How to Downgrade iOS 4.2 to iOS 4.1 / 4.0.1 / 4.0.2 on iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPad and iPod Touch

Apple has recently released iOS 4.2 Beta for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G and 3G and iPad only for developers. You might want to downgrade from iOS 4.2 to iOS 4.1 / iOS 4.0.1 /iOS 4.0.2 firmware due to any problems occurring or you cannot still jailbreak iOS 4.2. Below is a simple step by step guide for both windows and Mac users to downgrade to iOS 4.1 or iOS 4.0.1 or iOS 4.0.2 from iOS 4.2.

NOTE: Only users who have saved their ECIDs with SHSH to Cydia Server for iOS 4.1, iOS 4.0.1 or iOS 4.0.2 must follow this guide. If you don’t have ECIDs please don’t go through this procedure as it can end up in screwing up your device OS. The ECIDs must be saved before up gradating to iOS 4.1 else you cannot downgrade after updating iOS 4.2.

Guide to Downgrade iOS 4.2 to iOS 4.1/iOS 4.0.1/ iOS 4.0.2 Firmware

  1. Download the required old ipsw firmware files to which you want to downgrade iOS 4.1/iOS 4.0.1/ iOS 4.2.1.
  2. Set up your device in DFU mode. For doing so, connect your device to computer and turn it off. Now Start iTunes and hold the Power + Hold button together for around 10 seconds. And now release the Power button but continue Home button pressed until your computer recognizes a new USB device. You will see iTunes logo and then “Connect to iTunes” will be displayed. Now you can release the Home button.
  3. Steps 4 and 5 should be followed by iPhone 3G or iPod touch 2G (non-MC model) users. If you have iPhone 4, iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G, 2G (MC Model) go directly to step 6.
  4. Go to the path “c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\” in windows and open file “hosts” file in notepad. Mac users should go to path “/etc/” by going through “Go -> Go to Folder” from Finder and open the “hosts” file with text editor.
  5. Add the string “” at the end of the file. This step enables to redirect requests for certificates for authenticity that iTunes will make to the Saurik server. Save the modified file.
  6. You have to restore to the old firmware that is downloaded in Step 1. For doing so, click on phone icon in the sidebar in iTunes. Press and hold left “Alt” button on Mac (Left “Shift” button on Windows) on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” button in the iTunes and then release this button.
  7. A prompt will appear to select the old firmware file. Select the ipsw file to restore and click “Open”.
  8. Wait for sometime while iTunes is restoring firmware on your device with some automated steps. You will see a progress bar is displayed at the iPhone screen. Wait until it completes. If, you see any error like 1004 or 1015 don’t panic as that is normal error which iTunes throw.
  9. Your iPhone will go into recovery mode and “connect to iTunes” message will appear on the screen.  Download TinyUmbrella on your computer and run it. Now click on “Kick Device Out of Recovery” button. Your iPhone will be restarted now.

Now, you have successfully downgraded from iOS 4.2 to iOS 4.1/4.0.1/4.0.2. If you are on iOS 4.0.1

Related Posts

  1. How to Downgrade iPhone iOS 4.1 to 4.0.1-4.0.2
  2. How to Downgrade iOS 4.2 to 4.1 / 4.0.2 / 4.0.1 on iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G and iPad
  3. Resolve error 1015 during the downgrade the firmware for Mac OSX

How to Downgrade iOS 4.2 to 4.1 / 4.0.2 / 4.0.1 on iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G and iPad

iOS 4.2 was released earlier today. Just like iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.0.2, the new iOS 4.2 at the moment is not jailbreakable. It also contains new baseband for all iOS devices which currently makes it impossible to unlock using existing version of unlocker. So if you rely on a jailbreak and unlock, stay away from this new firmware until new jailbreak and unlock tools are available for download.

If you upgraded to iOS 4.2 and now want to downgrade back to iOS 4.1 / 4.0.2 or 4.0.1, follow the instructions posted to downgrade iOS 4.2 on iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPod touch and iPad to iOS 4.0.x. This guide will only work if you have SHSH blobs saved for the respective firmware you downgrading to.

