
We are looking for an experienced person to run our CL campaigns via CLAD Genius. The prospective person MUST have previous experience with using CLAD Genius or other automated CL software for posting on CL.

What we provide:

-CLAD Genius software
-Exclusive private proxies
-AD content
-CL accounts

You will be posting from a virtual machine using our software in all major US cities. You should have the experience to start by successfully posting 100 ads per day.

We would prefer that you have strong english skills.

CPA marketing experience a plus as well.

This could turn into a long term project with high commissions and bonus’ depending on performance.

Please DO NOT respond if you are not familiar with posting bulk ads on CL!

Job Type: Programming
Script Installation
Search Engine Optimization

Joomla Form To Create Account

Joomla Form To Create Account

IMPORTANT : REPLY WITH “AGREED” as the first word of your message or bid : this is to avoid bots or copy/paste bids). Without this, your bid will not be considered. Job is immediate and needs to be completed in the next 3 days, don’t bid if you can complete, test and deliver in this timeframe.


I need a Joomla and AdsManager expert to complete a work that has been started but not finished. Joomla, AdsManager and a template are already installed.

Tasks to do are :

Hi !

We are developing a customized classfield ads website using Jumi (Jumi is a component that allows to use PHP scripts in articles or modules)

We need a PHP AND JOOMLA expert that knows how to create customized modules/components and extract a $_POST[] data.

We have tried to send a POST to our PHP page (article), and joomla sends us a 404 error, and when we send a post to the Jumi page (from menu) the value returned by $_POST is NULL.

So what we need, are two things :

1: An example of retrieving a $_POST data in a module or in a custom component that you will have to create.

2: The form will be used by user that doesn’t have an account yet, so the form will extract the data into the ads_system table in DB,
AND in the jos_users table ( need to create a real joomla account (with encrypted password + salt))

In the form, they will be all the fields required to create a joomla account that is :
Name, Nickname, Email, Password, plus other additionnal fields.

What you need to do is :

Joomla 1.5.15 with Jumi (component, search “jumi” in google)
you will need to use it as a new page (component > jumi > add file > “blabla” > path to blabla (/text.php for example))
after you created the title for this file’s path, go into main menu, new item, Jumi, and select “blabla” in the select form.

make a html form on it

like :
<form action=”URL YOU WANT, I GUESS A COMPONENT” method=”post”>
<input type=”text” name=”name” />
<input type=”text” name=”nickname” />
<input type=”text” name=”email” />
<input type=”password” name=”password” />

for the script what will be called by this form, I let you think about…

* Please save us time and only bid if you are an experienced Joomla & PHP programmer.

Clone/ Fixup Of Existing Site.

Clone/ Fixup Of Existing Site.
Hi guys.

This is a low budget project and will suit a programmer who is looking to get some quick positive feedback.

My website page requires a facelift / a more professional look.

Some of the features I would like to see on it are:
The Latest News (currently on there – but bug on scrolling).
Display of multiple City’s times.
A graphic of the world / globe.
And anything else you believe you can add or contribute to the site.

Although the budget is low, I still would like something quality.

Please message me your suggestions and I will make my choice depending on these.

I have also attached my logo to this project.

100% of Payment will be made by Escrow on completion.

Employee Management System

Employee Management System
I need a system to manage employees. The idea is to do this with a google like calendar that automatically creates a schedule according to availability.

Main items that need to be developed are:
Schedule generator; Google like calendar, o Horizontal, o Vertical, Text message gateway,
Social network part with internal messages in all sorts of forms, Automatic synchronization with all main calendar apps, Exchange wizard

Anyone who sends us an application that has not read the attachments will instantly be refused. I need a excellent proposal for this project with diagram and detailed understanding note.
Finally read the attachments thoroughly and answer our questions on the final page of the textual sitemap.

Photo Blog Content Writing S 2

Photo Blog Content Writing S 2
Need the following.
Keep it short, because almost nobody reads it.
So read this complete.
Need 3 articles for a blog. (No copy – paste story) Need to be original. Copyright go to me.
Need first page of website to have rewritten with keyword friendly content, with a density check from 2 till 3 %!

Keywords are now:

on location photographer in texas, San Antonio Photographer,Newborn photographer, children photography, Photographer, portrait photographer San Antonio, model photography, portfolio, model, commercial, photo

If you can do it better with more efficient keywords, then tell.

I do NOT need long stories. No monthly bids, just one bid for this. I will make soon a decision who can do it. So hurry with a GOOD offer.


Easy Data Copy Data Entry Proj

Easy Data Copy Data Entry Proj
it is a very simple copy paste project
we want you to copy information of some sites similar to ours to our site.
it includes about 5 textbox + 1 picture each copy/pasting.
another thing we want is to do that so fast.
we will give you a help on each site that is very easy to understand what to do.
i should say that one of the five text box includes a long text but others includes short ones like mail, name and …… and there is a picture that you should save and then upload it to our site.
please bid for 10000 copy/pasting.
have great time
please send your work details via pmb.
see u

Instal A Simple Script 2

Instal A Simple Script 2
i have a job installing a very simple script normally i van do this but i am rust and would appreciate you writing down exactly what you had to do most scripts will build there bown db this one need one build i believe . i have a cpanel so it should not take you longer than 20 mins if that. i will pay you $15, get back asap or i will have to find some one else this is a very easy job. thanks Nick

Flash Content Generator

Flash Content Generator
Hello, I am designing and developing a site in Flash. This site will be an online test that will be used to generate content. In short, users will go to a site where they will be confronted with a sound. They will have to associate that sound with a certain object (brand). Since I will have 10 different sounds on 10 different pages, I will also have 10 different objects (brands) to pick from. This way, as the user goes through the Flash site, they select a brand or object based upon the sound they hear. I want all information to be collected via php script and emailed to me. This way I can go back and say User 1 said that Sound 2 goes with object B, or so forth. Upon approval I can send you the site comps, but I am still working on the development of the site. I would plan to have the entire 10 page flow of the Flash site working, you would only be in charge and responsible for the coding of the buttons to generate this information that would be emailed to me.

Help Fix My Site

Help Fix My Site
I need a zencart ecommerce person to do a few tasks for me

Ok this is what I need. And yes I want it done yesterday. LOL

Upgrade of zencart established site template and redesign, just using one that is already loaded on site (But not used) but revamping it (if Possible, Change colours logo and header). This is a ecommerce site and I would like to go for a cleaner more professional look. Hopefully with out loosing Data

Need a blog connected prefer wordpress with template (to match site) with connections to FB (Already Established) Twitter and other social media sites. Blog must have same look as site.

Email templates to match design with messages in Zencart. Example: A shipped item template. payment received thank you etc

Automate email messaging. Would like to see if I can automate a birthday special to my customers on their birthday in zencart.

We would like to add e-Books soon to our site (Zencart) can you help us do this .

Thank you please email us if you would like more information
