Php Script (working Day)

Php Script (working Day)
I need a php script(function) which receive 2 argument(date and day) and return a date. example:

function calculate(“2009-12-31 14:09:23”,40) {

this function should add 40 business(working) days to this date and calculate new date. The days are only working days and should not calculate weekend(Saturday and Sunday). it should return like: “2010-04-19 14:09:23”.

I Need 10000 Sign Up.

I Need 10000 Sign Up.
I need 10000 ( Ten thousand ) sign up for my website, I will give $1 per sign up. for getting this work you have to sign up from below link, and also click the confermation link , that will be provided you to e-mail address after clicking confermation link you will get a task and if you completed that in well manner. And submited it you will get the job.

Erotica Women Writers

Erotica Women Writers
I have a requirement for several women writers who have experience at writibg EROTICA sexual stories these stories should be between only 750 – 1500 words

I need a lot of details in emotion, color and smell. Description and details of the room , the clothes, body parts. You will need to be aware and write like some of the following writer ( if you never read those writers don’t apply ): Anais Nin ( Delta of Venus ) , Jean Genet,( journal du voleur) Jin Ping Mei , Henry Miller ( tropic ) , D. H. Lawrence Lady ( Chatterley’s Lover )
Only if you have experience in erotica story

you will be required to supply a minimum of 2 stories per week –

You will need to be reliable , available.

You will get a theme’s for each story.

First story required within 24hrs of being accepted for the project. Payment will be by escrow. Or PayPal
I give great reviews and I have been here many years

Landing Page Programming

Landing Page Programming
I need the following:
-upload two wordpress themes to my existing blue host account and make sure they work so I can start building my websites.
-Transfer a blogsite I have to a new WordPress theme to my bluehost account
-create the html for a landing page and put it on a provided new url to my bluehost account. (I have the layout, text and images, just need someone to create the hmtl file)

These are fairly urgent. Ideally looking for an affordable, quick and great-to-work with programmer for ongoing projects and to add to my network (I work with dozens of entrepreneurs every month).

E-commerce Souq Com Clone

E-commerce Souq Com Clone
Dear All ,

Kindly refer to

Iam looking forward to have clone with same UI and Functionalities ,

its default website where users register online , upload images and videos of their items , pay online , featured items ,
Advanced search , store , property , motors , adv banners , buy/sell/rent/bid , email notification , compare , Refine Search , etc

* 2 UI English and Arabic , words and tabs translation to Arabic can be handled by me by providing you a document contain all words needed *

Different countries UI and currencies .

users can upload or attache YouTube links videos to their items/motors/properties/stores

Shipment calculator tool between location of item and any chosen country in drop down menu of the shimpment calculator list

Kindly provide any samples or demo will be appreciated ,

Full support for one year included

Bugs Free



Portfolio Company Website 2

Portfolio Company Website 2
Please see this

Looking for something like this design anybody can show me nicer designs than this will get the job and also of cos the cheapest. My budget is LOW but i have many projects at hand so if you can do a very good company website more projects will come your way 🙂 long term relationship. I have 5 other projects at my hand now and more to come.

I need a backend system to post up websites that have been done before like the sample site and also description fields like the 1 above.I would like to integrate a blog as well into the site and contact page and about me page….these pages should be able to be created in admin section…

Free Image Hosting Site

Free Image Hosting Site
Project: Free Image Hosting Site

Features: All features that has (without the tool bar download feature).

Bulk upload Feature
Force Member Sign Up
Photo Editing ( same like photobucket and myspace that allows you to edit the image once uploaded)
Administrator Control Panel ( that allows admin to control members)
FREE and Paid Subscription (Using paypal as the gateway)
Must be compliant with IE, Safari, FireFox, Opera (Most common browsers)

If you take a few minutes and check out you’ll know exactly what I’m aiming for! If you have something custom you have done in the past I’d be interested in reviewing it. My site must be Unique!!! It must not be a knock off of but using their ideas when it comes to features!

It must be written in PHP. I’ll be hosting this on my server running a linux OS. I can do escrow! I can also make payment via I would prefer to pay in stages so it protects us both.

Adult Smarty Template Design

Adult Smarty Template Design
vldPersonals Demo:

We are using the above software to power our site:
We are looking are looking for a talented graphic designer to work with the follwoing template
at the above site. We will provide
*********excellent designer preferred (Adult)*********…
we have a specific design ideas in mine from our sister
Future work avaible
need fast turnaround……

Website Clone Required

Website Clone Required
i would like a total costing to clone (copy) the following website in Australian Dollars, with some changes to make it look different like skin and placement of sections of site, some flash banners etc

we want it fully custom so we can edit each section ourselves once built, advertising boxs, flash buttons etc


The sucessful bidder must bid total cost as you will only be paid for how much you bidded.

this could lead to ongoing work with us

Please let us know total cost and time frame to build

Modern New Website

Modern New Website
Looking for someone that can make a new website template to be modern and industry related to my business. I have other industry websites i can provide you with to help you.

Please only bid if you have positive feedback on scriptlance & please do not bid if you have 0 ratings

I know the cost of making a website, so please do not bid more than $100