Flash Design Lab Mods

Flash Design Lab Mods
I have an tshirt app. I need it modified
I need this done in 25 days or less. I’m willing pay $350-450
It will do many things but focused on two things:
1. A place for visitors to create artwork.
2. A place for visitors and our reps to make product mockups.
The key will be your ability to make the program skew or wrap art onto a non-flat or angled image like a coffee mug or an item image where the product is shot on an angle. There are some that do it, so we know it can be done, but their versions are clumsy. Many of our item images are going to be skewed or wrapped so this is a big deal.

The industry standard is is a company which can place your uploaded art on to an item, will skew it to fit, and can knock out the white:
Go here and you’ll see a single row of six tiny product images. Click on the tiny image of the cooler bag at the far right and you’ll see how this works.

Attached are three images of my sketch and a word doc. We can polish up the button graphics and such later, but this is my test mockup:

DesignLabGraphicsPage.jpg shows the default page.
DesignLabTEXTpage.jpg shows the text tab, duh.

DesignLabGraphicsPageSKEW.jpg shows how the preview would look on an angled image.

The Design Lab should be built into a standard web page (or something that looks like a standard page) with the header and such at the top and the design lab in the big center area. I want toavoid it being a pop-up window.
Visitors come to the lab ONLY from an item page.
The Lab will, by default, load the item image and item color for the item they were viewing on the item page. If they were viewing a blue pencil, an image of a blue pencil loads in the preview and the background of Art Board changes to blue.
1. Background changes to the color of the image. Match the color of the swatch image (tile the swatch as the background?)
2. The black and white box is proportional to the imprint area. If the imprint area is round, like on a golf ball, a black and white circle will appear. If the imprint area is wide and short, like on a pen, a wide and short box will appear.
3. The imprint area box is a 1 pixel white line on top of a 3 pixel black line. This way, the line will show up regardless of light or dark background.
4. Tools: A place object can be scaled, rotated, or deleted (like you have in your current lab design). When you click-OFF the object, these tools should hide until you click on the object. Tools should only appear on the object you’re working on.
5. There are three buttons at the bottom. Undo, Bring to Front, Send to Back. These should be self-explanatory.

1. There are two different center sections. “Add/Edit Graphics” and “Add/Edit Text”
2. For Add/Edit Graphics:
a. Upload art – they need to be able to upload their art and knock out the white. Default is to knock out white (make white transparent so background color shows through)
b. Change artwork color – I have a specific list of 26 colors. The file is made with them, but I can provide the exact colors. When you mouse-over a color, the name of the color should pop-up (“Black”,”Brown”,”White”, etc.)
c. Add Clip Art – We will determine 20 categories later.
d. Change Item Color – These colors will change based on the item colors available. Clicking on a different color will cause the background of the “Art Board” to change to that swatch plus the “Preview” image will change to the new item color.
e. Change Item – These are just links to the jump pages on the site.
3. Add/Edit Text
a. Add Text – Text box should be large enough to support several lines of text.
b. Select Font – We will pick about 12-15 fonts to offer. Keep it simple.
c. Text color – self explanatory
d. Arch Text – Two options besides “none” are “Arch Up” and “Arch Down” and the slider to adjust the amount of arch. (No “invert”)

1. Image loads of blank product in the selected color. We’ll have to make a whole library of blank images sized to this size.
2. SAVE/LOAD your design – Visitor should be able to save their design for later and be able to pull it back up and apply it to another product. Perhaps we could save images for a limited time, like 14 days or so?
3. Make .jpg – Since this preview image is so small, we’d like to be able to click this button and have a larger .jpg image of the preview open up in a new window or pop-up a “save as” window.
4. Add design to cart – Clicking this should send the artwork, and the visitor, to the cart for checkout. The art should come to us as the “Art Board” not the preview.
All the connections to and after the app and saving it must be done. Also all sides need to be able to be saved and viewed.
The work will be done on my server then put on the client’s server after the work is done. I need it done on my server for 3 reasons: I can’t show the work to my client if it’s on some other companies url, 2 I want to be able to see the work you have done. Too many times programmers have told me “I can’t show you any work because it’s on my local server”. Some tell the truth, but other’s lie and just haven’t done any work,
3 I’ve had client’s steal my work and not pay money. A lot times this happens when programmers don’t do enough browers and site funtionality testing. So anyway having it done on my server eliminates the chance of them stealing the work. If they want the work they have to pay me and you.
Also if you agree to this project you are agreeing to give me daily updates (excluding Sunday). If I don’t get daily updates I’m cancelling the project.
I live with mentality that I’d rather work with a programmer who has a lot issues and runs into a lot issues but communicates these issues with me, then a programmer who can get all the work done, but only emails me every 3 days.
All people who accept the project will do all the installation on my server and the client’s server when the work is done. The person who accept this project will agree to do any other modifications the client wants to the program.

