Online Music Portal 2

Online Music Portal 2
I need a portal where visitors can listen to music online. That to maintain the portal I just need to upload the files in MP3 format in the appropriate folder by musical genre, album or artist.

The site should be easy to administer, preferably by a CMS. must have advertising space and space for users to share links of songs are listening with others. Optimized for search engines. With sitemap.xml

This page will be hosted on a Linux dedicated server.

Whoever makes the project the best price and offer me the best support and maintenance will be my exclusive service provider for this project, we will work together for a long time.

I expect something similar to:

Phpdug Modification (more…)

Phpdug Modification (more…)
I need two things modified on my PHPdug platform:

1.) Install new CAPTCHA system to be used for user sign-up process. There is already one installed, but it is extremely vulnerable to allowing SPAM. I would like a new, free CAPTCHA system installed. As long as the new system is free and can handle unlimited requests, it is the programmer’s choice to decide which CAPTCHA system to utilize.

2.) On the sub-category pages, I would like the name of the parent category to be displayed as well (along with the sub-category name). I will provide specific details on this once a bidder has been accepted.

Quick And Simple Php Job

Quick And Simple Php Job
Dear Programmers,

I have a simple website written in PHP.
The website allows people to upload an image and to crop it. Thats it.


1) Add a upload progress indicator (20%, 35%, etc…), so people know that the image is being uploaded. (I found in google many Ajax Php Scripts that accomplish that task). I prefer an Ajax or javascript solution that a flash uploader solution.

2) The images are sorted in pages, 10 images per page. Just the first page is displayed, the link to the other pages are not working because the URL is not correct. There is an ID that the URL is missing in the page numbers.

I need this to be done right now, immediately. Thanks.

Complete My Site

Complete My Site
i brought a clone of g a f. it does not seem to be complete so i need some one to complete it and edit to my likening.
i don’t see a user back end or maybe the guy installed it wrong
need sum design to it too it will be used for adult freelance entertainment
has to work completely and error free
has to work wit paypal
im on a short buget so be reasonable
need to be guaranteed

Search Script Needed WordPress

Search Script Needed WordPress
We are in need of a search script built in php for a site running WordPress. The WordPress built in search won’t touch the custom tables. Other search plugins won’t work either. The site uses 3 custom plugins(php scripts) and some other lists and html tables. The site is here:

The user should be able to decide what to search (via checkboxes, possibly 5-6). The search should be able to query all 3 custom(non wp) tables, along with some other HTML tables that are on the site.

The search result’s page should display hyperlinks and highlights to the words searched for. The links should be able to be clicked through to the corresponding page and display the searched. (Or, I’m open for suggestions on how it should work)

The search should be a wordpress plugin future proof for upgrades to wordpress along with being XHTML valid using CSS.

Bidder should be proficient in the language of PHP and know MYSQL well. I have phpmyadmin access to the DB.

If this project goes well, I have other PHP coding jobs available.

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 5

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 5
I have 153 descriptions that are each 500+ characters long. I need them edited down or re-written to be 180 to 350 characters long each (…that’s about 40 to 70 words).

They are currently repetitive, grammatically poor and much too long. Some are of no use and will require a complete re-write.

The descriptions you will be editing describe mature sexual situations. In this particular job the descriptions are for gay porn sites.

The final product needs to be in good english, readable, make sense and do a reasonable job of describing the target porn site. I have examples for you to follow, including the URL for each site that you are editing/writing/describing.

Once you get rolling, if you’re fast at typing, this should take you less than 90 minutes to complete.

I need this job done in 24 hours.

Payment via ScriptLance.

I Need A Linking Numbers Scrip

I Need A Linking Numbers Scrip
I need a script where people can buy a number and then that number will be linked back to their website. There will be no expiration for the links since their purchase of that number is for the life of the website.

It will need a signup form that I can send the customer to after they complete payment with a normal paypal payment. I want the script setup so that I can generate how many numbers are on the site.

If you have an idea of what I want please bid on this job.