that I log in to my CPANEL and install them.

I’m still not real comfortable with CPANEL but I logged in and looked. The problem is, I don’t have a clue as to what I’m looking at! I decided to not touch a thing and ask a SL programmer who knows what they are doing to see if they can make it work.

You can access the site here:

(you must use the index.php as I have an ‘under construction’ notice under index.html)

PLEASE, PM me with ANY questions you may have!

Thank you!

Simple Php/html Form

Simple Php/html Form
We require a simple contact form for a website (14 fields)




House Number:


Contact Telephone Number:*

Date of Birth:*

Year of Accident:*

Accident Type:*

Call me back:* at

Also to include following fields:
Brief Description of Accident & Circumstances: (Large text box)
How did you find us? (Drop down with following options:
• Word of mouth
• Leaflet
• Business card
• Poster
• Web Search
• Forum
• Local News Paper
• TV/ Radio

Church Website.

Church Website.
I would like you to design a CHARITY website.
The project is a straight forward CHARITY site with images.
We’ll provide contents of the site and other PICs that maybe included.
If addition pictures are needed you may provide them.
I will appreciate designers who have done similar project to make it easy. I donot mind an existing example to clone or an original concept.
I can provide joomla templates for the project.
My budget is $100.Its my donation to a HAITI charity.