Copy Foundation Of Website

Copy Foundation Of Website
We would like to use’s structure as the basis or foundation of our website. What we need is for someone to create a copy of it with the following parameters. (by the way this is not a cheesy thieving, we just like certain things about how the site works and we think the easiest way is to clone it foundation wise)

1. clone the website but only include 1 home page, no other pages will be needed. we’ll create them as wel go. So in other words, just a one page template is needed.

2. we do want you to leave the images of automobiles that come up when you mouseover the links. this is simply so we can find those images to replace them later.

3. we don’t need any flash. we will hire out the creation of flash later if needed

4. change any functional flash to html / javascript — in other words, it looks like that whole menu is based in flahs. We have absolutely no in house skill with flash so we need you to re create this using another language such as javascript or java.

please ask for more info, I’ve been as complete as I know how to be at this point, but I understand you may have many more questions.

Layout Designer

Layout Designer
Hi All,

Need Highly experienced designers for regular basis.

What I need
1. Design a layout for index (web2.0)
2. Minimum 4 revisions on selected layout.
3. Create inner page for selected layout.
4. W3c valid XHTML for index and two inner.
5. XHTML must be SEO friendly.
6. Source file after finish the project and final payment.

Note: Please don’t bid if u do copy paste design and if u r inspired by any template shop. THIS PROJECT IS ONLY FOR HIGHLY CREATIVE FREELANCERS and NOT FOR ANY COMPANY.

You must have very very strong portfolio of design. Bid without portfolio will ignore.

Designers have to come online when we need.

Bid with copy paste text will ignore I need details about your skills.


Work On Magento Template

Work On Magento Template
Installing & Modify Magento Template

We just bought this lovely template and we will like to
Replacing the original logo with my Logo—-

Changing background color to something light and patterned

On shopping options menu instead of manufacturer i will prefer brand

also will prefer Size attribute name instead of shoe type.

Note whatever you do the core files must not be touched.

While doing this you will also teach me what you are doing so i can change the background from time to time.

Please not you must be a naturally patient and helpful person who cares about our business…
If you donot have this do not bother my time and yours.

Kindly PM me about working magento stores you have done in the past ( i will mail the websmaster to get a reference of you)

Adult Live Camchat Script ( 3

Adult Live Camchat Script ( 3
I need live web CAM (cam streaming) script, where users will online chat with girls like any live adult chat with all features.

I need experienced person who already developed this script , and have the demo with login and admin details.

I need ready made script,
i do not need to develop the script from starting.

So please contact me with demo link. if u have not done please do not bid.
I need purchase the script.


Collection Agency Website

Collection Agency Website
Need a website for collection agency .. Would like this website to have an online application for employment … Online application for potiential clients to sumbit collection accounts data online…

Veiw these sites for sample of what we want

Graphics For Social Network

Graphics For Social Network
I need someone to design and create graphics for an adult social network site. Graphics include logo, header, web 2.0 navigation menu, box headers, banners and configuring css files.


I do not want explicit graphics. They should be sexy but tasteful.

Some examples:


Only reasonable bids will be considered.

Need A Penny Bid Site

Need A Penny Bid Site

alright, I’ve got a template and the inner pages designs, e.g.: I need this coded and a penny auction added to it, which has an autobidder. The autobidding bot will autobid specific items upto a specific price after a member has placed a bid, within the last 1-5 seconds of the auction.

Please let me know the total price for this, I want everything to be working and it to have the $ signs.

I will NOT go over $150 so don’t post anything over that,

No timewasters, I’ve already lost $30 and wasted 5 months of my site from a cheap SL poster named deepank22.


Facebook Game Application

Facebook Game Application
Looking for experience,talented,enthusiastic contributors that can create a Facebook Game Application similar to the ones described in the following links. The expectation is to create a Facebook Game that have viral potential & the quality should be equal or better than the examples listed.

If you are not familiar with these Facebook Game, please do take some time to fully understand the interactive levels with Facebook users & their profiles.

This game will be played on Facebook by facebook users. Please do not bid if could not provide Facebook Applications in your portfolio. The person that have most convincing portfolio will most likely to be the chosen bidder.

The game will have similar features as seen in the example links.

Project bid is hidden, so please bid with confidence but please do not overbid.

Php Pro Needed 2

Php Pro Needed 2

I need a pro programmer in php and mysql.

Must have msn or gtalk to discuss.

Need to complete within 3 hr from now.I will choose the provider right now.

I have 3 text files ,need to convert the files into 2 csv files for import into magento.

Attached the formats.At this time dont worry much abt the attributes in the reference.txt.

So u need to work lot on product.txt file.

I will be available online and i too have some knowledge on this so i can help u with few codings if u feel hard.

will pay after the work done promptly.So no escrow.


Use the word “i read” in bid so i understand u have look into this.