Related Posts

  1. How to Downgrade iPhone iOS 4.1 to 4.0.1-4.0.2
  2. Resolve error 1015 during the downgrade the firmware for Mac OSX
  3. Spirit Untethered Jailbreak 3.1.2 – 3.1.3 iPad, iPhone, iPod is Released

Download iOS 4.2 beta for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch [Devs Only]

Apple has pushed the iOS 4.2 Beta for iPad, iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G and iPod Touch 4G, 3G and 2G to developers. You can download iOS 4.2 beta for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch from the iOS Dev Center if you’re a registered Apple developer.

iOS 4.2 is destined to bring all iOS 4 features to the iPad in November this year when iOS will become a universal firmware for all iDevices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch). During the last musical even, Steve Jobs mentioned the following features of iOS 4.2 for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch:


  • Multitasking
  • Folders
  • Game Centre
  • Wireless printing
  • AirPlay feature to stream video, music, and photos over Wi-Fi

WARNING: Avoid the iOS 4.2 beta firmware if you depend on jailbreak and unlock until further notice.

Download iOS 4.2 Beta 8c5091e

iOS 4.2 beta is available to developers only. Developers can download iOS 4.2 from the iOS Dev Center. However, if you still want to give it a shot, Google the queries listed below. (Please don’t ask for the links)

Download IOS 4.2 Beta For IPad

  • iPad1,1_4.2_8c5091e_Restore.ipsw
  • ios_4.2_beta__ipad__8c5091e.dmg

Download IOS 4.2 Beta For IPhone 4

  • iPhone3,1_4.2_8c5091e_Restore.ipsw
  • ios_4.2_beta__iphone_4__8c5091e.dmg

Download IOS 4.2 Beta For IPhone 3GS

  • iPhone2,1_4.2_8c5091e_Restore.ipsw
  • ios_4.2_beta__iphone_3gs__8c5091e.dmg

Download IOS 4.2 For IPhone 3G

  • iPhone1,2_4.2_8c5091e_Restore.ipsw
  • ios_4.2_beta__iphone_3g__8c5091e.dmg

Download IOS 4.2 Beta For IPod Touch 4G

  • iPod4,1_4.2_8c5091e_Restore.ipsw
  • ios_4.2_beta__ipod_touch__4th_generation__8c5091e.dmg

Download IOS 4.2 Beta For IPod Touch 3G

  • iPod3,1_4.2_8c5091e_Restore.ipsw
  • ios_4.2_beta__ipod_touch__3rd_generation__8c5091e.dmg

Download IOS 4.2 Beta For IPod Touch 2G

  • iPod2,1_4.2_8c5091e_Restore.ipsw
  • ios_4.2_beta__ipod_touch__2nd_generation__8c5091e.dmg

Related Posts

  1. Download iPad Firmware 3.2.0
  2. iPhone OS 4.0 Beta 3 Available for Developers
  3. Spirit Untethered Jailbreak 3.1.2 – 3.1.3 iPad, iPhone, iPod is Released

AppSync 4.1 – Install Cracked Apps on iOS 4.1

AppSync 4.1 for iOS 4.1 jailbroken firmware is now available in the Cydia. AppSync 4.1 let you install cracked apps on iOS 4.1 firmware by patching MobileInstallation file on iOS 4.1. Once you’ve installed AppSync iOS 4.1 on your iDevice running jailbroken iOS 4.1, you’ll be able to install cracked apps (.ipa) on your iDevice.

appsync 4.1 for iOS 4.1

NOTE: Your iDevice running iOS 4.1 must be jailbroken. iOS 4.1 jailbreak is NOT out yet. There’s an unofficial PwnageTool released but we recommend official jailbreak tools only.

Follow the instructions below to install AppSync 4.1 on iOS 4.1 running iPhone or iPod Touch so that you may install cracked apps.

DISCLAIMER: This guide is for testing and educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk. We can NOT be held responsible if anything goes wrong. We encourage you to buy apps from iTunes Store.

Install AppSync 4.1 for iOS 4.1 Firmware

1. Assuming that you’ve already jailbroken iOS 4.1, Simply go to Cydia.
2. Add the following source: (How to install cracked apps)
3. Now search for AppSync for OS 4.1 in Cydia.
4. Install AppSync for OS 4.1

Installing AppSync will patch MobileInstallation on iOS 4.1 and let you install cracked apps (.ipa) on your iPhone and iPod Touch.

