Show Articles In Categories

Show Articles In Categories
Hello… this may be a very easy task to you programmers out there. So what I need is just to show articles in the categories and section but for some reason I am not able to make it show even through the settings… so it might be a template issue or such

for a better explanation please visit

I’ve tried to make it show via the menu items but I am having no success.. so if you’re prepared to take on this easy task, bid and let me know.

Jreviews Expert Needed

Jreviews Expert Needed
we just purchased jreviews:
We have also purchase its following components


CSV Import:

We need a Jreviews expert to configure and fully set up on our server to function just like their demo so we can start utilizing jreviews for our site.

We already have all the data in excel format.

Please note, in order to be considered for this project you must show samples of other sites you have developed using these components.

Paid Subscriptions With Joomla

Paid Subscriptions With Joomla

I’m working on website with joomla and i need to introduce paid subscriptions.
That’s how it should work.

Registration process:
When visitor goes to registration page first of all he has to choose category from dropdown menu ( there will be 10 categories max. Categories like: music tutors, music bars, music entertainers etc). Next, visitor has to choose country( for this job there will be just UK) Then from drop down menu visitor has to choose part of UK like Scotland, England ect. and according to the part of UK visitor chose he has to choose city/town. After he fills the rest of the details and submits it visitor should receive an email with a link to confirm his application. In confirmation page there should be membership options according to category he chosen. There should be 3 different options for gold, silver and bronze memberships. Payment options should be credit/debit cards and paypal. As well the length of membership should be offered for 1,3,6,12 months.
If visitors choose gold membership their profiles should be listed first in profile listing, silver memberships should be listed after gold members and bronze members should be listed below silver members. As well according to memberships their profiles will be little bit different like different photo size number of words allowed etc.

Now if I was someone who is looking for music bars I’d choose ‘music bars’ from menu. In ‘music bars’ page there should be list of UK countries like England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and according to which UK country I choose drop down menu should appear with cities and towns relevant to UK country chosen.

Let’s say I choose England then from cities dropdown menu I choose London and it takes me to profile listing of music bars in London. All that list of music bars should be sorted according to memberships, as I’ve explained above.

Renew and upgrade options should be on members profiles.

When membership is due to end a remainder email should be sent with link to renew it.

I need this website to be done in joomla and preferably community builder. Subscription extention doesn’t matter as long as the job is done.


Website Project With Cms

Website Project With Cms
This is to develop a corporate website with CMS… Our main goal is to obtain a clean, corporate and convivial website.
many page are to be integrated but the design should be simple and we should use only 1 template to display the content of 150 pages.

150 pages (roughly) website in both english and french. Total roughly 300 pages.

The site will need to have a good first page template with a small flash animation (simply depicting 4 different office of the business with the logo, the business slogan and 2 or 3 pictures of people front face smilling).

The inside template will need to be integrated into a CMS type such as Joomla, with blog such as WordPress.

We will select the candidate based on past realisation and scriptlance score.
Please before posting your bid make sure you have an updated portfolio or send us your portfolio by using scriptlance email.

Custom Module Needed

Custom Module Needed
I need a custom module made for Php-Fusion or Joomla.

Computer Repair Tracking Functions:


Add a Computer to the tracking system, info would include; Tracking number, Date started, Computer manufacture, Problem Reported, Solution, Repair status (Pending, In Progress, Delayed, Canceled, Compete), Date stopped

Display Page:

Search Field (for searching for tracking numbers) Display a list of the latest 40 per page, Tracking number, Date started, Computer manufacture, Repair status (Pending, In Progress, Delayed, Canceled, Compete), Date Compete/Canceled
Clicking the Tracking number will pull up a more detailed page displaying Tracking number, Date started, Computer manufacture, Problem Reported, Solution, Repair status (Pending, In Progress, Delayed, Canceled, Compete), Date Compete/Canceled (Also, PDF Print Option)

Now Experienced Coders

Now Experienced Coders
The first qualified person can get this done in 3 days gets the project. First person who is qualified and accepts the project wins.

This is for an existing Joomla website:

I need a system where members can purchase credits and use them to buy time to view a webcam. Once the points are all used up the webcam automatically stops playing. I will need the webcam setup as well. The software for the webcam is already installed. It simply needs to be configured. Lastly, I need the payment system to be set up using Zombaio as the gateway. Here are the remaining details:

1 . I need 3 tip buttons: $1, $5, $10

2. No tip buttons for private rooms. Only a button that directs them to a private page so they can schedule one.

3. If they try to tip and dont have enough credits, they need something that tells them they need to buy more credits.

4. In the web cam software, the user needs to be able to chat with the person on the webcam, but not hear them.

5. If the webcam is not online and they try to access the page, it needs to redirect them to the schedule page.

6. Only members can access this page. No guests.

7. They need the ability to increase the size of the chat 2 x, but if they increase the size, they still need a text box. The chat room:
size of video feed box: 3″ X 3″
size of text chat box: 4″ X 4″

Basically, I need a webcam set up for the site administrator, a “pay-per-credit” system, and I need the credits to automatically withdrawal in relation to how long they watch the webcam. When they run out of credits, the cam will shut them off until they pay for more credits. I also need tips buttons in case the customer wants to tip. The payment processor will be Zombaio and, therefore, the webcam software will need to work directly with this processor.

If you can do this lets get started. Also, I have a lot more projects after this.

Joomla Extension

Joomla Extension
I need a dynamic module like Feature News in

The module that comes with ja teline iii template is static and i need it turned into dynamic. I want the module to display articles with ascending or descending hits, randomly.

– The module needs to be compatible with JoomAce SEF.

– Thumbs should be 160×80 as those already exist for the frontpage module. It must not force-shrink thumbs.

– Module needs to display different articles in each section. For example in “Technology” section it will show 1 article for each category of that section (personal tech, business tech, space etc…). In “Health” section it will show articles from that section only (what ails you, you and your family etc..)

This can be a component, plugin or module or a combo, i dont care as long as it is done properly.

Please explain that you understand the project and tell me how you plan on doing it.

Create Website In Joomla

Create Website In Joomla
Hi there

I am looking for somebody to create a website like this one:

I would prefer it to be in Joomla for ease of management at this end afterwards.

The site is also on Monitoring Software Comparisons, some will be the same with some other products added in.

It has to be at least equally lively and nice graphics as this one, and we will possibly use two videos (which I will provide to be embedded)

From the homepage I am separating into two categories, one being “Parental Control” and one “Business Applications”

Please look at the site, it has a module which allows to tick some boxes and conducts a search and then delivers the closest search result, this would be a great feature to have as well.

Turnaround from start would be 14 days, my budget is $250 for unlimited revisions until completion and handover.

I will work closely with the designer on a daily basis (have built numerous sites myself in the past) in order to streamline the process.

If you bid, please make sure that I can see some portfolio work.

Thanks ever so much in advance.