Reverse Auction- Joomla 2

Reverse Auction- Joomla 2
I have TPLancer which is component of Joomla.
I would like to customize it to be a FULL functionality multi language reverse auction site.
It must have content management and templates (separation between front-end and back-end).

Please provide the following:
1. any previews reverse auction sites you have build. Please note that you will be asked to show them on your server in order to prove they are build by you.
2. Maximum 3 most complicated Joomla sites you have developed
3. please write if you are willing to show me some change on the software prior to the agreement so I can be sure you can deliver the work.
4. your profile in other places so I can review your feedbacks

Joomla Social Media Profile

Joomla Social Media Profile
Wondering If you could Create this same Functionality with Joomla Jomsocial…….

I know that LinkedIn as widgets. Attached is a screen capture of a site (Batchbook) that uses the widget. I enter the person’s LinkedIn Personal URL and the basic information from profile is returned (see image below). Here is the link to LinkedIn’s Developer page regarding the widgets.

I would also like Twitter integration on their profile as well. I know that Twitter has gadgets available as well.

I would like a very simple profile page for people on Rizers. I am not interested in collecting a lot of data, or worse, having them enter a lot of information at yet another social networking site. I strongly encourage people to keep their LinkedIn profile current and complete so there is no need to duplicate any information on Rizers.

Instead, I would like to see a profile consist of:
• First Name (option to keep it private)
• Last Name (option to keep it private)
• Nickname (Name they would like to use on the site)
• Email
• City
• Country
• Twitter ID
• LinkedIn URL
• Photo (use their photo from Twitter or LinkedIn if they do not upload one to override it. The Batchbook site linked above uses the Twitter photo this way)
Don’t need much else. I definitely don’t want gender, interests, birthday, about me, or education.

When you view a person’s profile you would see their Name (optional), Nickname, photo, LinkedIn Profile and their last 3 – 5 Tweets.

I want to basically have something in each persons profile that after they enter their linkedin and twitter url, it shows a widget kinda like the image I attached.

Like I said before batchbook has this functionality so I know its possible.

Template To Redesign Existing

Template To Redesign Existing
I have a website built in Joomla that needs to “wow” visitor. The company is a professional services company. I would be wiling to switch over to WordPress if it made sense.

I like this type of look and feel:

www dot optimum7 dot com/
osc dot template-help dot com/joomla_27159/
osc dot template-help dot com/joomla_27142/
osc dot template-help dot com/joomla_26952/

I want every user field to be separate. The templates above all have multiple items grouped as one user field.

I want something that highlights our services, that is clean, crisp, professional and clear.

Show me what you’ve got! When you respond, please indicate if what I am seeing is in Joomla or WordPress.

Budget is $50 unless you can show me something that “wows” me, then it can be a little higher.

current website is www dot virtualassistantsolutions dot com if you want to look at it.


Css Work

Css Work
I have a web based in joomla and jamroom, I need to adapt my current jamroom template to the joomla template. All the css styles have to be the same.

I will provide you the both templates and you have to make some css changes in the jamroom template to be the most similar to the joomla template.

Is a very easy job for a css profesional.

WE DON´T NEGOCIATE THE BUDGET, your bid will be the final bid.

Best Regards,

Jamroom-joomla Bridge 3

Jamroom-joomla Bridge 3
I need a bridge between Jamroom and Joomla.


– I need that my users can signup in Jamroom or Joomla and the both signup are writed in the same database (joomla db).

– Users can login in Jamroom( listeners) or Joomla.

– Dual login, if a user is logged in joomla is too logged in Jamroom or vice versa.

– If it´s possible I want that this bridge were a plugin of jfusion open source component for joomla, I need this because two briges in the same web will crash the db.

We have in mind more projects in the future, if the programmer works great we will work more times with him.
Please only joomla experts.

Best regards,

Advanced Form Js/php (joomla 2

Advanced Form Js/php (joomla 2
“The first part” of the following credit calculator form has to be programmed and put into our joomla project.

We don’t need a “User details form pages”
We don’t need a “Result page” with input data
We don’t need an “Email” send.

Only a few fields will be different.

Your result should be as comfortable for the user as in the example page (error messages on the fly & mouse over explanations at question marks ”?” ).

In the attached file you see the individual form steps we need.

First form page
Depending on the selected numbers at point 1) the number of input fields in point 2) varies.

First & second form page
On the first two form pages sums have to be calculated with javascript depending on the user input.

Joomla Customization & Coding

Joomla Customization & Coding
I am seeking a long term-working relationship with a skilled Joomla website coder and designer. The first project involves:
-Creating a stylish, sheek custom template for my Joomla home site and Moodle, Chamilo (Dokeos fork) companion sites
-Configure Red5 and Open Office on server to work with Chamilo (Dokeos)
-Debugging jfusion component and plugins for Moodle, OSCommerce, and Chamilo.
-Creating a custom plugin connecting our Joomla site with the SocialGo API.

You MUST be experienced and skilled with:
-Web design concepts
-Open Office

Please ONLY provide links to Joomla websites or components that you have created.

Please start you reply with with “I have read all of your project requirements.”

Site Fix And Speed Up

Site Fix And Speed Up
Looking for a programmer with extensive history with Joomla! and GoDaddy websites to fix an error that was caused when GoDaddy did not allow another programmer to save his work. The template is no longer appearing on my site, and the back end, is “not found”.

After the site is brought back to normal, I want the site’s various Javascript scripts,external stylesheets, and external background images to be cleaned up and made more efficient.

Community Builder Store Joomla

Community Builder Store Joomla
Need Joomla expert to develop a cb store. Store features to include mapping cb location with icon specific location plotted on google map. Categories classified listings with 5 level category system, plot categories on google map with icon. Ability to filter both google maps for both stores and classifed listings. A multi level members system with the ability to set price plans for each level. Cb members can select price plan from their C panel.

Create 8 Web Forms In Joomla

Create 8 Web Forms In Joomla
I need to create 7-8 web forms in a joomla website. The information from the forms needs to be collected to a database. These forms need to be completed in full before the user can hit submit, they must complete all of them. After completion, the forms need to be emailed to both the webmaster/designated person and the person who filled out the forms.

The completed forms have to be emailed in a pdf format and look just like the original forms (which i have samples of). In other words, the captured data needs to be mapped to the same fields in the pdf forms and emailed in this format to the client so they can print them out and keep on file.

There are a few repetitive fields in the forms such as name, address etc,. and would like to reduce repetitiveness by having those fields autopopulate to each of the forms in their appropriate place.

I need this done in less than a week, I am really behind on this project and cannot wait so please state a realistic time to complete this.

Please contact me should you neeed more information.