Forum Posting 2

Forum Posting 2

MOST IMPORTANT: Read the text first. Then Accept only if you can complete the work. Follow All the guide lines to avoid any rejection and rework of your submission.

1. This job is related to making 300 posts in Forums related to Web Hosting, Free Templates, Web Templates, WordPress, Blogger Templates only.

2. You need to Find out 60 such forums by searching the web (Use Google, Ask, Yahoo, etc. to search)

3. Create a user in the forum and make 5 posts (40 Words Minimum) in each forum related to any topics on the forum.

4. Create a signature using BB Code/HTML code in your user control panel of the forum using following URL and Keyword.

5. Only the given Keyword and URL should appear on the signature. Never put any thing else.

6. Prepare a report of your posts in an excel 2003 worksheet. In your report use following columns:

A: Sl No
B: URL Of Post
C: Date Of Posting
D: Username Used For Posting
E: Password Of The Username
F: E-Mail Used

7. URL should be to your post only (Never post the URL of thread. I don’t have time to search for your posts and will never accept your submission)

8. If any post is under moderation please submit them only after approval of forum administrator. To avoid rejection of your posts by administrator please make posts related to the topic adding value to the forum. We are only concern about Signatures.

9. List of keywords. Use any one for each forum.
1) Free Templates
2) Free Website Templates
3) Free CSS Templates
4) Free Web Templates
5) Free WordPress Themes

One Page Website Advertisement

One Page Website Advertisement

I need our advertisement website page, , updated. I need it to be more intense, more informative, and more professionally developed.

A good example of a site I’m trying to copy is .

On the bottom right side, I will need a secure order form(I already bought the ssl certificate), and I want to receive an email each time an order comes in.

I have all the wording and images ready to go. I just need someone to develop this page.

Restaurant Menu Entry 3

Restaurant Menu Entry 3

Convert scanned (Image Format) restaurant menu to editable excel text menu.

Total restaurant Menu: 2000 restaurant
Total Time duration Max: 30days

Payment will be made in batch of 1000 menu. Once you complete 1000 restaurant payment will released. Next payment will be released after next 1000 restaurant.

For restaurant menu visit
Please find attachment for excel format of restaurant menu.
Each restaurant will have its own excel.
So total excel prepared will be 2000.

Please attach sample of your work with tour bidding price.

Thanks & Regards

Reverse Eng. Dbase App

Reverse Eng. Dbase App

Reverse engineer a dbase application to a .Net and MS-SQL server application.
The dbase system consists of a database, 10 data entry screens and 10 reports. The system allows the end user to enter information about machines in an area and then it makes basic calculations based on those entries and presents the data in reports.

More details can be provided upon receiving your bid.

Thank you

Key Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicator

See attached. This is a bunch of sheets that we enter data into. We enter data into each sheet it is terrible painful. The data comes from a database, eventually i will want the data from the database to go directly into the sheet, but that is a different project. For now I want a program that has a single data entry page and once the data is entered the spreadsheet is automatically populated. Look forward to comments/ideas on this one.

Data Entry On Excel

Data Entry On Excel

Convert Scanned Menu image to editable excel.
For Images of scanned menu visit:
Total 397 restaurants.
Project completion in five days.
Payment after full work.

Sample of work.

Please note:
1. Some restaurants menu are big and some small.
2. Please see restaurants menu on site before bidding.
3. Work will require lot of efforts as only quality work will be accepted.

Data Entry Classified Listings

Data Entry Classified Listings

I’m launching a classified site for apartment listings and I need some help with data entry for the actual listings. The overall purpose is the make the site look active so that potential buyers and advertisers will want to join.

Each ad will need to include the pictures and as much information as possible. Below are the URLs to the pages containing the ads that will need to be copied for each category.

Category Manhattan –
Category Brooklyn –
Category Queens –
Category The Bronx –
Category Long Island –

If the price is reasonable this will be an ongoing project.

