Need Directory For WordPress

Need Directory For WordPress
I have a blog already setup and I would like to implement a directory in the existing WordPress blog design.

I’m looking for something similar or better or use the one from this site:

This will be a free directory and not paid. I will be adding the sites that goes into the directory, I will not allow anyone to add their site.

this should be an easy job for someone that knows what they’re doing.

PLease post pmb for questions and post previous work

Jasfel: Bug Fixes And Updates

Jasfel: Bug Fixes And Updates
Need Bug Fixes and New Features to existing website

bug fix: ‘List / List Search’ feature: currently displays bad data

New Feature: Anyone submitting a review must login or register before entering a review.

New Feature: ‘New review’ must be reviewed by admin before it is entered into the production database.

New Feature: ‘Add A Child Care Provider’ user must login or register before being allowed to add a child care provider

New Feature: ‘Add A Child Care Provider’ user should not be allowed to add directly to the database.

New Feature: Added provider should be reviewed by admin before it is entered into the production database

New Feature: Insert Google Ads to the right of the home page

New Feature: admin screen should show statistics for the site.

Bug Fix: ‘Search’: When you search for child care providers and select ‘View’ the reviews are not shown.You get a screen to insert a review.

Bug Fix: Reviewing / Rating Child Care: Delete Child Care Provider’s Name :

Bug Fix: Search: If user searches for provider based on zipcode or state or name, the results should be listed in alphabetical order.

New Feature: Search: add feature that will pop up google map and show location of the provider relative to the address entered. So this open is really find providers within ‘x’ miles of specified address

Bug Fix: Delete “Search” and “Browse” underneath “Add Provider”

Bug Fix: Display of providers: do not display the ID for each provider. Should be hidden

Bug Fix: Phone Number is truncated is display of provider

Troubleshoot Php Searchscri 2

Troubleshoot Php Searchscri 2
I have a site with 4 books in 4 languages.( 2 are unicode fonts)
i have a combined search( ALL BOOKS) and individual searches ( SEPARATE).
some search options show result numbers but not the actual results.


Fix Php Searchscript

Fix Php Searchscript
I have a site with 4 books in 4 languages.( 2 are unicode fonts)
i have a combined search( ALL BOOKS) and individual searches ( SEPARATE).

some search options show result numbers but not the actual results.
those are options: begins with, any words, without words


Time Series Chart

Time Series Chart
Hello everyone,

I’m in need of a chart either javascript or flash-based, preferbly, that accepts JSON or a PHP url as data input. I want something like the one from google finance, and/or amcharts (

I want to be able to graph a for example, how many visitors per day,week,and/or year, and to select a range of months, like google finance viewport, that lets you drag some selectors to pickup a range.

I’m not in a hurry, and you can give me the project in about 1 month.

** If you decide to make it in javascript, you can use JQuery if you want. And if you decide to use PHP, follow CodeIgniter’s standards.

Thank you all

Simple Database And Php Work

Simple Database And Php Work
I just bought i need a php programmer to edit the following: user database with my current members database. So my members don’t have to login to this.

2.allow access to images from members album folder and show in “My Galleries”

3. Place header and footer of my site on this so it looks like part of my site

should be a quick and simple project for qualified bidder

Graphics For A Membership Site

Graphics For A Membership Site
1 eCover Design ( Membership Card )
1 Headline Txt Slogun
1 Header
1 Footer
1 Background

The website will be selling a membership to lifetime downloads of turnkey website scripts
graphics etc

you must design the header etc with your own initiative with focus on the membership price and also the fact that we are offering downloads of turnkey website scripts etc

Headline Txt Slogun
Join Today and EARN CASH from websites you can make & sell with our scripts and graphics!!!
Main Txt = MEGA Turnkey Membership
Price to be included with focus on the price $49.99 (lifetime Membership)
Colors to include red orange and yellow with flames and cask with some relevance to the turnkey website industry.

