Website Design With Click Buy

I need a site that has a main header with a logo for “Deals Runner”.
Then a contact us page, special offer page.

The site will work like a click bank site where people click on a box then pay so much to advertise in the box and add a description bellow it and if you click on the picture, if the box is bought then it take you to the link of the advertiser. An admin pannel must be with the site so staff can edit the price of the boxes, the length of time the box is purchased for and other info on the site. See attached picks for rough layout shape, the link bellow is a demo of the layout.

Complete Overhaul Of Website

Please let me know a cost and timeframe for completing the work!

MUST have EXCELLENT grammer and spelling and attention to detail! please respond with the word blue jelly beans in the subject

I’m generally satisfied with this website’s design, however there are several reasons to redesign and/or upgrade.
Website to be updated is:

1. The design is now somewhat dated
2. It does not show well on some modern browsers
3. It has formatting issues on newer widescreen monitors
4. The content needs to be rearranged in a major way
5. Various new features needed

Task A. Overall design
I do not have a specific vision, but I do have some guidelines
1. Should look contemporary and professional, yet as simple as possible
2. Navigation must be simple, intuitive and consistent
3. Should be ready for integration with blog and social media (not yet implemented)
4. Should allow future incorporation of audio, video & webinars
5. Must be easily editable for frequent content updates
6. Must be transferable to any hosting company
7. Must work on legacy browsers, modern browsers and mobile devices

Task B. Possible split into two sites
This is subject to discussion. I offer two distinctly separate services / specialties, with different client base, but with some overlap between them.
1 – Tax preparation and consulting – for real estate investors
2 – Solving IRS problems – for anybody
My web content currently covers both areas, with heavy tilt towards real estate. This is going to change, as I’m about to add a lot of content specific to IRS problems and put much heavier focus on marketing this service. Accordingly, my dilemma is: continue combining real estate and IRS problems content on a single website or split my website into two sub-sites, with some content overlap. No decision is made yet.

Task C. Rearranging content
Whether single site or two sites, the menu system need to be reshuffled, content moved around and re-grouped, and the underlying folder structure should probably be sync-ed with the new design.
Currently, each article has an include file that ties it to a specific menu – all will need to be adjusted.

Task D. Adding content
A number of new articles need to be formatted and incorporated into the website. Some new TYPES of content need to be added – such as:
– case studies (including graphic images of documents)
– audio/video clips from classes and seminars
– audio/video testimonials
– book reviews

Task E. Cleanup
There’re some dead links already, and rearranging content will require adjusting a lot of cross-links within the site.
Basically, every single hyperlink needs to be verified.

Task F. Site map.
It will need to reflect the new layout and also have some design to it, maybe multi-column or buttons or collapse/expand – open to suggestions.

Task G. Newsletter(s)
Subscription to newsletter need to be prominent, need a squeeze page to suggest subscribing before leaving the site.
Also, need an option to sign up for 3 different email lists – one, two or all three.
Current subscription page is unreliable and antiquated in design.
Also if not difficult – automatic acknowledgement of subscription request.

Task H. Graphic documents display
Need an ability to access images of letter-size documents, preferably with tiles and zoom feature.
Example: I have a case study description, and I want to include a button “click to see the IRS initial letter” and then another button “click to see the IRS final letter”, and clicking these buttons would bring up a separate window with zoomable documents. Maybe the buttons would be micro-images of these documents. Suggestions welcome.

Task I. Audio/video
Audio/video content is not ready, but I need an easy way to incorporate them as they become available.

Task J. Book reviews
Just need a simple template to add book reviews, grouped into categories

Task K. (OPTIONAL) Social media
I will start a blog, social media, YouTube etc. sooner or later. I do not want to have to redesign everything when it happens, want to be ready now.

Task L (OPTIONAL). Calendar & deadline
Need some kind of a clickable annual calendar with about 20 deadlines, some of which linked to a one-paragraph description, others to full articles. I’m open to suggestions.

Task M (OPTIONAL). Downloadable forms
If possible, provide a form where they can check/uncheck all documents they are interested in, and have those automatically emailed to them once they provide email?
Access control is desired – i.e. some forms are not available without access key.

WordPress Plugin Tweak (rss Re

Good afternoon,

We’re needing a coder that can tweak the plugin of WordPress called WPoMatic and make it take the FULL post of RSS instead of excerpt.

That can be done linking it with Readability library or something like

This is a simple task, just to link WPoMatic and make it take (extract) full posts of any RSS.

If you can do it, please reply to us.

Post Expire – WordPress

I need some customisation done to set dates for posts to expire. There are tons of options out there, but they do not do what I want. They either delete the posts or set them to draft status or move them to archives or to a different category.

What Do I want?