Related Posts

  1. how to install cracked apps directly on the iphone ipod touch
  2. how to install apps craked .ipa on iPhone for free
  3. [apps iPhone] TomTom Brazil CracKeD .ipa Download

Carrier Unlock for iPhone 4 – 3G – 3GS on iOS 4.1 Released

As promised, the UnlockiPhone4os has released the carrier unlocking tool called UnlockiPhone4os for US based iPhone 4 users who are stuck with AT&T network. For those of you who don’t know, carrier unlock for US iPhone 4s required complete rewrite of UnlockiPhone4os software because of the new baseband OS present in iPhone 4.

the iPhone 4.1 Unlock has released the carrier unlocking tool called UnlockiPhone4os for USbased iPhone 4 users who are stuck with AT&T network. For those of you who don’t know, carrierunlock for US iPhone 4s required complete rewrite of UnlockiPhone4os software because of the newbaseband OS present in iPhone 4.

Related Posts

  1. Carrier Unlock for iPhone 4 – 3G – 3GS on iOS 4.0.1 Released
  2. Unlock iPhone 4.0.2
  3. Unlock iPhone 3.1.3

With firmware 4.1, the iPhone battery lasts half? Here’s how to solve!

There are many users (Including me) that since yesterday after updating to 4.1 ios complain sensational drop in battery, of course, the iPhone 3G and iPhone … 4 in this article we explain how to address the problem at the moment waiting for Apple launched an update for this bugs.

Practically, the problem it brings gamecenter platform developed by Apple to play with friends from anywhere in the world from our iPhone. Game center even if not used remains in the background that is open in our multitasking consuming so our battery in half the time … To resolve at the moment waiting for what will Apple just hit on account and to log out by clicking “EXIT”

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  1. [apps iPhone] Scarface Last Stand .ipa Download

How to Downgrade iPhone iOS 4.1 to 4.0.1-4.0.2

There is one prerequisite to downgrade your iPhone 4.1. You must have your SHSH blobs saved on Saurik’s servers. If you don’t have your SHSH blobs backed up, then you’re stuck at iOS 4.1. There is absolutely nothing you can do.

Downgrade iOS 4.1 iPhone
Again, this method will help you downgrade your iPhone from iOS 4.1 to any earlier iOS. This will work for the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 3G.

There are 2 methods to downgrade your iPhone. I choose to go with what I think is an easier method for those with limited technical skills.

Step 1: First we have to download your SHSH blobs from Saurik’s server to your computer. To do so, download TinyUmbrella and plug your iPhone in.

Step 2: Check the “Advanced Options” box. Under “Device/Version”, select the firmware version to which you wish to downgrade (ie iOS 4.0.1). Finally, select “Cydia” under “Request From”. Then hit “Save My SHSH”. This will grab your SHSH files from Saurik’s servers and save them to your computer.

Step 3: Go to our iPhone Downloads section and download the firmware you want to downgrade to from your iPhone model (ie. iOS 4.0.1 for iPhone 4). Make sure to download this firmware to your computer’s desktop.

Step 4: Put your iPhone in DFU Mode. To do so, launch iTunes and plug your iPhone in. Press and hold the Home and Power button together for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, release the Power button while still holding the Home button until iTunes pops up and says it has found an iPhone in recovery Mode.

Step 5: Run TinyUmbrella and click the “Display SHSHs” button to make sure your SHSH blobs were downloaded to your computer. Once done, click “Start TSS Server”.

Step 6: The hardest part of the job is done. We are now going to restore your iPhone by downgrading it to the iOS version you want. Launch iTunes and plug your iPhone in. Hold the SHIFT key (Windows only) or ALT/Option key (Mac only) while clicking on Restore. Make sure you hold the key while clicking Restore. A window will open. Simply select the firmware you downloaded in step 3.

Step 7: Your iPhone will be downgraded/restored to the iOS version you chose. iTunes might give you error messages (error 1011, 1013, and 1015). Don’t worry about them.

Step 8: We now need to get your iPhone out of recovery mode. To do so, open TinyUmbrella and click “Kick Device Out of Recovery”.

