Chronoform Joomla

Chronoform Joomla

I have JOOMLA sites and need to develop profile and registration forms to be filled out on line, data stored and then retrieved for view in tables. I currently have several JOOMLA form components/modules/plugins with which to use to develop the forms. Then, I ChronoConnectivity and other data display methods. I just need someone to use these tools to and get the froms functional on designated sites.

This project needs someone immediately

Tshirt Affiliate Site

Tshirt Affiliate Site

Im looking for a cheap and easy tshirt affiliate site with payment cart (paypal / credit card).

I like this design: ( ) but would like to also add another “module” for the front page area between the top menu and “new movies” area.. (obviously the site would sell tshirts and not videos)
In that module I would like to be able to add video that I can change from the admin area.

The design: is just an idea of layout, so only use it as an idea unless you think buying this template and editing it would be a cheaper way to get the results I want.

It will need to have an admin area to be able to change or add new affiliate codes and I would also need to be able to add my own brand tshirts as I grow the site.

Maybe you have a script you have used before or you buy a cheap template (Worpress or Joomla or ?)and edit it to my specs.. I will leave it up to you for the cheapest way I could possibly get this site up and running.

If you have done some tshirt site like this in the past, please send links to me to take a look.

Thanks, please get in touch with your bids and your estimated delivery time. Keeping in mind the budget is not large.

Copy / Paste Data Into Drupal

Copy / Paste Data Into Drupal

I need about 1000(I didnt count) items copied from a joomla site, to a clone that is a drupal site.

Joomla Site:
Drupal Site:

Directories that need copied to drupal site:

Type #1: Articles. These article directories need to be posted into a content type called “Articles” in drupal(this is already created), in the appropriate terms that share the same name as the directories below(ex: psychokinesis, energy manipulation, general psionics, mind/body). The terms were already created in taxonomy.

Type 2: Books. Each book needs to be posted as a separate node in the books(not book!) content type. I created this content type for you. It is preferred that you place the books into term categories(ex: psychokinesis, energy constructs, esp, mind/body), but this is not a requirement. I have created a custom cck field for the link. This is just data copy/paste. Each as a separate node please! Maybe you can suggest some way to link each book to amazon for me, but this is not a requirement.

Type 3: Seminars / Logs. Please post all content items below into separate nodes, within the content type “seminars”. The psychokinesis logs need to be posted into the psychokinesis term within the content type “seminars”. Follow this pattern for all other types of logs(energy construct logs go into energy construct category, etc).

Type #4: Research. This is divided up into 4 subcategories(terms in taxonomy): External Research Articles, Grants Offered for Psi Research, Ways You Can Participate in Psi Research, Psi Research Organization. Each content item from the following links should be posted as separate nodes in the appropriate content type and category(term):

Type 5: External Links. Each link has to be posted as a separate node in the drupal site. I will create a custom link field for you, just paste the appropriate information into the node. All of these links go in 1 category. Here is the link directories:

Type 6: Glossary. Each glossary term should be placed as a node within the glossary content type. Here is the link to the glossary:

Type 7: Blogs. Each blog post needs to be posted as a separate node, authored by user 1, in the inbuilt drupal blog post content type.

All header tags and author information should be preserved.

Thanks for looking.

Customizing Custom Property

Customizing Custom Property

I am working on my imagesite with hotlinked images from my picasaweb. I add Custom Property – advanced search & tags extension from Solidsystem (, which probably the best free extension i can find so far. Unfortunately, it lack on two things: 1. Thumbnails never show on search result (even when i test it on localhost), 2. Too long to waiting for that Solidsystem guy to respond to my last help request (even after i’ve stated that i am willing to do it professionally). So, i decide to bring this into the crowd.

Anybody here could make customization and bring all my hotlinked thumbnail appears on search result, please bid. Thx

Paypal Joomla Member Integrate

Paypal Joomla Member Integrate

My client would like to have a Joomla membership that uses paypal for recurring payments. The members area would need 2 tiers- for example if the user signs up for Membership #1 they have access one level of information (like a forum), and if they sign up for Membership #2 (at a different cost) they have access to the forum and everything else in the members area. Please use PMB for any questions.

Create Joomla Template

Create Joomla Template

This project is to create a joomla template from scratch. The programmer should be expert on joomla, as create error free CSS/XHTML. Template should be able to edited via joomla backend. Also should be familiar with graphics creation.

Some integrations of components of joomla with the template will be made.

Changes will be made during the creation of the template. Complete information about the template will be given to the winner.

Update Joomla/photopost 2006

Update Joomla/photopost 2006

Hello, I’m looking to upgrade a website that was last modified in 2006.
It currently uses Joomla 1.0.11 — I cannot tell the version of Photopost but it will need to be upgraded to the latest version which I think is PhotoPost 7.01

I will renew the license from Photopost.
The site does not need to be redesigned – Just the backend update.
Joomla modules like Poll, RSS news feed, ajax header rotator and contact form would need to be upgraded as well.

After this project is completed, I would like to work with the same programmer on a wordpress upgrade and a new wordpress/Headway based website.