Simple Bug Fix In Php / Mysql

Simple Bug Fix In Php / Mysql
I need a bug fixed in PHP / MYSQL script. ASAP! NOW!


The script download link is in PMB.

My server is a LAMP server with:
PHP 5.3.1
MYSQL 5.0.89

Error is of this type:
“Invalid query: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near”

Please in PMB verify that you have installed the script and seen the error by posting the error. Details on how to achieve the error will be included in PMB.

This should be an easy fix for a quality programmer. If you complete this you can look forward to long term work on future projects.

See my feedback! Payment is 100% on completion and delivery of fixed script. Please only send the fixed file(s) and not the entire script.

In your PMB include link to install of script on your server, your country, and your name.


Joomla Adsmanager Modules

Joomla Adsmanager Modules
Hi, I am building a website with the adsmanager component in joomla. Obviously is going to be a classified ads website. I need someone who is familiar with adsmanager and has worked with similar websites as the one I am going to build.

The modules that I want are:
– Featured listings: Basically showing the featured ads
– Random listings
– latest ads
– I would also like a paid system where users would pay for featured ads or just ads in general. Users would have to pay through pay pal and the this component would have certain price amounts to buy ads (this would be an option if the admin wanted to make users pay for featured ads or ads) has to be able to be enabled or disabled by the admin on the administration page.
– Also I would like a module/pluging that displays recently location on google map view for posted classified ads of the adsmanager component.

Please give me a price quote. I would want someone that has worked with similar projects, and has a lot of experience with joomla.

Joomla Adsmanager Modules Want

Joomla Adsmanager Modules Want
Hi, I am building a website with the adsmanager component in joomla. Obviously is going to be a classified ads website. I need someone who is familiar with adsmanager and has worked with similar websites as the one I am going to build.

The modules that I want are:
– Featured listings: Basically showing the featured ads
– Random listings
– latest ads
– I would also like a paid system where users would pay for featured ads or just ads in general. Users would have to pay through pay pal and the this component would have certain price amounts to buy ads (this would be an option if the admin wanted to make users pay for featured ads or ads) has to be able to be enabled or disabled by the admin on the administration page.
– Also I would like a module/pluging that displays recently location on google map view for posted classified ads of the adsmanager component.

Please give me a price quote. I would want someone that has worked with similar projects, and has a lot of experience with joomla.

Rewrite Terms

Rewrite Terms
Hi and thanks for bidding,

I am looking for high quality writers to rewrite “Terms of Use and Privacy Policy”. Those are about 11 sites in normal font size.

It must be written by a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING writer with 100% correct grammar and punctuation.

Text will be delivered in email form and accessable on a website. I’ll copy and paste your work into a website.

Please note:

Your work will be reviewed through CopyScape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If the work you submit to me does not pass Copyscape, and/or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid until it is corrected in time (24 hours) and resubmitted to me for approval.

I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing aren’t met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements. You agree that upon sending me the rewrites all rights to the rewritten work transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way. Please be able to communicate via email or messenger when necessary.

This project has to be finished within 4 calendar-days after awarding. If you are not able to complete this work within this time please DON’T BID!!! Failure to complete this project in time results in a negative rating on your account! Please be aware that I’ll award this project very soon and that you have to be ready!

Part of our agreement is that you are agree that I can reject any escrow money and you release it immediately if you do not meet the requirements.

