WordPress Feed Plugin (2)

WordPress Feed Plugin (2)
Hi !

I need a rewrite of the extisting feedwordpress plugin with some extensions.

General Requirements :

– the Design of the admin-panels must be the same as from feedwordpress
– the Plugin must be fully localized, so every string could be translated with poEdit
– strict OO Design and use of the current WordPress API (e.g. the WordPress-Widget API from 2.8)
– the described settings could be edited global (default settings) or for each feed (like feedwordpress)
– all meta-fields must start with an underscore, so the fields are hidden from the wordpress custom-fields section.
– add a meta-postbox to posts with fields for all meta-values

Required extension (to the existing feedwordpress functions) :

Feeds and Updates

– New Section “Updating and Deleting”.
– Setting “Update existing post”. If set to false an existing post should not be updated by feedwordpress.
– Setting “Only import Post from the last X days”, where X is a numeric input. If this is set to a value > 0, feedwordpress should only import feeds that are not older than X days.
– Setting “Auto-Delete drafts after X days”, where X is a numeric input. If this is set to a value > 0, imported posts that are saved as draft should be deleted (with all tags and other data) after X days.
– Setting “Auto-Delete Posts after X days”, where X is a numeric input. If this is set to a value > 0, existing imported posts should be deleted (with all tags and other data) after X days.

Posts and Links
– New Section “Excerpt”
– Setting “Use the excerpt”. If this is set to false, the excerpt should not be saved.
– New Section “Images and Tags”
– Setting “Import image tags”. If this is set to false, the image-code must be deleted from the content, before the import.
– Setting “Import html tags”. If this is set to false, all html-tags should be stripped from the content, before the import.
– Setting “Retrieve Image from Source”. If this is set true, the plugin must be retrieve the image from a feed and store in at the local server. The image must be stored as wordpress-default (upload path, stored as attachment to a post). If it’s required that a special apache or php lib must be installed, the plugin have to check for this lib. If the lib isn’t installed, the setting ins’t usable. If there an existing image-link in the content, the link must be changed to the local image url.

Tags and Categories
– New Section “Auto-Tags”.
– Setting “Get X Auto-Tags from Tagthe.net”, where X is a numeric input. If X is set to a value > 0 the plugin creates automatted tags that would be checked against tagthe.net (see plugin auto-tags).
– Setting “Get X Auto-Tags from Yahoo”, same as above but for yahoo.

New Widget
– New Widget “Contributors” with a list of all Contributors.
– Setting “Title”. Widget-Title
– Setting “Link to source”. If this is set to true, the entries should be a link to the contributor url, if not it’s only a text entry.

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