Psd Templates To WordPress

Psd Templates To WordPress
we have a site that needs to have the PSD we provide skinned for wordpress. we will provide all necessary plugins for the site and your bid should include skinning the installed plugins to work with our template design exactly how it is. there are a total of 7 pages that need to be skinned for this project. all pages share the same header, footer, & sidebar designs. only the main body content areas are different.

we are looking for a quick turnaround from a template coding guru who can get this done seamlessly and without issues. please bid if you feel this is you.

Easy Flash Integration

Easy Flash Integration
Hello..time ago i have make this website to my customer:
taking this template from templatemonster
now after two years, my customer wants an admin panel and also that website its in xml (because actually its slow to load)..
I have many dynamic flash photogalleryes from templatemonster,i will provide you all the sources files you need (im not asking to create an admin panel from scratch so plesae dont make high bids)
i need somebody that integrates the backend files of dynamyc templates with the website
so what i need its this same website but dinamyc with an admin panel.
I will provide you all the backend and sources files.
If somethings isnt clear please contact me
thanks a lot

Simple Php Registration Form

Simple Php Registration Form
I need this registration php form:

The data will be inserted in a mysql database (one column for each field)

The columns will have spanish names and will be:

Nombre (Name)
Telefono (Phone)
Referencia (Reference Number)
Fecha_Pago (Date of payment)
Personas (Number of passengers)
Salida (Departure)
Regreso (Return)

When the user press the button “Make my reservation” he will see all the data and then press a confirm button.

For all the registrations one mail will be sent to the user with copy to the webmaster.

This form needs to be made immediately.

Admin Image Upload Tool

Admin Image Upload Tool
This project involves extending an existing basic admin tool. The requirement is to add an image upload tool. The images will only be JPG and will only be uploaded to one directory.

The user must be given the option to select and upload multiple files (rather than one at a time). Upon submitting, they should be shown a progress bar (optional: would be good to have an estimated time of completion if possible). Upon completion, the user should be presented with a list of uploaded files – they should be given the option to rename any files (as part of this process, a link should be provided to preview the image to allow the user to identify the image). The renaming process should be done using AJAX for user friendliness.

Once complete, the user should submit the changes and be returned to the admin home page.

There is a pre-existing security set-up in place protecting the admin script so this will not need changed. This script is on a shared server so there is a limit to the changes to the PHP configuration that can be made.

Please see the attached (basic) diagram of the process for more information.

Php Parse Txt To Mysql Table

Php Parse Txt To Mysql Table
This project involves parsing 2 .txt pipe delimited files to an existing MySQL table using PHP. It also needs to be setup in a cron job to run daily.

This program will be set up and run on a website shared hosting server – bluehost.

It needs to be completed by Monday the 29th.

I have also posted another related project. If you are interested, look for “Linux Shell Script – cron job”.

Adult Staffing Website Needed

Adult Staffing Website Needed
Need a classy but sexy site for our adult staffing services. WordPress themes ok as long as you are willing to help teach us how to change and update text, etc when needed.

We have our own domain name – just need the design (we will provide images and texts). Will need pages for “About Us”, Apply Here (with an application form that will be submitted to our email after completion), Contact Us, Services, Staffing. Will be mostly text – few images.

Need a quick professional turnaround at an affordable price.

Dealbase Clone Site

Dealbase Clone Site
Brief on Hotel Site

Phase I:

A travel site built on wordpress platform which automatically offers many features such as adding web posts, adding various tools, SEO compatability, hosting service, admin panel etc. It needs to be customized for the following:

a. Deals on hotels (refer to and user reviews posted by users for those hotels / deals

b. The site will have travel information on all cities of India divided into various heading, subjects and pages. The travel designations will also be categoried on theme basis, such as adventure travel, religious travel etc. Reference – This information can be added by users, on getting published the name of the user will also show below the information published. All information will be published post approval of admin.

c. It will have search and advance search functionality. Search can be made by deal pricing and / or star rating and / or city. It will also have compare info functionality for hotel rates on parameters such as city, price and star rating.

d. Anyone can post information on deals, destinations, festivals on the site which will be uploaded post admin reviews the content.

e. If the hotel for which user is posting a deal is not in our database/listed on site, then a new page should be formed for that hotel and it should be added to our database.

e. The site will have Photographs, 100 words description and 1 video on each hotel.

f. It will have option for user reviews on hotels and deals etc.

g. It will also have google maps integrated with each hotel. You can take API of Google to do so. (if possible)

h. Hotel, travel agent and customers should be able to add deals. Deals will be published post admin approval. There would be an option if the Hotel, travel agent and customers wants their name to be visible on the deal or not.

i. The user should be able to go to the partner site (hotel, online travel agent) to make the booking. (hyperlinking option) However, this should be another window opening, our site should not close.

j. Users should be able to log on to the site to make their own user interface/section. For eg- (we can ask the city/age/sex/ profession of the person / upcoming travel and customize his deals section with relevant deals accordingly)

k. Automated Alerts for subscription by user. Deal alerts will be personalised as per specifications left by the user (parameters pre-decided by us)

l. The site will also have plan your travel option. This would be personalized travel planner which would allow a person to select the deal on hotel, flight, info on destination in one page and save it. He can then share it with his friends and take prints. He should also be able to save his tickets in this one document.

m. The site should be SEO optimized – meta tag, page description, page title etc. However, wordpress does give most of the options. The site should also have cookies, adware and spyware integrated in it for better analytics.

n. The site should have database backup option.

o. Integration of 3 online travel agents to add their deals.

Phase II

1. IMP but OPTIONAL: This will be additional. If you can undertake, let me know, otherwise just revert with website rates and timeframe.