Thank you.

Rewrite Product Descriptions

Rewrite Product Descriptions
i have a site with 100 products and i need each product description rewrote to be unique as well as to implement the main keyword phrase for the page of the product. i will supply the main keyword phrase for each product page you need to implement. previous SEO writing experience preferred….the site is in oscommerce so knowledge of oscommerce is a plus, however not required.


-rewrite 100 product descriptions on the site with SEO in mind
-implement main keyword phrase (i will provide) into product description
-most descriptions are approximately 200 words – your rewrite should be about the same
-english as a first language preferred (please post links/examples of previous product description work in the PMB)

your bid should reflect the total cost to do 100 products at approximately 200 words each…so approximately 20,000 words of rewritten content. this must be manually rewritten content, do not use an article spinner or anything of the like to rewrite the descriptions…i will not accept “spun” rewrites….must be readable by humans and make sense 🙂

depending on the results you provide, i can offer more rewriting work….as i have nearly 500 products to do.

please ask any questions you may have.


Booking System

Booking System
The project will consist of the following

– A booking system where customers can book a slot for an appointment
– A login system where the customer can edit bookings
– A possibility to create several calendars for multiple practioners
– Possibility for specifying when it is possible to book a appointment for
– A method which generates confirmation link (I will myself implement the confirmation link into a e-mail or SMS-service)
– An administration back-end where bookings can be cancelled
– Possibility to create several types of treatment with different length.

That is it.

Converting Website Into Joomla

Converting Website Into Joomla
One of our client looking for converting their website (www. c o m m e r c i a l u t i l i t y b r o k e r s . co m) into JOOMLA , Bidder need to submit mockup for first page only for company directors to see. you can offer your own cost with your mockup there is no limit. but if you dont submit mockup it will be ignored. for the mockup you have to use all the things on front page. and extra ideas allowed as well.

Convert Psd To Joomla Theme 4

Convert Psd To Joomla Theme 4
Need a Joomla expert to create a theme from a layered PSD file. There are two different files, the homepage and the secondary pages design.

– Convert layered PSD file to Joomla 1.5 Theme
– Install and configure theme on site
– Install few modules
– 2 different page designs… homepage and secondary content pages
– Experienced developer with several PSD to Joomla Theme conversions
– Clean Concise, hand coded, tableless W3C compliant XHTML/CSS
– Cross-browser compliant (tested with firefox, ie, safari)

Facebook Publish_stream App

Facebook Publish_stream App
I want my app to publish to a “user”‘s wall AND to a page’s wall. The “user” is an administrator of the page and a user of the app.
The app “canvas” is used for setup, the app can be installed on one or several facebook page tab and on user profiles.

– user chooses to have the app automatically publish to page wall or to profile wall
– manage and prompt for special permission
– for a uid, check permission and post to wall
– for a pageid, check permission and post to wall
– when publishing to walls, the news will come from the “page”

Ideally the app would do those publishing when displayed within a page or profile tab. If not practical, then you need to come up with a working system (maybe a refresh on the app’s canvas view, CRON, etc.).

All in PHP / Javascript.

You must be able to show me a working app that I can install on a tab and profile that will publish to my profile wall and to my page wall when I get on it.

Clone Website Of A Car Websi 2

Clone Website Of A Car Websi 2
We required a website that functions and operates similarly to:


This website must be completed within 8 weeks.

You must:

1. First submit 5 website front page design drafts for us to select from.
2. Program off that theme/design using as much features and information that is being used on carsales.com.au

Seo Required

Seo Required
I would like to increase the ranking of my site to the first page of Google, Bing and Yahoo (link building, site submission etc…). The website is built HTML

Please send me a list of what you offer and the tasks you will perform.

Only seo experts need apply.
We are looking for an experienced seo programmer to assist with our seo publishing projects. The perfect candidate has good understanding of seo and all the major concepts that are involved in seo. The perfect candidate also has to have great programmatic skills specifically with PERL, PHP, and Javascript, HTML.

Previous experience with relevant seo projects is a MUST.

You must provide proof of previous work with references.