Joomla Nofollow Bot

Joomla Nofollow Bot
I need a tool that will modify outbound links for user submitted content, adding rel=”nofollow”. Joomla 1.5 native. I wish to accomplish this within articles, but I am also interested in how it could work for the output of other components as well – for example kunena, eventlist, community builder. Menus and modules do not need to be processed. It should be coded to ignore local links, and process only outbound links.

The implementation is up to you, but here are some ideas:

– A bot that processes content only. There would need to be some control over which sections or categories it would be applied – lists of category ID’s to process or not process, etc. Here is an example for Joomla 1.0

– A regex filter for ReRelpacer by NoNumber (presumably this could work on all pages and could be comparatively easy to implement)

– A JCE addon that automatically adds this tag on save (there are comparable filters that strip MS word tags, etc)

– This is a standard feature in WordPress, so perhaps that implementation could be borrowed.

Here are two articles related to this subject (): ( PHP + regex to add no follow) (removing no follow, this is not what I want to do, but the article may be of interest for some of its comments on performance optimization)

Please describe your preferred implementation strategy, even if it is different from the options I have mentioned.

Plead Your Need Site

Plead Your Need Site
This is a full, complete site development from logo to template design.
Attached you will find more information regarding the flow and functionality of the site based on another site for a starting point.

Terms: Winning bidder shall receive 50% once site is up and fully functional ready for transfer, debugged, for our servers. Balance paid when site is transferred, functional and fully debugged. We do not use escrow, nor do we pay any advance. if you cannot work with our terms, do NOT bid on our project. Our feedback speaks for itself and we don’t play games.

Web Designer Needed – 2 Sites

Web Designer Needed – 2 Sites
We are looking for a person to design and develop a new website for 2 different businesses. We provide therapeutic services for families and would like a site that we can easily update with upcoming workshops and information. The websites will have the following pages: Home, About Us, Services, FAQ, Contact Us, and possibly a Blog.

Simple Php Registration Form 2

Simple Php Registration Form 2
I need this registration php form:

The data will be inserted in a mysql database (one column for each field)

The columns will have spanish names and will be:

Nombre (Name)
Telefono (Phone)
Referencia (Reference Number)
Fecha_Pago (Date of payment)
Personas (Number of passengers)
Salida (Departure)
Regreso (Return)

When the user press the button “Make my reservation” he will see all the data and then press a confirm button.

For all the registrations one mail will be sent to the user with copy to the webmaster.

This form needs to be made immediately.

Quick Additions

Quick Additions
a. timer that shows how much time until the file is uploaded
b. recommended files (recommends files from same tags or categories)
c. branded message at the bottom of posted download links
d. email to friend (a person can email the file download page to friends)

You can see the file sharing service here. Delete the *


Php And Mysql Code For File Up

Php And Mysql Code For File Up
Code Required for File Upload Functionality:

1. Java script for PHP page AND
2. Corresponding MySQL code to put the file into existing database.

Attached diagram is rough outline of implementation:
Column “A” indicates that there will be several dynamically determined fields for users to check (to indicate the line item is included in the uploading file) – (from 0 to 10 of these)

There are also optional fields the user can populate to indicate that a user entered item is included in the uploading file – (from 0 to 10 of these)

At least one field (up to 20) from column A will be passed, along with the file and file name to the database. If there isn’t at least one field selected from A, an error should be returned. A file selected for column B is also requried or an error should be returned on selecting “Submit”.

Specific Requirements:
1. upload to occur in background (use of AJAX)
2. permit simultaneous (or qued) uploading capability
3. files to be stored in database itself (some have suggested use of BLOB?)
4. permit only .pdf files or image files
5. upload file size limit to 20MB
6. use “browse” function (similar to Elance file upload) to select file for upload
7. require file to have been selected to complete upload
8. require at least one field from column A (see attached diagram) to complete upload
9. verify that “client ID” from URL exists in table “One” from database
10. file upload section should reload after completeing successful upload

The intent is that we will propagate the code through our interface ourselves after reciept from the provider.

Please let me know if there are questions.

Get Site To 1st Page On Google

Get Site To 1st Page On Google
I want WordPress SEO expert to get my friend’s website [websiteseodevelopment dot com] to 1st page on Google for natural search for the following 5 keyword phrases:

Search Engine Marketing
SEO Company
SEO Services
Search Engine Optimization Services
Search Engine Optimization

Has to be all whitehat, on-page and off-page seo.
Please provide your best price and timeline for the job.

You will get paid via Escrow, with partial payment released after each search term reaches 1st page of Google.

Fix For Lotto Database Scrip 2

Fix For Lotto Database Scrip 2
I have a lotto script that is mainly a database that holds all pick 5 tickets played for the day. and then every day I have to log into the admin and do a drawing and then i can clear yesterdays tickets from the database….

For some reason its not working anymore no matter what cpanel hosting account I try to install it on… I need this fixed… It was created with php3 probably 7 years ago…

I am willing to pay only $20.00 to fix this and because of the type of job it is I will not pay or put any money in escrow until I receive it and confirm it works on my server.

If your willing to do this job please bid.