Crawler functionality along with the site which will search ‘SPECIFIC’ travel related information on the web, assemble it in the ‘required’ format (pre-decided by us) and upload it on the site after the admin approves the content.

• A web crawler will collect required information on travel in India posted on various websites – hotel sites, online travel sites, travel agent sites etc.

Crawler should be able to take commands on keywords which it will use for locating information. • Information will be assembled in the format as per the instructions set in the crawler.

• The crawler will have user editing rights. The info will be screened by admin and only then added to website. •

The crawler needs to eliminate mechanical searching of content on web.

2. After launching the site, I am also looking at promoting it through search engine management. Let me know if you do that as well.

3. Payment gateway integration

4. More API integrations.

Pls give separate costing of phase 1 and phase 2. phase 2 will be renewed on experience of phase 1. but i am interested in knowing if you can do phase 2.

Shopping Cart Optimization 2

Shopping Cart Optimization 2
I need to make these modifications to my shopping cart (CS-Cart)

Please, bid if you have good skill in Smarty, HTML, PHP and CSS. Provide your real portfolio.

shopping cart, Website Design, E-Commerce, Website Redesign, Cs-cart

I. Top:

block1. logo->>linkable to homepage

block2. Santo Domingo->>Editable (text), linkable to store information and location
block3. Santiago–>>Editable (text) store location and information
block4. Acceso al taller –>>linkable to system

horizontal bar where Makes are: linkable each make individually to make page. Ex.

Make text on the top of the category look better. Modify font and size.


A. Daily deal: editable as a category, I want to be able choose item to added there from the catalog.
B. Same for the other 2 offers below it.

Optimize look and feel of both. My design is just for indication.

III. Item description:
Change “añadir a carrito” (add to cart) to Share on Facebook and Twitter (Compartir en Twitter y Facebook)
But in category page change “add to cart” to “View more details” (Ver más detalles).

IV. Footer: Add links to footer. Will link created pages.

V. Search suggestion.

You can see actual store here:

Note: I need these changes in the latest version after update.

Linux Shell Script – Cron Job

Linux Shell Script – Cron Job
This project requires a linux shell script to upload a .txt file from a personal computer with a static ip address to a website server. This job needs to be set up and run from the website server. The website is hosted on bluehost.

Please let me know if you have done this kind of script or similar before.

This script needs to be complete by Monday the 29th.

I am also going to post a project to parse this txt file to a table that resides in a MySQL database. If you are also interested in that piece, look for the project “PHP Parse txt to MySQL table”

Flash Ecover Script

Flash Ecover Script
I have an ecover design script powered by Flash & PHP. I want to add more ecover boxes style into the web based script. The ecover style is powered by Flash application on the web.

Attached zip folder inside contains 11 ecover boxes that I need someone to create them for me.

I will provide the full source code of the flash file so you can create different ecover box design for me easily. The source code format is .fla

Please note that THIS IS NOT design ecover BUT create ecover
box structure in flash software. Currently I have 8 ecover style like DVD, CD, ebook and etc. Now I need someone to create more ecover style
for me like software box, membership card and etc. (Attached zip folder are the ecover style I want)

The work completion time frame is 1 week after I confirmed your bid.

Please PM me for the script demo access
PM me with the code: “getecover”

Once I received your PM, I will give you the access to the ecover script (web based), so you can review how the script work.

Please DO NOT bid until you review the ecover script demo first.

Thank you.


Traffic/ Registration Servic 2

Traffic/ Registration Servic 2
We offer a registration service and need following:

We will have several list of urls, each url will goto, register on all urls (with changing content (names, streets, birthdays) at fields, drop down and more), then wants to fetch urls from the activation mail account, activate them .

then login to that account using the login / password and add links to my profile to the signature and then proceed to next site.

you have to use a german proxy server at every registration and change the ip at the same site again.

we pay per registration. You bid for the first 10.000 registrations. Only registrations with german ips are possible.

IMPORTANT: There are ca. 100 different sites á 100 registrations. For every registration at the same site you have to use another german IP.

There are changing sites and registrations. It is complete 10.000.
You must remove all cookies after registration at the same site.
You must use german ips for registration.

Web2 Site Design Css-xhtml-div

Web2 Site Design Css-xhtml-div
Bid ONLY if you can IMMEDIATELY start working on this project until its complete. No part-timers!

“Detailed specs attached. Please read that before quoting”

remove all deadlinks from your list of reference sites before sending.

provide references to Only Web2 standard LIVE NON-flash css/xhtml websites that you have designed. Dont send links to mockups.

Design a simple, crisp & elegant direct-response B2C mini-site template :

~4-5 pages.
html forms & boxes.
login box
gel type order buttons.
3d graphical bullets.

i expect responsiveness, sincerity, revisions till satisfaction & meticulous attention to detail.

I don’t need a CMS. Only a limited no. of elements in those pages need to be designed, other than those specifically mentioned. Thanks.

Flash Cms Photography Website

Flash Cms Photography Website

Ok My client is After a CMS based Photography site That has some great features that a photography site should have. (see all Details in attached PDF)

What i was thinking was to have a FLASH CMS based Photography site as i need it to be fresh, very smooth and QUALITY IS A MUST!

My Client might want to supply the Graphic’s , Layout as they are a graphic designer so having something built so template change should be easy to do.

Also I need time frame

You can also suggest to build it with HTML PHP with Flash Incorporated if that’s better or something like joomla but at the end of the day I want QUALITY WORK! GREAT LOOKING Photography site with Blog section,
Client login to view their images,
Lightbox for images,

and Some other things that are listed in the PDF attached.

Some of the sites in the PDF are not great looking and pretty poor but its just an example of the functionality.

Thank You!!