Copy & Paste Job

Copy & Paste Job

Hi, scriptlancer I have a job for you. It’s simple copy & paste job.

I will provide you 10k web link. You have to open each link and copy the Name from ad details then paste it into my excel sheet.

Budget is $30
Time duration: maximum 3 days after project was awarded

winner will get more future projects, if I satisfy with your work.

Thank you

Have Keyword Join Social Netwo

Have Keyword Join Social Netwo

I have a list of 85 keywords and want you to use each of them to join 100 social networking sites. I want an email address created with each of them. There is a lot of data entry.

I have posted a .pdf with very clear instructions. I have the data organized in a spreadsheet. You’ll be filling more information into the spreadsheet.

Split Counties Into Territorys

Split Counties Into Territorys

This is a job for someone who understand excel and, more importantly, someone who can work a calculator. I have a list of counties in america, split by zip code. Population is listed with zip code. Currently, they’re grouped in numerical order by zip. I need it first rearranged to be grouped by county.

For example:

Look at line 6, 12, 25, 41, 50, 57 and 65. Each one of those lines is Blount County. Since each county is its own territory, blount county should be on ONE line and then each zip code in blount county should be next to it (or individually on line below) with the exact population of the zip next to the zip code itself.

So, blount county would look something like this:

Blount –
35013 – population 0
35031 – population 7640
35049 – population 3223
35079 – population 7150
35097 – population 1837
35121 – population 14201
35133 – population 3977
Blount- Total Population – 38,028

Next, I need each county turned into a territory…

So, Blount County is 1 territory with a total of 38,028 people. HOWEVER – if Blount county had 475,000 people, then it would need to be split into 2 seperate territories because, as stated in project description, the territories are up to 250,000 people a piece.

If it needed to be 2 territories, you would basically split the zip codes up to equal about 237,500 people per territory and you’d end up with 2 territories for Blount (475,000 divided by 2 is 237,500)

So, here’s another example because this is very important —
if a county has a population of 280,000 – it would be 2 seperate territories (zone 1 and zone 2). However, zone 1 and zone 2 need to be as close to the same population as possible. So, zone 1 and zone 2 both should be as close as possible to 140,000 population each.

NOTE: If you want to be considered for job, please use attached file and provide me with a sample of what needs to be done. Just pick 2 counties and show me you understand.

Data Entry – Urgent

Data Entry – Urgent

Company Research.

I need someone to check about 1000 company websites and research required information Urgently.

I will give you a list of companies. and I will need you to look on te company website and find the following data.

company contact name
company contact email
company contact tel
company city
company country
company website
company industry
company investment industry
company investment geography
company investment criteria/notes

e..t..c all in excel


1) This research needs to be completed in 3 days. Person to work on project will be selected as soon as possible and will start tomorrow.
10:00 Zurich time.
2) Payment will be after all data is verified for accuracy.
3) 10% escrow
4) ONLY bidders with good reviews will be considered.
5) Person must use skype for communication and be online and available during the project.
6) Must have good spoken and written English.
7) Working times are gmt+1

Gather Webhosting Informatio 2

Gather Webhosting Informatio 2

I need someone to gather information about various webhosts and put them into a spreadsheet.

You will have to search various places to find the info that I need.
I need you to compile a list of 1,000 webhosts. Shared hosting and VPS hosting only. You only need to log the 2 least inexpensive hosting packages for each webhost.
You need to put the information below into the spreadsheet. To find out the email sending limits You may have to contact the web support for the answer.
If you cannot find me 1,000 webhost, tell me how many you can provide and bid accordingly.

You need to put the information below into the spreadsheet

Webhost Name
Webhost URL
Shared Hosting or VPS ?
Cost Per Month ?
Setup Fee ?
Email Limit each Hour ?
Email Limit per Day ?
Email Limit per Month ?

