Joomla Site -minor Change/work

The site is ready in English Language. We need some modifications and changes in text, links, fig/tables, add new pictures, fix 1 Application Form, fix text in Chat, make some comments in other pages, etc., add a few clients comments in testimorials page. I will provide all information via email. i will be online all the time to ensure you have the right info to finish on time. is the site.
Easy job. Must be done in 2 days.

Joomla Modules Tutorials

Need tutorials to be created for the following joomla modules and components. This is needed as soon as possible. Please provide cost quote for text only tutorials (plus images if possible) and video tutorias (if possible).








Member Care System




All PrayerCenter Modules and Daily Quote Module


Mini Twitter In Joomla +trac 2

I have a website that is working off the JoomSocial extension. I would like to add the functionality for the user to be able to interact with their actual twitter in on their profile page from our site and a an automatic link shortner +tracking script. I don’t want a twitter clone script or anything like that, I want them to INTERACT WITH twitter from our site.This includes:

*Seeing last 8 messages
*Being able to post messages
*Being able to make AT posts
*Creating a url shortner that works with the message field
*Storing certain aspects of this information in a database

If you want to read the full details, please see the attached pdf.

New Website Design Joomla

I am interested in getting a new site built like
I am a dealer for xblue.

I have ALL images available to me as a dealer located here:

There are a total of 3 phone systems that will be displayed, X16, 45P and XPlus100.

I already have my own business logo and would need it inserted onto the website.

You can copy as much as you need to from the xblue site but all pictures needs to be from the download link shown above.

Xblue has navigational buttons on the left and I would like those duplicated for my site. 1-for the X16, one for the 45P and one for the XPlus100 which would take them to the proper page. There would also be a link for about us, contact, Home. I am also a dealer for Ipitomy phone systems. I would also like a link for Ipitomy. Ipitomy has 4 different phones systems. I would need links to pages for the phones systems and phones, showing all features of them. This is pretty much a copy and paste type deal for the website.

Please make the site easy for me to edit, in order for me to change or add text. Joomla would be a good choice, but feel free to quote on something different.

This will be a COMPLETE site up and ready once you have completed everything for the site.

If you have any questions please ask them. The price you quote I will hold you to.

Happy bidding!

Renovate Website

I need to renovate a website and make it dynamic , plz find the attachment before quote , i need a developer who can can coordinate with my IST time.The website will be based on Joomla framework, it will involve a module for selling tickets and managing events , managing users and reports .plz mention the details how you are going achieve it and time duration for it to complete and also the support plan.Else the quote will not be considered.

Fix Tukanas Freelance Script

I have recently purchased a Tukanas Freelance Script. Unfortunatelly some features of the script do not work the way they supposed to. basically i need someone to either fix the script, or completely write a new one from scratch. The second option would be preffered. This is what i need:

1. Main page: attached is a sample of what the page should look like.
2. Admin area where I can edit all pages with a WYSIWYG editor. (might be optional if everything is in PHP)
3. User registration page with the following fields:
– Name: First, Last
– Email address
– 10 check boxes with data fields (able to change values)
– Location : City, State, Zip Code
– Budget (able to change values)
– Time frame (picture of a calendar to check off which days the project is scheduled for)
– Description
4. User1 Area – Providers
– Ability to add projects with the following fields:
– Project Name
– Dates project is to be completed (calendar check off…)
– 10 check boxes with data fields (able to change values)
– Budget
– Location : City, State, Zip Code
– Ability to send IM/email messages to other Providers & users
– Ability to rate users: comments, 1 to 5 stars rating

5 User2 Area – Workers
– Ability to search projects based on the 10 check boxes with data fields, and search box
– Ability to send IM messages to other users and Providers
– Ability to check the dates the Worker is available on the calendar
6. User1 Area – Providers Post Project
– Ability to post project with fields marked on the image.
– Ability to Edit and browse own projects as well as other’s projects.
– Check Image…

Please Look at the attached images, as they are more descriptive. I want everything to be coded in PHP.
If every option can be utilized, Joomla, or WordPress can be used also. Please remember I need all
options to work before the payment will be released.

Custom Vm Cart Bug Fix

Custom Vm Cart Bug Fix


Look at this website www . top class designs. com / testsite / (take out spaces) try and add one of the products. Use step 3 and add to cart “design request”, once you upload the file or even click on checkout the it says cart empty. For some reason it doesnt add to the cart. Same problem with the “order” button. The only ones that get to the cart are the check out and step 2 because they both bypass the artwork uploader.

Also in IE is there any way to make those drop down menus in the cart display properly? They get cut off but in fox it extends the box.

Any other bugs you see in this design and template let me know, it must work from adding product to checkout. Above is the only known problems in both ie and fox. I have been back and forth over a year with this script. Remember i need this packaged back into a zip file that i can just install on any site. I have everything packaged already from the original version.