Fix One Page On My Joomla Site

Fix One Page On My Joomla Site
I have a page on my site that I just can’t get to look right. It needs a Joomla designers touch. I’ve installed a Facebook Widget and a GoogleMap and some text. The map is where I want it but the text and widgets need to be moved around so the page flows correctly. What I need form you is:

1. Get Facebook widget working and spaced properly on the page
2. Get Twitter widget working and spaced properly on the page
3. Create a place on the left side to add sponsor ads (linked to their websites)
4. Rework the layout of the page so it’s easy to read and compelling. The live streams from Facebook and Twitter should be the second most important aspect of the site next to the map since we will be chatting with the visitors remotely during our trip. Additionally, the map must remain at the top of the page since that’s what will track our trip. That said, I really just need you to make it look better. I will be duplicating this page for other cities in our site, so it needs to be easily duplicatable.

We expect to have millions of people looking at these pages as we endeavor to set some aviation world records, so they have to look good and flow well.

Right now, the design of this page is holding up all of our fundraising efforts so I’m giving up on doing it myself and seeking help to get it done quickly.

In my perfect world, I will select someone to work on this tonight so it can be done tomorrow.

Here’s the page:

Let me know if you are intereste.

Remove Header Gap & Move Menu

Remove Header Gap & Move Menu
Hi, I’m setting up a business site in Joomla, my current template is great but I need a few changes done. Right not there is a small white gap between my top menu and my header logo. I would also like for the top navigation menu moved to the left instead of being in the center.

Thanks, and this is probably an easy job! 🙂

Five Page Website Design

Five Page Website Design
Details are as follows:
• 5 page website: Home, About, Services, Contact, Projects (this page needs a simple showcase)
• Must be clean, light, corporate, and professional.
• Based on a similar navigation layout of the following site: Needs to be completely altered. Fit within width of browser screen, grey needs to be replaced with white or similar, images replaced etc.
• Main banner should rotate Example of banner concept required (smaller version using .gif not flash) : Example of image rotation instead of flash, but requires some text similar to above:
• If you can supply licensed images for the banner then let me know. Other images will be supplied.
• Will supply and insert written content
• Will supply logo
• Must function correctly across all major browsers, W3C and web 2.0 compliant.
• Fast upload
• Site is mainly static will need have some content updated so CMS would be helpful but not essential.
• Written in html (unless you have a better suggestion)
• You need to be able to host and upload the site to show me work in progress
• Looking for good, professional and fast work. Will have more work for right person.
• Private job, CANNOT be used as part of your portfolio.

Please type ‘*L’in as the first word in your bid. Only bids with this word first will be considered. Please send realistic delivery timescale as you will be expected to meet it.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Joomla Sobi2 Seo

Joomla Sobi2 Seo
I am running a local business directory website that is currently #1 in our small town for many if not most Google searches.

We have approximately 1700 local businesses in about 1000 business directory categories (eg: Clothing, Restaurants, Pizza, Accountants etc. etc.)

We switched to Joomla and the Sobi2 business directory component about 6 months ago. Prior to that the site was strictly HTML. Prior to switch we were receiving between 12,000 and 14,000 unique visitors per month. This has now dropped to about 6,000.

We no longer come up high on Google for many of the searches related to the categories or businesses on the site.

We need someone that it exceptional at Joomla SEO. We do not need national or international ranking on Google. Only for our small town. For example, if someone types in “Clothing Store, MyTown, MyProvince” we would come up on the first page.

Please only respond if you are able to optimize effectively.

Please post to PMB if you need link to site.


Joomla Sobi / Adsmanager / Cb

Joomla Sobi / Adsmanager / Cb
I have been working on a site with some components installed and I am trying to get them to work together.

On this page :

You can see the tab that says “My Coupons”. I would like to get this same information to show on this page : Under the “Curent Coupons” tab.

This is a test site and you can login with the following:

UN: webrob
PW: 0ffn3t

Joomla License Error Message

Joomla License Error Message
One of my client’s websites that’s on a very custom high end Joomla/CuteEditor version 6.3 WYSIWYG platform and hosted by is NOT allowing anyone to edit or get accesss to the 99 web pages thru Joomla’s front end.

We can logon/off the Joomla website fine, all web pages are online no problem there, I can get to any page no problem, but once I click on the upper right hand corner edit page icon to edit a webpage on Joomla front end I get this error message on EVERY page on the website and won’t allow me to edit pages now.

IMPORTANT**Gray window pops up labeled “Message from Webpage” Yellow triangle with exclamation point graphic that says next to it “License Error: (4) license expired! (SEE SCREENSHOT of this exact error message ATTACHED to this bid).

Makes no sense since it’s been running perfect for almost 2 1/2 months straight with zero problems and never seen any error messages.

