Php Work For

Php Work For
Need good Php guy to work cheap on several Points:

1. When users completes and submits “job proof” the “Done” should add a job to the “total”. Right now it is only added when admin/employer marks the job as “satisfied”. Remove the “satisfied’ setting so it doesn’t add to the list but still pays- and when marked as “not satisfied” should minus one job from the total: Also after job Total Reaches the limit ( Example: 30/30) it should then auto Pause so more jobs then available cannot be submitted.

2. Is there anyway when a users job is marked as not satisfied they get a notice within the “support”/Message page?

3. Within ADMIN managejobapplication.php if a job is “pending” and I mark it as satisfied within ADMIN it doesn’t pay user- Is there anyway we can fix this so I don’t have to login to the site every time to approve new “completed jobs”

4. Within completed jobs have Total # of Jobs just like u did in Total # of users?

5. in “finished tasks” if a job is not marked yet it should have a “ ” symbol sometimes this shows up sometimes it doesn’t. I need it to show up every job that is still pending or hasn’t been rated.

6. Anyway to Add/remove User off the Newsletter list?

7. Add a way to “message” to users not to there email address but to there “support” inbox?

8. signup.php anyway to hide refer?

9. Jobs.php Int and USA Email me new jobs box?

10. Look into why I get multiple emails when someone signs up and why then get 2 emails once there account is activated.

11. Site Speed increase?

12. Userlist.php “auto select” can we remove this within messing up my site and its files?

13. Anyway I can set a job so users could do it after as an example of 48 hours later-? Or would that change the code for the whole site and all jobs?

Add – From My Account referral & Bonuses along with member signed up under you: “7” Is there anyway you can make the “#” of members signed up under as a link or popup link and it would show ALL users registered under you?

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