Related Posts

  1. Definitive guide to troubleshoot error 1015 during downgrade iPhone and iPod Touch
  2. Resolve error 1015 during the downgrade the firmware for Mac OSX
  3. Fix Blackra1n jailbreak for iPhone 3G

Carrier Unlock for iPhone 4 – 3G – 3GS on iOS 4.0.1 Released

As promised, the UnlockiPhone4os has released the carrier unlocking tool called UnlockiPhone4os for US
based iPhone 4 users who are stuck with AT&T network. For those of you who don’t know, carrier
unlock for US iPhone 4s required complete rewrite of UnlockiPhone4os software because of the new
baseband OS present in iPhone 4.

As promised, the UnlockiPhone4os has released the carrier unlocking tool called UnlockiPhone4os for US based iPhone 4 users who are stuck with AT&T network. For those of you who don’t know, carrier unlock for US iPhone 4s required complete rewrite of UnlockiPhone4os software because of the new baseband OS present in iPhone 4.

Related Posts

  1. Unlock iPhone 4.0.2
  2. Unlock iPhone 3.1.3
  3. How To Unlock All iPhone

Unlock iPhone 4.0.2

Carrier Unlock for iPhone 4 – 3G – 3GS on iOS 4.0.2 Released

As promised, the UnlockiPhone4os has released the carrier unlocking tool called UnlockiPhone4os for US
based iPhone 4 users who are stuck with AT&T network. For those of you who don’t know, carrier
unlock for US iPhone 4s required complete rewrite of UnlockiPhone4os software because of the new
baseband OS present in iPhone 4.

As promised, the UnlockiPhone4os has released the carrier unlocking tool called UnlockiPhone4os for US based iPhone 4 users who are stuck with AT&T network. For those of you who don’t know, carrier unlock for US iPhone 4s required complete rewrite of UnlockiPhone4os software because of the new baseband OS present in iPhone 4.

As promised, the UnlockiPhone4os has released the carrier unlocking tool called UnlockiPhone4os for USbased iPhone 4 users who are stuck with AT&T network. For those of you who don’t know, carrierunlock for US iPhone 4s required complete rewrite of UnlockiPhone4os software because of the newbaseband OS present in iPhone 4.

Related Posts

  1. Carrier Unlock for iPhone 4 – 3G – 3GS on iOS 4.0.1 Released
  2. Unlock iPhone 3.1.3
  3. How To Unlock All iPhone

Update IOS 4.1 [Blackra1n]

Today was released the firmware 4.1 for the Apple devices.

Please do not upgrade.
In a few hours will come Unlock iPhone 4.1

Once the team is ready will post news!

Related Posts

  1. BLACKRA1N [IOS4] iPhone 4
  2. Blackra1n definitive Guide: How to Jailbreak your iPhone, iPhone 3G/3GS and iPod Touch using Blackra1n
  3. Update error resolution with ASL.dll blackra1n

FIX iPhone Stuck in Constant Reboot After Jailbreak.

Although I can’t and don’t guarantee this will work 100% of the time, if you’ve tried to jailbreak your iPhone and your phone gets stuck at the Apple Logo and reboots every 5-10 minutes, you need to follow these steps:

Setting the iPhone to recovery mode allows you to perform firmware restore using iTunes.

1) Power off the iPhone by depressing both the sleep/wake button on the top of the iPhone and the home button. Wait for the iPhone screen to turn black aka screen-off.

2) Depress the home button and connect the iPhone/iPod sync cable into the docking port on the bottom of the iPhone at the sametime without removing pressure on the home button.

3) You should be able to see the Apple logo coming up on the iPhone and then the recovery screen with be shown after the Apple logo:

4) iTunes will start and inform you that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode and you should restore your iPhone to start using it.

5) Perform your firmware restore.

6) Exit iTunes and Re-jailbreak.

7) Don’t restore from a backup, just set up your phone as a new phone, then re-sync to add back all your data and apps.

8) DONE!

Related Posts

  1. Fix Blackra1n jailbreak for iPhone 3G
  2. GUIDE: Jailbreak iPhone 3G and iPhone 3.1.2 firmware 3GS with Blackra1n for Mac
  3. GUIDE: Jailbreak iPhone 3G and iPhone 3.1.2 firmware 3GS with Blackra1n for Windows

How to fix errors with blackra1n

This guide comes from all errors encountered by users of the Blog.

Blackra1n:Try to resolve all

First of all, for those unfamiliar blackra1n:

what is blackra1n ?

