Php+flash Website Production

Php+flash Website Production
We need a website production using php, MySQL database and Flash. Language is French.

The design is made by us and will be delivered as Photoshop PSD file.

We have 3 main menus, and only one of them has 4 submenus:

menu1 : static page
menu2 : same page for 4 submenus.
menu3 : static page

The menu should be prepared by JQuery. There is no visual effect on it. Only we need to show menu2 submenus on rollover of menu2.

menu2.x pages is a photo gallery. The gallery area will be prepared with Flash. The thumbnails would be read from database. There are 4 submenus which means 4 different photo categories.

When we click on the thumbnail, a detail page will be opened, each thumbnail can have a maximum of 4 different detail photos related. So, at the leftside, we will see these 4 photos, and a big size photo will be shown on the page. When we click a photo on the leftside, the big picture should be changed by a cube transition effect, you can see a sample:

If you need, we can buy this component.

Only the photo gallery areas would be prepared with Flash. Database read function should be in php. Other parts of the webpage will be php.

In the main page also we have a photogallery (again in flash). Photos indexed as “mainpagephoto” from database, would be scrolling automatically, and when we click on one of them, the page will be directed to the detail page.

Using include pages is very important for us. Also, the images have to be as smaller as possible. You have to use background colors and repeating images wherever its possible.

The webpage should run correctly in different browsers like IE6-7-8, Google Chrome, Firefox, MAC Safari etc…

The price is not our highest priority. We are working very accurate on the design, and need to see every pixel in the design, same in the production.

And we cant have any tolerance on the timing. The project need to be delivered on the deadline you informed us. Please take into consideration that any delay on deadline would be a cause of project cancellation.

In testing period you can write test data on mySQL database manually, the administration panel would be written by ourselves. You dont need to write DB admin panel.

The page HTML structure would be easy, there is no diagonal lines, and complex tables etc… A simple design of the main page is in attachment.

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