Joomla Developer To Fix Editor

Joomla Developer To Fix Editor

We are looking for a Joomla expert developer to fix a editor module that we use within our customized component to send three different email template.

This is the problem describe by our web designer:

We have a problem here (please see screen shot). Text is Ok, but images are stripped (logo, button). Images are visible in templates preview window, but after sending they are missing.
Also, some links are converted to unusable links. E.G. is converted to http://contact-us/, which doesn’t work, of course.
Other than that all info is there, except “Date of First Registration:”, which is empty.
I really don’t know why this happens – template code is 100% good and HTML valid.

I believe this is a quick fix for an experienced Joomla developer.

We need it to be done tomorrow morning!

Web Site Conversion- Part Ii

Web Site Conversion- Part Ii

Overview- Rebuild our old site with the new layout & graphics while maintaining existing and additional features with clean, and high performance code.

Details- Web site conversion from a php4/xhtml site to Joomla framework with an extension to a Joomla CMS. Old site is still up and functioning and available for reference. New site (Joomla framework) has been started and is also up and functioning. Ready for development. New graphics done and avail via PSDs. Need conversion to Joomla

Develop and implement Joomla modules that connect to a custom MySQL DB. A lot of re-use so each module is not a complete re-design. Open to DB support as well.

Integrate the modules to the Joomla site with proper css/xhtml coding. PSD designs will be provided. Must provide details on preferred coding method and development environment. Code must be simple, clean and valid. Final product should be cross browser compliant including Firefox, Chrome & IE6.

Sidenote: PSDs were done by good graphic designer however they were not necessarily properly layered for Joomla. You are expected to make amendments and properly layer it.

We will provide all the information, specification and requirement you need to succeed along the way in this project. We are expecting constant communication ( via email, Skype, phone, or other) and progress reports.

Only experts for this effort, No css newbies pls.

Joomla Template Css Adjusment

Joomla Template Css Adjusment


I have a rather small project that I need help with. I am ready to have someone start today on. It involves CSS and page layout modification in joomla

Here is my current joomla site that is in production

I need to have the home page layout in 3 columns to look like

I need the text to the left then the checkbox form and leave the far right column where it is.

What need to be done is for the columns to be moved around and resized. The checkbox form needs to be wider so that none of the words wrap, please see live site for comparison.

the interiors pages need to be 2 columns: body on the right and leave the current right column as is.

If the entire body needs to be wider then that is fine as well. Up to about 1000px would be fine

also please use the same background that is on the live site on the test site (brushed steel background)

Last, I need all of the current text on the live site to be cut and paste over to the development site. ALSO PLEASE NOTE: There have been changes made to the text and I have also those changes to update to the pages text and some of the check box form questions need to be changed or removed. I will provide you with that information via word or txt docs.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Again I am ready to start right away.



Scratch Card Script To Joomla

Scratch Card Script To Joomla

Hi I need a Scratch Card game script to integrate in my Joomla website and completely customizable: able to change prizes, images, frequency of wins, one game per day and stuff like that. Also, I need to keep the provided user names, emails and countries. Needs to work with php/mysql.

I whould like to have something like Pyramid Treasures – or ScratchCardPro.

Their prices for full package is $29, so I’m looking for similar scripts with lower prices or similar, if they are better than scratchcardpro.

Article Template

Article Template

Hi, I currently have many articles already on my site and I used “content templater” to make my article templates… however I just recently discovered that you can add your own permanent article template into the CSS style sheet..

If someone can help add this template in permanently for my articles and make it work for my existing articles (if possible) without me having to manually go through them all, I’d be truly grateful.

This is what all my articles look like (different picture and information of cos) *look in attachment

So basically, I just need to the article template (i already have the template) permanently into all my articles (if possible or at least for my future ones).

*if you are unable to make it work in my existing articles, then at least make sure it doesn’t affect them.

Please post a reasonable bid, I don’t have an enormous budget. I use Joomla

Slice Design + Cms

Slice Design + Cms

I provide:

PSD file

Deliverables (what I would like receive):

1. Sliced template
+ css
+ html
+ dynamic text (different fonts are used)
+ tableless
+ clean & fast code

2. CMS
+ NOT a standard cms (like Joomla, etc)
+ manage categories (tabs)
+ manage pages
+ manage news

Function categories:
– add, delete, rename

Function pages:
– add, delete, rename
– hide-unhide from front-end
– button save: page is saved
– button publish: page is published

Function gallery:
– add, delete, rename categories
– add (upload), delete, rename pictures
– resize images to goal format and delete original uploaded picture
– if description is added to categorie: show
– if description is added to picture: show
– lightbox for bigger pictures (or something better)

Function contactpage:
– contactform with a few fields: name, email, message
– button: send
– add, change, delete emailadres(ses) of the recipients

Function blog:****
– add, delete, rename articles
– possibility to set maximum blog-articles per page
– possibility to view/hide newer-older buttons
– archive: at bottom of blog. 10 clickable titles of older articles.
– A blogitem has: title, content, date, direct link
– Content of a blogitem can be: youtube movie, text, (part of) Picturegallery, other?

Function user:
– add, delete, edit user
– set new password
– generate random password

Function settings:****
– Name of website (title)
– Meta tags
– Photoalbum: size thumbnails, big pictures
– Standard emailadres (for contactform)

– Easy integration (front-end)
– Easy integration (back-end)****

****optionally: This is an extra but not necessary option and would be appreciated if it will be realized.

Please note: This is not the final design. It will be finetuned. No big changes are expected.

The CMS should be used for the sliced design.

Time schedule:
deadline: 7 may

Technical aspects:
– PHP 5.x
– MySql

Professional Design Needed

Professional Design Needed

Our business is running web magazines within the computer hardware market in different languages. We seek an experienced company with previous work with similar brand/design where the signals/symbolic values of the design is the key focus of the development. We have been running our business for approx 10 years and we need a design where key words are:
– The content of the website is the voice of the website, not the design
– Less is more
– Good looking design, without excessive effects
– Design suitable for a computer related magazine
– Clean design

The design will be working together with a Joomla template

In the budget these moments are included in the project:
– Creating 4 different designs with different angle of approach
– From those 4, 3 are selected and develop these further,
– From those 3 we go for one final option that we do final adjustments to.

– Creating template

The partner we seek in this:
– must be experienced with creating design fitting existing brands
– must be available on a daily basis over phone or msn
– must master english or swedish very well
– should be able to give references to previous similar work
– must be tolerant, if the needs change during the project and we start over on a new angle of approach. (of course to a limited extent)
– must have experience in this to be able to guide us away from obvious mistakes when it comes to conventional designing point of view.

Joomla Virtuemart Attributes

Joomla Virtuemart Attributes

Am using Joomla Virtuemart with 2 sets of attributes for my products. Instead of adding (+) or subtracting (-)amounts from the main product price, I need the attribute to be a multiple (X)of the main price.

For example, when you update a product and click on Product Status, you get a list of Attributes and their Properties and Price Differentials. VM allows me to add or subtract an amount, but I need to be able to multiply. So if I add *1 then the product price stays the same. Adding *2 will double the price and *.5 will make the price half.

Joomla Artforms Upload

Joomla Artforms Upload

I have a Joomla site that uses the ArtForms component to receive information from users when they fill out a form. I did a hack that allows for .docx and .xlsx uploads (

The uploads are not attaching to the emails when the email is sent.

Also in the back-end when you go to the form information and try to download the documents that were uploaded. The download always returns a corrupt file.