Easy Upload Products To Websit

Easy Upload Products To Websit

Hi Guys. The project is back on the market as the previous person who accepted it advised that they do not have enough bandwidth to download the images. Please read the project description below so that you understand the project and can place a fair bid and you are able to handle the projects:

Hi. I have just created a website and need to upload products to it. I will need product descriptions to be coppied into the product as I have already written these (for most items) and all other info. I will need a price for uploading these products. there are around 1800 products that need uploading! heres a link to a product page showing what i’ll need doing.

I require a bid for the project from you all.

Here is the link to the website

It’s not on the live server yet but need it to be asap. Need to upload all the products first. I have added quite a few products myself. take a look and navigate around the products.

Hi all. If you havent realised by yet this will be like a data enrty job. as advised to previous people applying for this job, all pictures will be provided as .jpeg format for you to upload to the website. also for each product the text will be the same appart from the product name which need to be changed in the product description. see these two links for an example:


As you can see from the “additional information” box and “Product Features” box small changes have been made according to the product.

Also, take a look at these 2 products. They are from the same range but are different products and again only the additional information has had small changes and product features box.

I do not have all of the information so a bit of research will have to be done regarding product information (height, width, depth)and also prices will have to be looked up by you. I want to be the cheapest in the market but still want to be able to make a small profit!!

if you still wish to take on the project please contact me

My URL for the website that requires the products to be uploaded is

I have had a lot of trouble in the past on scriplance with people saying that they can do the project but just are wasting my time.

I am looking for a company that I can create long term relations with as I have several other projects in the pipeline that require websites to be built for them and maintaining them for me.

There are approx 5gb worth of images (as they are high resolution images) but the website will automatically reduce the size of the image when it has been uploaded. If I compress them into a zip file they will compress to approx. 3gb. What would be the best way to upload these? FTP? I do not have an FTP site do you?

Hi this is more or less the exact process that you will go through with each product:

Before you read this pull up the screen shots that are attached to this project named admin screen shot/2/3 and go through each step as you read and look at the screen shot. you will get a better understanding of the project from this.

process of uploading a product:

The product will be named the same name as the .jpeg. so for example, if there is a .jpeg called Hampton (and this item is a bed) and this type of bed is a divan bed then the “url name” and “Display Name” will need to be “Hampton Divan Bed”

then the item will have to be added to its correct categories (eg: single bed, small double bed, double bed, kingsize bed, super kingsize bed, all beds and bedroom furniture) not all beds will fit into these categories as different beds come in different sizes (these are just examples)

You will then need to type “Hampton Divan Bed” into and find competitors selling this same bed. The competitor with the cheapest price will need to be coppied, and if possible take off £5 or so to make me cheaper, but only if it is still profitable for me to do so at this price.

The “Original Price” will need to be inflated to approx 150% of the retail price which you put in.

Then Height, Width and Depth will have to be entered. These you will have to get from competitor sites as I do not have all of this information

Delivery note will then have to be put in (These will all be supplied so you just need to copy and paste these in)

Product code will have to be made (eg. If the supplier is called Highgate Beds and the product is a Hampton bed, the Product code will be HighHampton. This is very important as I will then know which bed has been ordered and most importantly from which supplier)

Long descreiption will then need to be put in. This will be supplied to you. This will stay the same with each range but just the actual product name will need to be changed in the long description area to match the name in the “display name” box for that product (see the screen shots attached to this project for more insight)

Then the relevant image will need to be uploaded to that product. These images will be supplied to you

Then in the options tab, the relevant options will need to be put in (EG: if the bed comes in a single bed, small double bed, double bed, kingsize bed, super kingsize bed sizes then these will have to be stated in the options area with the prices put in.

If you have any problems or questions please message me back.

This project is more of a data entry project as a lot of the work is already done from you. You will be required to do simple maths to work out prices (ie. price + delivery + VAT + mark up = Total)

A lot of the text (adcopy) for the products descriptions is already written for you so all you need to do is copy and paste it in but obviously change the product name in the description.