I wish to see links to your other projects for similar work including sales pages etc

CodeIgniter from Scratch: Shopping Cart

CodeIgniter from Scratch: Shopping Cart

Today, we are going to take a look at the Shopping Cart library for CodeIgniter. This useful class allows us to add and remove items to a shopping cart, update them, and calculate prices. I will demonstrate how you can build a simple shopping cart system with the help of this library..

Catch Up

Day 12: Shopping Cart

Final Project

Online Food Ordering Services

Online Food Ordering Services
Dear Designer,
The project is to create an online food ordering portal (website), where the website will list the website based on the customer’s area/search and s/he can view the restaurants details and their menu, then order online for delivery or pick up. Similar to and

How the system works (Step by step walkthrough):

First time users will be asked to register and create an account. The account will have a unique username as well as a password in addition to their detailed information which includes the area they live in (the area that they live in will be used to decide which restaurants are capable of delivering there), their credit card information if they’d like to pay online. We’d like to have an option where the user can have multiple locations and use multiple credit cards).

Once the user creates an account or has an existing account he is sent to another page where he has 3 drop down menus to select from (An option is given for the user to be signed in automatically and sent to this webpage on his next visits). First one is whether he wants delivery or pick up. Second one is the restaurant category (Asian, Indian, etc… or to show all restaurants). Third is to select one of the locations that is saved in their account, or input a new location.

Once they filter out their preferences the user will get a list of restaurants that meet their preferences. They would then proceed to their restaurant of choice and choose the food items they’d like to order by selecting what they’d like from that restaurant’s menu. Upon checkout they’ll have the option of either paying online by credit card, or by cash.
The order is then sent to the restaurant by either fax, SMS, email, or all three. A confirmation email is sent to the customer.

Support internalization ( for multi-languages).
Fax and SMS is sent to the restaurants in both languages regardless in which language the order was made

An eCommerce site with cart and checkout

Write in JAVA EE preferred*

MVC Framework*


Appealing graphics and looks

VERY user friendly

MySQL database*


Customer accounts will contain preferred language, favorite orders, credit card(s), delivery location
(s), as well as personal data

Restaurants have their detailed informtaion including their phone number, opening hour, whether they deliver or not and its map

Customers can give ratings as well as reviews about restaurants. Objectionable comments can be removed by an administrator

A feedback page for customers where they can assess the website and give feedback as well as modifications they’d like to see.

The programmer needs to provide an SMS gateway provider and Fax gateway provider for such type of services. Please include the respective cost in your quotation.

Restaurant list order should be in alphabetical order. However restaurants can be moved up the list by the administrator.

An interface for administrators where they can login and manage the site. Here are couple of the things I’d like the administrator to have control over:

They can blacklist a particular customer or IP address, home address, email address, phone number etc and such customers will be prevented from placing any further orders on the restaurant.

They can add, edit and manage the news and information in the homepage.

They can add and edit restaurants, menus, food items, and be able to categorize them.

They can manage restaurants public profiles and the menu card with add-on options. There will be settings like hours of operation, pickup option, delivery option and radius of operation, logo changing, minimum order / delivery price option.

Manage advertising as well as “featured restaurants” (This is basically moving the restaurant or a certain food item to the top of the list or in the featured food section)

Be able to send a fax, SMS or email alert to any customer or website

View a summary dashboard about the overall activity on the site

View detailed site statistics about events on the site

Create sub-admin users and selectively delegate rights in admin panel

SSL security and encryption of credit card details while storing in database table
is essential. PCI compliance and shielding against SQL injection vulnerability is required.
Payment gateway provider needs to be selected here*

Automatic generation and submission of URL List and SITEMAP XML to Google and Yahoo search engine*

Integration with Google Analytics to understand sources of site visitors*

Automatically generated trend reports for analyzing internal site statistics (should be able to be extract to excel).
• Restaurants and items which can be sorted by value and date range.
• Fake orders with customer name, number and order value.
• Report with details analysis of repeat customers, particular age group customer, particular postcode or area customer etc
• List of all blacklisted customers & their IP address for restaurants.
• List of all deleted restaurants or temporary offline restaurant.
• List of all merchandise purchased by the restaurant.
• List of all sales and revenue bough into the company as joining fee from restaurant or commission paid on every order
• Print weekly, monthly, and yearly commission fees.
• Pending payments to be made to and by restaurants, highlighting the payments which have exceeded the due date.

