Joomla Design Expert Start N 2

Joomla Design Expert Start N 2

For my custom Joomla design I need a Joomla expert to fix something.

The website is www. ri mo without the spaces.

The menu is not working as it should be.

As you can see,there should be a submenu when you go over a menu button,but this doesn’t work.

Find here an example how it should work:

The job has to be done immediately,I will pay you $15 after the job is done via Paypal.

Please be aware that you have enough experience to do it,cause some people already had a look and they were not able to fix it.

Only people with experience!

Customising A WordPress Plug 2

Customising A WordPress Plug 2
I’m looking for some small enhancements to the awpcp classifieds plugin for wordpress.

It’s a free plugin with demo here

What I need:

1. Include ability to upload 3-4 image attachments when replying to an ad, eg add fields to this form

2. Change date format from yyyy/mm/dd To dd/mm/yyyy

3. Modify SEO friendly urls, the plugin comes with friendly urls but in my template they are broken.

4. Identify category_name/id and subcategory so each pages can be named in the breadcrumb navigation

5. Add a RSS for each subcategory.

It’s for an online dating site so you need to be OK with this.

Php Mysql Expert

Php Mysql Expert
Hi, we are looking for Individual programmers who can work with us on Various projects.

He / She should be an expert with Php and Mysql and should be able to learn any scripts and work on it quickly.

We can guarantee continuous work and a good pay. Payment will be based on Project by project basis. We will also help you on learning the script if you are having a problem but you should be a quick learner.

The website you will be working may contain some images. So be aware of that.


Simple Php Contact Form – Smtp

Simple Php Contact Form – Smtp
I have a non-profit website (My German Shepherd Dog Club) I manage, and I need our current “Contact Us” Form re-worked as my host just disabled the PHP mail functionality on all servers.

So I simply need it changed from the current PHP mail, to SMTP.

This should be VERY simple and take a good PHP programmer an hour or so. (if that)

Current code will be supplied, it is complete and functioned perfectly when PHP mail worked. No changes to the form are required from a cosmetic perspective.

Looking to spend the absolute minimum … should be very simple. I know my SMTP details and can fill them in later.

I will not pay up front for this work. Remember, we are a non-profit Dog Club 🙂

Cubecart Advanced Search Mod

Cubecart Advanced Search Mod
We would like an advanced search page building for a customized cubecart 3 site.

The search page would allow the user to narrow search by using any or all of the following fields. In database field CubeCart_inventory the product must have a status of 1 to be shown in search results if status is zero it should not be shown in results.

BY Keyword/s
Text input will search in all sections of CubeCart_inventory
Will have a drop down option
Containing any of these words
Containing all these words
Containing exact phrase


Check boxes for each category of act in database (DB field is CubeCart_category)

By Town Or City
Alphabetical Multiple select option built from content of Table CubeCart_inventory field xtra3

By Price Range
From and to to price boxes checked against Table CubeCart_inventory field xtra11 if xtra 11 has no data product not shown in results

Demo Material Check Boxes

Acts with Mp3 Demos check box checks db Table CubeCart_inventory fields xtra12 AND xtra 14 if there is data in those fields that is a positive for this option

Acts with Video Demos check box checks db Table CubeCart_inventory field embedYouTube if there is data in this field that is a positive for this option

Available For Summer Season Work: Check Box checks db Table CubeCart_inventory field xtra5 for a value of YES case must be irrelevant

Available For Work Abroad: Check Box checks db table CubeCart_inventory field xtra6 for a value of YES case must be irrelevant

Results page to show in same format as category pages in all cases acts with demos will be shown before acts with no demos. If user checks one of the demo boxes only acts with those demos will be shown.

If result number is low or zero a message will appear

There weren’t many results try broadening your search by not being so specific.

Al results pages to have a search again link at the top and bottom.

Obviously this needs building in cubes normal format so it integrates with the rest of the site so files will be

File advancedsearch.php putting in includes/content
File advancedsearch.tpl putting in skins/new1/styletemplates/content/

Please also be aware that the site uses a search engine friendly mod using apache rewrite via htaccess but it need not be applied to search results.



Postcard Graphic Print Design

Postcard Graphic Print Design
I would like some a5 size postcards designed
We do direct mail marketing using postcards and each customer requires the design. This is an ongoing project but let begin with a 2 examples:

1 – Design a postcard selling “website design services”
2 – Design a postcard selling a promotional keyring

In both cases you must find the pictures and words yourself. Obviously it needs to be legal and without copyright infringment.

Please give me examples of your previous work and feel free to ask any questions. Thanks

Database Information Upgrading

Database Information Upgrading
Before information processing migrated to the internet, almost all data entry jobs were done by hand writing and use of typewriters. Data entry workers were employed on-site and wrote documents and entered data by hand on paper, then typewriter and eventually when computers became popular, they entered data in to them. In different cases, data entry workers gathered data from different sources e.g. customer questionnaires and entered them on the computer for analysis.

With the evolution brought about by the internet, business is now done almost exclusively electronically. This makes data entry job sector one of the most rapidly expanding job markets. There are many types of data entry jobs that are done these days. Most of these are legitimate jobs that return good rewards although the possibility of obsolete and scam jobs is also real. In most cases, data entry jobs require special computer equipments to ease the process of working. These devices may include scanners, printers, microphones, webcams, handwriting recognition software, data conversion tools and barcode readers among others.

Engineering Colleges Details 2

Engineering Colleges Details 2

We need a list of engineering colleges in india along with following details in a excel file.

1) College Name
2) Website Link
3) Contact Email
4) College Address
5) College Phone Number
6) Placement Officer Name
7) Placement Officer Email.

More then 800 engineering colleges in India. All grades colleges need to be considered.

No compromise over data quality, bid only if you can provide complete data. Bid only if you can provide complete set of data. Don’t waste our time as last 2 programmer did.

Money can be escrowed only after seeing nearly 50 sample data.

Data Collection & Reporting

Data Collection & Reporting

The objective of this project is to have a central repository (site) that will assist in creating decisions to questions resulting from a bigger project. Our aim is to have data entry forms to encourage collaboration and then to have various view pages (reporting) that will display the results. Because there will be library tables for lookups, we will also require “Admin” pages where we can edit the backend values. The site is to be created in VB.Net with SQL 2005 as its backend. AJAX is preferred but not required.
All code and source must be provided and explained for future development.

In Detail, we would like a database that will contain tables housing:
Servers and relevant data about them, including CPU, Disk, and other physical attributes, along with OS and version, its primary IP, if it’s a member of a cluster, application(s) it is hosting, location, vendor, support costs and expiration date.
Applications and their dependencies, version, vendor, number of users, security groups allowed access, servers hosting this application (can be more than 1), licensing and support costs.
Devices (like Cisco Routers, Switches, F5 load balancers, Riverbed appliances, etc), their OS and version, location, support costs and expiration date

We have 4 datacenters that are housing many servers, network appliances, storage devices, and applications. We want to tie everything back to the current datacenter that it resides in, along with selecting a BCP location (disaster recover). Applications will need to be tied to servers. We would also like Application dependencies to be entered at a generic level, such as IIS, Excel, SQL, etc.

Much of the data in the tables will need to be entered on several web forms that we would like created, but some tables will contain relatively constant data, such as application dependencies (IIS, Excel, SQL, Word, etc) or Vendors (Dell, Microsoft, etc). We would like the forms using the data in the application dependencies and vendors libraries presented as a dropdown menu or selection of some sort to make the relation between tables. We want the relations so that running reports will be able to present things such as total support costs for the vendor Dell, or total number of applications having the dependency of IIS, and the like.