Guide 1:

Fix Cydia Crashing on jailbreak iPod touch and iPhone

1. Fix Cydia Crash using Clear Cydia Cache Tool
Download the Clear Cydia Cache tool from here, and then follow the steps below

Guide 2:

How to Fix WiFi Problems after Blackra1n Jailbreak

Guide 3:

Jailbreak iPod Touch 3.1.2 with blackra1n, Resolution Problems

Guide 4:

Jailbreak iPhone 3G and iPhone 3.1.2 firmware 3GS with Blackra1n for Windows

Guide 5:

Jailbreak iPhone 3G and iPhone 3.1.2 firmware 3GS with Blackra1n for Mac

Guide 6:

Problems error Blackra1n QTCF.dll is not found

Guide 7:

unlocking iphone and ipod touch when it gets stuck on the apple symbol

Guide 8:

f0recast for checking if your iPhone is tethered or unlockable

Guide 9:

The Fix for Blackra1n and iTunes 9.1 [Firmware 3.1.2]

Guide 10:

Update error resolution with ASL.dll blackra1n

Guide 12:

Solving problem with AVG blackra1n

Guide 13:

Fix Blackra1n with windows 7

Guide 14:

How to solve all the problems with DLL Blackra1n

Related Posts

  1. [blackra1n] Fix Cydia Crashing on jailbreak iPod touch and iPhone
  2. Problems with Cydia? Solve it with FixMyCydia
  3. Blackra1n definitive Guide: How to Jailbreak your iPhone, iPhone 3G/3GS and iPod Touch using Blackra1n

Unlock iPhone 3.1.3

Unlocker Team are an iPhone Unlocking company who provide software unlocking solutions, with premium support for the iPhone and the iPhone 2G/3G/3GS. You can get your iPhone unlocked  .Our software is compatible with all firmware  including version 3.0/3.1/ & 3.1.3 and will unlock 2G iPhone, unlock 3G iPhone & unlock 3GS iPhone versions within just a few minutes. We Have an iPhone Unlocking Solution for every iPhone owner, using any iPhone, in any country. Recieve Instant Access to the members area, Where there is a complete guide step by step simple.

To my surprise, the team was quick to issue unlocking of iPhone 3.1.3 Unlock

Related Posts

  1. How To Unlock All iPhone
  2. Unlock iPhone 4.0.2
  3. Carrier Unlock for iPhone 4 – 3G – 3GS on iOS 4.0.1 Released

BLACKRA1N [IOS4] iPhone 4

Today I got an email from Apple iPhone news that has 4.
4.0 blackra1n still does not speak even if the jailbreak has been done.
So it should come out soon also update the firmware 4.0.

The advice is to not upgrade again until the boys unlockerteam
not have the final firmware in hand we can not unlock 4.0

Related Posts

  1. Update IOS 4.1 [Blackra1n]
  2. Blackra1n definitive Guide: How to Jailbreak your iPhone, iPhone 3G/3GS and iPod Touch using Blackra1n
  3. GUIDE: Jailbreak iPhone 3G and iPhone 3.1.2 firmware 3GS with Blackra1n for Mac

GPS, WiFi, YouTube Fix After Blackra1n/Blacksn0w Jailbreak/Unlock

Fix My Everything!

Push Notification Fix (GPS, Youtube)

1.) On your iPhone home-screen, tap on the Cydia icon.

2.) If Cydia prompts you for updates, install them all.

3.) In Cydia, tap on the “Manage” tab at the bottom of the screen.

4.) Tap on the “Sources” button.

5.) Tap on the “Edit” button in the top right corner of the screen and then tap the “Add” button in the top left corner.

6.) Type in and then tap “Add Source“.

7.) Now tap on the “Done” button in the top right corner of the screen.

8.) Tap on the “Search” tab on the bottom of the screen and type in “pushfix“.

9.) Select “pushfix” from the list of search results and then tap “Install” in the top right corner of the screen and then tap “Confirm“.


WiFi Fix

1.) On your iPhone home-screen, tap on the “Settings” icon.

2.) In the Settings menu, tap on “General“. Scroll to the bottom of the General menu.

3.) In the General menu, tap on “Reset“. Then tap “Reset Network Settings“.

4.) Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch by holding down the sleep/wake button and sliding to turn off.

Related Posts

  1. How to Fix WiFi Problems after Blackra1n Jailbreak
  2. how to install cracked apps directly on the iphone ipod touch
  3. blackra1n problems