SEO search engine optimization (google, yahoo)

-Payments to be paid out to restaurants every week after deducting commission.
-Manage the rates for advertising and subscription on the site
-Manage the rates for percent commissions charged, joining fees paid upfront, merchandise purchase, etc to restaurants for orders on the site.
-Send invoices to restaurants for offline purchases where customers did not pay through the site with credit card. Direct Debit needs to be setup here.
-View a log of all incoming and outgoing payments by time and date range,
-View and track the periodic transfers made to restaurants by bank wire transfer or ACH or manual checks
-Integration to merchant gateway to accept online credit card payments

Clarification questions that I’d like answered first before we can discuss anything:
How long will it take to complete? How long will the beta take? Time is very important to me.
How many programmers will be working on the website?
How much will it cost to employee monitor my site as well as my orders?
Have you done a similar kind of website?
How many months of service do you provide for bugs etc…
What is your hour rate once the website is completed?
How much will it cost for the gateway integration?

Could you please provide me with your quote and if possible a break down of it in US dollars?

Quality is key here. I need a website that is simple and user friendly, but also accurate and has 100% uptime or as close to that as possible.

I appreciate your time and hope to hear from you soon.

* We’d like to discuss these points further

Best Regards,

Mohammed Al-Saadi

Joomla – Jamroom Bridge

Joomla – Jamroom Bridge

– I need that my users can signup in Jamroom or Joomla and the both signup are writed in the same database (joomla db).

– Users can login in Jamroom( listeners) or Joomla.

– Dual login, if a user is logged in joomla is too logged in Jamroom or vice versa.

– Writed as a plugin of jfusion open source component for joomla, I need this because two briges in the same web will crash the db.

All these of features are required, so don´t bid if you can´t complete it.

We have in mind more projects in the future, if the programmer works great we will work more times with him.

Please only joomla experts.

We lost a lot of time with programers that can´t finish the work don´t make us lose more time.


We don´t negociate the bids.

Best regards,

Clone Fiverr + A Few Additions

Fiverr Clone

Only 49 USD

Download Fiverr Clone

fiverr clone script

Clone Fiverr + A Few Additions

I’m starting a new project and I’m looking for a design/programming team to help me make it a reality.
What I need is a full clone site of fiverr [dot] com with strong back end. Also I will add a few more features. The features I need added should not affect the final outcome of the project so bid accordingly.
If you are planning on bidding please send me a list of the top 5 websites you have build. Only top 5 which you think best represent your knowledge and skills. I do not want lists of 50 websites you have worked on.
Also the design part of this project is very important so only excellent design work would be considered.
I believe the website could be done in 10 to 14 days.
My budget is very strict so do not bid 100%-150% over my budget.
Before submitting a bid please go to the website, register for a free account and take a look around to get a better feel of the requirements for the front end.

List of features (not complete) which I want:
1.) Same outlay different design
2.) Same simple account sing up
3.) Same account settings and shopping cart
4.) Same simple posting of new jobs
5.) Search ability
6.) Categories
7.) Automatic posting of new jobs to twitter
8.) Same suggest box
9.) Connect with Facebook integration
10.) Paypal integration
11.) User internal messaging system
12.) This is not a complete list, pretty much what you see there I want

The main difference will be the ability to choose between four fee types.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Thank You

I would like to form a long lasting relationship with a developer, and hopefully work in the future to make this site even better.