Joomla Template Update Etc..

Joomla Template Update Etc..
I am currently using Ja_Teline_III v1.2 template ( and i need it upgraded to v1.4. I did some minor modifications on the template so they need to be preserved.

I also need the video section on a seperate page installed. I am guessing there is a good module for that?

Easy project.

Thank you

Basic Password Management Sys

Basic Password Management Sys
We are a development and hosting company and need a way to efficiently manage our account data, including usernames and passwords. This is something we have been doing with an online Google spreadsheet, but this has become too slow and ineffecient.

We would like an admin system for our staff to log into to manage domains and all data associated with it. What our thought is is after log in, you would have a list of domain names along the left column, then when clicked, the right column would populate with a set of tabs where data is available to view/edit associated with that domain.

Tabs will be: DNS, Email, FTP, Databases, Other

Each tab will be populated with content, passwords, links, etc.

Basically this is a way for us to store all data.

Looking for a developer who can do this, and tie the admin design into our existing site look and feel. (we can provide banner, access to CSS files from existing site, etc.)

Hopefully, this can be done using Joomla or Drupal rather than building from scratch, as we are needing this asap.

Questions via PMB, thanks.

Basic Cms Website + WordPress

Basic Cms Website + WordPress
I need a web designer who can create a CMS Website and WordPress Blog based on the design mockup I have already created. You will not need to come up with any design ideas but simply create the simple look I already have laid out.

Essential Tasks/Skills:
-Build website to look like my PDF mockup of site.
-Install open source Content Management System (i.e. Joomla!, etc.)
-Be able to use Photoshop or comparable program in order to create the header website and blog headers and other design elements based on my mockups. Must be able to crop/edit pictures & create/add gradients to pictures and websites.
-Be able to installing and modifying a WordPress blog (i.e. add header, nav bar, opt-in form, plug-ins)
Install the page specific title tags and meta tags I’ve outlined
-Install the Title tags and Meta Tags that I have established.

Terms of Job:
Payment- One third up front. One third on beta. One third on completion/bug fix.
Rating – I will not permit discussion of scoring until the project is completed and I will score 100% honestly and a top score cannot be assumed.
Outsourcing- You may not outsource this project to a third party.
NDA/NCA – Non disclosure agreement/ Non compete agreement must be turned in. This project cannot be copied or used again to bid on projects for another company. You may not illegally use anyone else’s technology simply because you were the prior developer.
Minor Changes Included in Bid- Will not pay for unforeseen but obvious minor changes that are not stated up front.
Free Bug Fix – all bugs will be fixed and minor tweaks will be done at no charge for 90 days.
Code word – Use this code word in the subject line of your reply to this job post. The code word is “elephant.” If you do not use the code word “elephant” in the subject line of your response, I will not consider you for this project because I am not interested in working with people who do not take care to read instructions.
Best guy on the team – If you are a web design firm, then I will ask to work with the best guys on your team, not the new guy as I want this project to be done well and timely.
Source code- I will need to get all source code (fully commented) as well as the non-commented code. Code will need to be stored on my server throughout the project.
I request template-based scripts where applicable.
This is an easy job for the right person.

Google Map Joomla Plugin

Google Map Joomla Plugin
We need a google map component/plugin with features as into this site:
where in every article there is a google map with a marker for the relative bulding (or generally interest point).
There is a search tool too where it is possible so search other points by keyword and location into a few categories (please, see that site).
Maps coordinates should be created by the scripts, should be possible to set the Markers image, the associated image and text.
Into backend should be possible to set categories and maps, so in articles (or module) should be possible to use a tag like {gmap}1{/gmap} to insert every single map where 1 is his ID.
Should be possible to translate the component using an xml file.

Mobile Dj Website Needed

Mobile Dj Website Needed
I need a website for a newly created mobile DJ business. The business specializes in high-energy dance music, and the website needs to reflect a nightclub-like experience. My hosting site uses a Linux server and can host both HTML and Joomla CMS. It doesn’t matter to me which one is used as the result is met. I can provide a link to a web site that can be used as a reference.

I have a logo that can be used, but would need you to supply some photos to place on the site. I have an idea on what text to include on the site. In addition, I will need to eventually incorporate a event reservation system from another web site. I can provide details.

You should have experience designing nightclub or DJ websites. Experience with search engine optimization is an added plus.

I would like to have this up as soon as possible. Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions. Thanks for looking!

Flash Based Website Required

Flash Based Website Required

I developed a Joomla based website last year and lost all my source files. The previous designer also developed a teaser mini-trailer for the site as well as logo and business card.
I need the site to be up again.
I NEED someone who has great graphical and multimedia ability.
If you can equal or beat this design that was done last year for the mini-trailer then you deserve a chance. IF you cannot reproduce this or better then no go.

Here is my trailer

I will provide additional details about the content. I don’t believe it’s a heavy requirement since it was done last year on a small budget and you can see part of that result above.
Needless to say your graphics and multimedia ability need to WOW me

Budget maybe negotiable for the right person and quality work.
Also, you MUST be able to communicate with me via telephone at project kickoff and where appropriate thereafter.

Fix Joomla License Error I Got

Fix Joomla License Error I Got
One of my client’s websites that’s on a very custom high end Joomla platform and hosted by is NOT allowing anyone to edit or get accesss to the 98 web pages thru Joomla’s front end as of last 24 hours for some retarded reason.

I’m sure it’s some 20 minute fix from someone.

We can logon/off Joomla website fine, all web pages are online no problem there, I can get to any page no problem, but once I click on the upper right hand corner edit page icon for Joomla I get this error message on EVERY page on the website and won’t allow me to edit pages now.

Gray window pops up labeled “Message from Webpage”
Yellow triangle with exclamation point graphic that says next to it “License Error: (4) license expired! (see screenshot of this exact error message)

Makes no sense since it’s been running perfect for almost 2 1/2 months straight with zero problems and never seen any error messages.

Contacted two engineers from hosting company here is what they told me. “Your permissions are probably the cause of this:
they should be: folders = 755, and files = 644.”

“This is not a server issue. Your getting a license error probably
because your using a non standard plugin for editing. Make sure
that your using the Tiny MCE module for editing and check that
you don’t have any third party or custom editing modules installed
that may require a license.”

I have my client very high in SERPS and Alexa top 425K in the world. So I need someone that is a Joomla guru and can tell me BEFORE I give you bid what this issue is and how exactly they will fix it quick. I don’t touch anything programming/coding wise. I just want to make damn sure your not like every 3rd world country idiot that blindly bids on projects they have no idea how to do.



Also you must have Yahoo chat and Skype.

Joomla Component Modification

Joomla Component Modification
I need modify this component:

to add this functionalities:
– Administrator can Add, Edit, Delete and change de order of the videos.
– The administrator must add a Youtube link, a title, a date, an
image thumbnail
– The administrator can add alink to an article on the website that has the video on it (Plugin?
-The video at the top of the list should be shown on the
main page.
-The next three should be shown as thumbnail images.

The project needed ASAP! Im a Joomla Developer too so I know about this, but I dont have time to do that. Please in your bid put the phrase “deportes” if not the bid will be deleted.

Only bid if you can do this project in 5-6 hours more.Paid immediately I can test the component in my server.

Joomla Help Desk Support

Joomla Help Desk Support
I’m trying to find a way to offer 24/7 support to my Joomla clients. At this time we only have about 20 clients and my current staff can not be available 24/7. I am looking for a few developers or a company that is available to offer such support and only charge me for the hours they spend with my clients. At this time it may only be a few hours each week but we are growing and it soon may be a lot more. Does anyone offer this type of service?