— Cusomisation to set a date for expiring post on a given date (custom field)
— This Should not delete the posts permanently (Very imp).
— Expired posts stays in the same category but under a new header ‘Expired posts’ below the active posts.
— Expired Posts Uses a different css id/class, so they can be greyed out.

Example is here:

Look at posts below by scrolling down and see under ‘Expired discount vouchers from Debenhams’

Bid only if you have experience with wordpress.

Custom Blog/site Development

I want a Custom blogging development done preferably in wordpress.

It will be all in one solution kind of thing.
It will have scraping scripts/functions , storing content in databases etc.


[1]. About 1000 keywords will be given in groups of 5-20. The script will scrape content for each group from various sources like –

– Forums
– Digg
– News and authority sites (I’ll give u a list of these sites)
– Twitter
– Google Blog search
– Technorati
– Other sites (Other list of sites will depend on the market the keywords belong to)
– Videos from youtube

For each group the scraped content will be stored in database. And can be edited as well from a user interface.


The scraped content will strip all html and will contain only text. The scraped content will also have an excerpt for all the content blocks extracted. We will discuss it in detail.

[2]. The html page will be created for all the keywords based on the content extracted for that particular group of keywords. There will be an option “if that group of keywords fall into” “commercial” category. Then for all those keywords there will be an additional field called “Rating” which will be a number from 1-10 like 7.1, 8.3 and so on which will be calculated with an algorithm which I will tell you. In case of ‘commercial’ keywords the rating of the product will be described along with the graphics in pie chart or bars forms.

[3]. A Headlines and titles generator which will generate the titles of the html pages. I have a desktop software for that – you can use it’s database of titles.

[4]. Some user added content which we will discuss.

[5]. Some “presell” part which will appear on all pages

[6]. Random tips portion which will be taken from text files uploaded on the server.

[7]. The scraped content will be organized on the html page in a very user friendly and unique way.
See example here –

How content from various sources is presented under the heading –

“Expert & User Review Sources”

I want some content on the left part and some content at the bottom of the blog post.

[8]. There will be options at the end of the blog post like –


[9]. Comment generation.
The script will auto generate comments based on some scraped content and database of some generic sentences. We will discuss that.

[10]. There will be an option to edit any part of the html page thus formed.

Happy Bidding!

Full-time Web Developer

Hello SL Providers,

Thank you for reviewing my job post. We are a US based firm looking to find a very detail oriented, dependable website developer and programmer. Most of our sites are WordPress based, however, a few are custom coded in PHP/Mysql and will require excellent coding and design skills. We are looking for one special provider for a long-term position with the following skills:

# EXTREME WordPress experience including customization, plugin installs. Experience with the plugins: WPROBOT, WPREMIX, WPREVIEW, and PRETTY LINKS.
# Advanced knowledge of Photoshop and graphic design
# Advanced knowledge of Dreamweaver / related
# Can code Compliant W3C Designs
# Advanced PHP/Mysql skills
# CSS/xhtml skills

We are looking to hire someone full-time for a two week trial period. If we are happy working with each other after two weeks, we will offer you full-time position. We use basecampHQ to manage projects and tasks. You will be required to login daily and provide status reports on assigned projects and record your time for completed tasks.

If you’re interested in this opportunity, we invite you to submit the following:

– Your resume
– Website projects you’ve worked on
– Your Skype user-name
– Your monthly rate
– Your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to the above tasks
– The hours you’re willing to work (e.g. 9-5 Monday-Friday)

Thank you,


President, Reagormedia
Time Zone: -6 GMT

Ecommerce Web Design

I need to create an e-commerce clone of another site. Most of the site structure will stay intact outside of color, site functionality, and some minor tweaks to make it look slightly different. It will be fairly simple to follow and execute the vision. I have 2-3 sites which we’ll take bits and pieces from to make a cohesive site.

I’m most comfortable with WordPress, but realize a simple HTML site might be the best alternative. If we go with anything but WordPress, I’ll need a brief tutorial at the end of the project so I can figure things out moving forward.

I need to contract a fast programmer that is independent and able to make decisions on their own, and deliver a great end product.

I need to see your portfolio of past sites completed and worked on, so submit with bid.

Please only apply if you are confident you fit the following criteria:

1- Need a serious and honest programmer willing to work quickly to get this site up and completed.

2 – I need a 100% quality work and expert.

3 – In a way of better understand what I want you can ask me all the questions that you feel fit. I’m always available on Skype as well.

4 – At the end of each project you need to deliver me the source files if applicable.

5 – I will only choose the programmer after you showing me your portfolio that proves experience on this field and after you giving me the samples of a simple CMS that you’ve done before, put them online in order to be able to see them.

8 – I’m open to suggestions about a CMS solution. I;m most familiar with WordPress, but am open to suggestions.

Thank you,