Designing Job And Flash

Designing Job And Flash
Very easy job. This project has 3 parts.
First part is to create a theme(image) for a joomla template.
Second part create 20 gifts icons for the gift joomsocial sytem.
3rd part create 10 humorous badges. (Depend from the points they earn will earn their badges)i would like to listen your ideas
Finally is to install a flash script to joomla. (more info to the winner.)

Joomla Pagespeed Optimization

Joomla Pagespeed Optimization
I am looking for a joomla expert to optimize my joomla website and increase its load speed.

The page speed is measured via google’s plugin for firefox

The website url is and the Page Speed Score is: 66/100. I want it increased to at least 90/100.

Please make your bid and explain how are you going to optimize. Please show examples of fast loading joomla sites. I will ignore bids without short explanation.

Thank you

Joomla Subcategory Development

Joomla Subcategory Development

My website has a lot of content

I need more levels than the standard J1.5 hierarchy (section/category), for example: section/category/sub-category/sub-sub-category/etc..

Also, it must be possible to organise menus, breadcrumbs and site maps (like mosets tree) automatically in order to make it functional.

I’ve already installed jSebblod Subcategories, but somehow it’s not working with SEF.

Do you have any tool like this or could you develop one?

Joomla Template – Clone

Joomla Template – Clone
I would like to have turned into a joomla template. I think this is a pretty simple layout. I want to include the complete menu system as shown on this site – including sliders on the right column menu & submenu showing in top right corner when a top menu item is clicked.

no content – just layout.

Header images on each page will be included in the articles – no need to create any module for these.

FRONT PAGE: I’ll post a different project for the FLASH content on the FrontPage – if you want to do it all let me know. I’ll want a fully editable FLA so that I can change photos & text, or a dynamic SWF.

pdf attached for reference – logo file provided upon project start.

50% escrow to start – 50% on finish

Joomla – Php Fix

Joomla – Php Fix
Few things are messed up in my joomla php template


it generates pages like
So the timezone thing need to be fixed it makes duplicate content this should be fixed

+ fixing automatically generated keywords and meta / titel

+ I want, in case of several video streams on one page, the streams should load in an iframe like here

Playing the video add in front of the streams just one time then free navigation like in the example.
So on the start page the live table should have just 1 link instead of now and it that link those streams so no duplicate content..

This are minor fixes in a pretty good working php joomla script I need the work done as soon and quik as possible THX

Joomla Problem Joomfish / Sef4

Joomla Problem Joomfish / Sef4

On my website i have 2 languages
– dutch
– english

I use the components: Joomfish and sh404sef

When i visit my website the default language is english
in config dutch is selected.

Task 1: When visiting the website dutch language must be default

When i select dutch language it goes to:
When i select before sh404sef installed english
it goes to:
This is not working anymore

task 2: Make working

On all articles I see: No translation available.

Task 3: is there a way to fix this?

just 3 small tasks
Task 1: When visiting the website dutch language must be default
task 2: Make working
Task 3: is there a way to fix this?

Hotel Project In Php

Hotel Project In Php
I’m willing to pay $160-240 for this work. Since I have so many projects I normally choose someone quickly. So make sure to check you messages that day once you’ve bid on the project.

I’d like it to be in joomla, drupal, or wordpress, but I am open to a custom php solution if you have one.

The site is a travel portal based on Tour(remove_this) download solution
You can find documentation on http://support.tour(remove_this)

There is some design work with this job, but it is mostly programming.

A. Admin area:
1. http://www.hotel(remove_this)
I would like to use a geolocation database (about 35.000) which include all main travel locations with lat and long coordinates. this database I want to use as a autocomplete search box for end users and for suppliers when pointing their offer on a city/location. As it will not be shown as a tree, i want to make them available by default for all sections (accomodation, gudes, pack, etc)
Autocomplete should behave like it does in the search box on http://search.hotel(remove_this)
After submitting basic info data, on offer’s profile, the map should open centered on city’s coordinates.
Lat and Long coordinates of each city are defined in the database provided.
Webmaster should be able to update the cities database.
2. I want to make different tipes of suppliers with different level of acces/rights. I would like to make this. i.e.: availability should not be editable for standard supplyer (only for gold) or only a certain number of offers will be possible to publish i.e.: standard users 10 offers, gold users 50 offers.
Here is a list of tipe of users. See below:

1. Can publish 1 offer with intro infos (no showcases) + descriptions
2. Can publish 1 offer with intro infos + descriptions
3. Can publish 1 offer with intro infos + descriptions + prices & availability + advanced features (full rights)
4. Can publish 10 offers with intro infos (no showcases) + descriptions
5. Can publish 10 offers with intro infos + descriptions
6. Can publish 10 offers with intro infos + descriptions + prices & availability + advanced features (full rights)
7. Can publish 50 offers with intro infos (no showcases) + descriptions
8. Can publish 50 offers with intro infos + descriptions
9. Can publish 50 offers with intro infos + descriptions + prices & availability + advanced features (full rights)
10. Can publish unlimited offers with intro infos (no showcases) + descriptions
11. Can publish unlimited offers with intro infos + descriptions
12. Can publish unlimited offers with intro infos + descriptions + prices & availability + advanced features (full rights)

3. Exchange rates for different curency should be updated through a xml or web service from Romanian national Bank or other global service

4. On the administration area for the hotel facilities there are customizable standard facilities. as different many residences have their own specific facilities like “condoms in the room” 🙂 in order to avoid to overcharge the list of standard facilities i would like to create custom list of facilities saved only for that user who uses them.

5. I would like to implement a Dutch auction (reversed auction) it means the traveler says where, when, for how long and which budget and suppliers publish/participate to the auction live on the portal. They post their offers on TW pattern. it means their offers will be saved as normal catalogue offers.
The Auction will function like on
“Employers” will be travellers (end users) while “freelancers” will be the suppliers registered.
In the public area a traveller will open an auction defining his needs on a pattern:
City, *
Type of travel (accomodation, package)*
Period *
Number of persons
Other information that are not mandatory.
Then suppliers will be able to submit their offers
-either by creating new ones and save as catalog offers too
-or by bounding their already created catalog items to the auction.

Programming Project 1271148210

Programming Project 1271148210
Hi, I run a music website and I am looking for a modules or anything really that I can display anywhere I want it too. It’ll most likely be used on an article page.

I am looking for a module which can show a ranking system of the most viewed songs. I have included an attachment which shows basically what I need it to look like or similar. It must match the theme of my site which I can provide if you want. This feature should show how many positions the song has moved.

Also this feature must include a novelty hit count, for example, it will only show songs that had the most hits over the last 24 hrs.

The categories and song titles must be linkable.

Also I would like this module to include options so that it is easy for me in the future to adjust the settings. Options should include… how many songs I would like to show on the chart, what sections I would like it to show only, and the novelty date of the songs hit count.

I would like to be automatically fit into my page or maybe have an option where I can insert the size I would like it to be.

I would like to also have a feature which has a “view more top 100” list kind of thing, and that must also be linked to a page of my want. It must show those headings in the attachment i have included.

in the attachment, it has a “play” icon which I don’t need. Looking forward to your affordable bids! This is for a joomla site