I contacted two engineers from my hosting company here is what they told me. “Your permissions are probably the cause of this: they should be: folders = 755, and files = 644.”

“This is not a server issue. Your getting a license error probably because your using a non standard plugin for editing. Make sure that your using the Tiny MCE module for editing and check that you don’t have any third party or custom editing modules installed that may require a license.”

I was also told from three different freelancers I need to spend $129 for a full cute editor license for my client! Also I’ve hacked the current cuteeditor/Joomla with another programmer so this site needs to be backed up twice before we would do anything.

I have my client very high in SERPS and Alexa top 370,000 website in the world in under 3 months. So I need someone that is a Joomla guru that won’t make any mistakes and can save all the custom work I’ve done on the existing CuteEditor version 6.3.

So 3 things need done for this project…

1. You need to copy entire website and custom Joomla & Cute Editor platform to (old version of is already hosted there) Should be easy since both websites are hosted by bluehost and even same domain register in Godaddy. Please note I understand fully the CuteEditor won’t work when you transfer everything, unless you install another trial version of CuteEditor, because I’m not going to pay another $129 for another Cuted Editor license just to have it backed up on a website I have.

2. Once step 1 is done figure out why we can’t access/edit/create any webpages on the Joomla website and then fix it completely. If we need to buy a paid version of CuteEditor part of this bid is you installing it (We buy it not you of course), but you MUST backup and be able to put back or at least not delete all the other custom hacks/plug-ins/features we’ve added to both Joomla and CuteEditor systems already. VERY important.

I need to know BEFORE I award you the bid what version of Cute Editor should I buy? On CuteEditor website they only offer 6.5 version thru PayPal to buy or version 6.0 using a credit card. I need to know if I buy 6.5 version ALL the custom hacks we did on 6.3 version will and can be saved when you install the full pd version of CuteEditor.

3. Install Google Analytics on every page of my client’s website per Google Webmaster instructions. (We have Google account already will give you access).

Need this project done RIGHT NOW and finished in next 24 hours,

Also you must have Yahoo chat and Skype to talk live on.

Pay is $50.00 for this project, so bid accordingly please.

I also have tons of Joomla work needed in the future, so a all in one great Joomla SEO, developer and designer I’m looking for.

Thanks Ben


Real Estate Mls Quick Search

Real Estate Mls Quick Search
I have a Joomla site for Real Estate. I would like the home page to offer a search tool that searches the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) for available homes. See for example. We are using a search service called Navica ( Their service provides us access to MLS. See our page The Navica system gives us a URL to build a wrapper around. We need someone who can grab the search capabilities of Navica and create a quick search for our home page and show new listings… again, just like

Joomla Update

Joomla Update
I need someone that knows joomla to make some small changes to one of my site. This should be easy for you to do. There are around 7-8 changes that need to be done. Please email me and I can send you a list of what needs done. This should be easy and fast for you to do. I need this done today. ASAP!!

Forex Website Design W/ Flash

Forex Website Design W/ Flash
URGENT – Forex Website Design with Flash Required

We need to revamp a project ASAP for which our previous designer has lost all our developed content.

Sorry for sounding harsh off the bat but there are a few requirements I have to lay down give our recent scriptlance experiences.
Firstly, we need someone who has great graphical talent as we had that in our previous designer who has fallen ill. He was able to translate our ideas into a final visual and complementary audio polished design. If you cannot show working examples of your graphic acumen please don’t respond. Please check your links and don’t send me dead links! Your graphical ability needs to communicate wow.

The majority of this project 90% needs to be completed within 20 days and no more than 30days unless we both agreed it is warranted.
The bidder must be available for communication via a USA based telephone number or willing to contact us via telephone.

The previous work done was in Joomla. Our initial designer developed a teaser mini-trailer for the site as well as logo and business card.
We want to reproduce this mini-trailer for the new project with some small text change. Also notice the music and video complements the message we are trying to convey the mystery and “coming soon”. We also will need to convey this similar theme with a few more short scripts we have in the specifications.

Please view our last mini-trailer for our website
Just applying any old music theme does not work for us. It has to match the message and theme as I noted above.

I already have a mockup of the homepage layout we need.
The logo and overall colors of the new site will have to incorporated into a header/footer for our backend Learning Management System (efront) and membership software (amember).

We are looking to form a long term relationship since this is the first phase of the project and we already have worked planned for Phase II. However, we want to make sure the designer we select produces quality work on the first phase. This is a recreation of phase 1 and we accomplished this on a small budget the last time around, we are looking for competitive pricing but are fully prepared for new work in Phase II.

The homepage links are
Products & Services, Subscribe, Education, Proof, Testimonials, Our Company, Contact Us, Support (FAQs, Resources), Member Log in,

There will be a mainboard on the homepage where display our static and/or animated message.

Please contact me and I can send the project specifications.