Jooma Site Fixes

Jooma Site Fixes
I need a fax site that has been made to have a control panel that is like my(remove_this) The site it made and 85% of the control panel is made, but I need to change the look of the control panel to look like my(remove_this) and have the progess bars that site has.

The site is www.fax(remove_this) login using admin and password 123456 after you login go to the bottom of the page and click on the control panel.

So this job will require programming and design. I’m willing to pay $150 more because I need it done in 2 days or less. So I’m willing to pay $250 ($100 more for the short time frame).

Clone Site Into WordPress

Clone Site Into WordPress
I would like to hire you to clone layout into WordPress with few minor changes.

Attached is a rough “bare-bones” layout for the home page of my personal website. Left big box has a opt-in field. All boxes are just a link to an internal page. Very, very simple.
Would like to use the deep blue colors from here:

This is an easy and quick job for any WordPress expert. Max budget is $25 and expected turn-around time is 24-48 hours.

If you like to work slow, please do not bid. Also, please do not bid if you have 0 feedbacks.

Thanks foe taking the time to read my post. I really appreciate it.

Joomla Install/pages

Joomla Install/pages
I have a joomla template that I need to be installed on a clients server. ($10.00 max for this. ) Also have the SQL db.

They already have a joomla template and they want to be able to alternate between the two.

I also need all the pages made (direct copy and paste from the other theme) – ($20.00 max for this)

I will need a few tweaks here and there, if you do good work I will make sure you get a bonus. I need this all done asap.

Divide By Zero

Divide By Zero
I have some perl/sql code where I want the 3rd column a percent which will be the result of 2rd column divided by the 1st column.

I think someting like
my $percentage = ($row[1] ne ‘0′) ? ($row[2] / $row[1]) : 0;
needs to be put in the code or something like this.
So if row1 is 0 then put a “0%”,otherwise do the cal.

sample table of my problem

Col_0 Col_1 Col_2 Col_3
HCI-D 0 1 #DIV/0!
HCI-O 5 2 0.4

Actually code that I need changed.

$sth = $dbh->prepare( “SELECT
Count(HCI_IND) AS CountOfHCI

;” );


$dbh2 = DBI->connect( “dbi:Pg:dbname=iwmirror”, “postgres”, “football” ) ||
die( “Can’t connect to database.\n” );

$sth2 = $dbh2->prepare(“Delete from hci_sum”);
while( at_sybmol_here row = $sth->fetchrow() ) {

$sth3 = $dbh2->prepare( “INSERT INTO hci_sum VALUES (
‘$row[0]’, ‘$row[1]’,’$row[2]’)” );

open( RING, “>AAA.txt” ) || die( “Can’t open file for writing.\n” );

print RING join( ‘%%’, at_sybmol_here row ), “\n”;

close( RING );

#$time_end = time(); #timestamp in number of seconds since 01-Jan-1970

#print TIMING “$time_end: Finishing ” .
# ( $time_end – $time ) / 60 . “mins. \n”;
#close( TIMING );

Clone A Business Listing Site

Clone A Business Listing Site

I would like to clone/build a site to do the following:
Sample ref:

1. Listing service which sells “businesses for sale”
2. Sellers should be able to: log into account, pay for listing, create listing, and edit/update/or upgrade listing type.
3. Buyers should be able to view listing and filter listings and
contact sellers.
4. ADMIN panel which can allow me to edit/delete listings, users, passwords, contact users, upgrade users, set payment gateways, change fees. I will also need a way to add/delete states, and other listing info.

You must have over 30 feedbacks to bid. under 30..PLEASE DON”T WASTE YOUR TIME…
You must have sample of your own work!
You have done a similar project before and you can prove it. (Send me link)

MOST OF ALL.. I am not looking for a script or a MOD..
Site must be in PHP mySQL database.


Need 5 Product Review Articles

Need 5 Product Review Articles
I need 5 articles in a review style. There should be a section about the pros and cons of the product, and a section mentioning the main features of the product as well an in depth article describing the product and what is good about it.

These need to be around 500 words, completely original, with no spelling and grammatical errors.

Please send a sample of your writing with your bid.

The topic of my articles will be on hair straighteners. I will give you the keywords at the end of the bidding.

Flash Intro Page

Flash Intro Page
I am looking for someone to create a nice but simple and fast loading flash intro page for the following website

I want an animation with the logo and the slogan in some sort of nice effect. Creating the background colors for the intro page as well to match the rest of the site.

Please ask me if you need more details.


Html Column Setup In WordPress

Html Column Setup In WordPress
Hello, this should be very quick and easy for you.

I need help setting up the html for a 2-column widget inside my wordpress blog. I attached a quick draft of what I’m looking for.

Basically it’s full page width but I’m trying to cut down on vertical space so I want one graphic on 50% of the left screen and one graphic on 50% of the right screen.

Also, if you have experience with wordpress I need assistance installing a plugin.

Thank you.

WordPress Flash Video Plugin

WordPress Flash Video Plugin
I need a slick Flash Video Gallery Plugin that I can use on my wordpress blog…I host my own videos on an S3 account but can’t find any good video gallery out there.

The gallery needs to look something like what’s on this website:

The website it will be going on is: