Website Value Script – Asap

Website Value Script – Asap
I need a website value script exactly like the one at worth(dot)im — I can buy it there for $19 but it is encrypted which we cannot use. I can buy it from them unencrypted for $200.

I am looking for a much better deal on this script. If you have one just like it available, let me know and provide a link to a demo in PMB. It must be 100% open source (unencrypted) and must NOT violate any TOS with google/alexa/etc.


ALSO SEE blazecode (dot) com

Desktop App. – P2p Php Mysq C#

Desktop App. – P2p Php Mysq C#
The desktop application will feature video cam chat, voice chat and such. All peer-2-peer to save server resources and allow better speeds etc.
I am not sure which languages are best to use, perhaps C++, C#, php/mysql for website back-end etc.
Talk to me about it.

Please see attached doc.
It is almost 3 pages, and it is a serious project, please bid if you are able to do it.


Audio Voice Recordings

Audio Voice Recordings
This is a very simple project to create multiple audio recordings to help create creative thought. I have provided a link to a sample audio to give you an idea. The idea is to tell a story that is completely made up on the spot. You need to be very descriptive and try to describe all the different senses. The listener might tend to fall asleep and dream away so every few minutes there needs to be an interaction with the listener such as asking them if they can feel that particular description. The proper way to do this is in this example… “Imagine yourself as a hawk high up in the air. Your feathers feel like sandpaper and as the wind brushes against your sandpaper feathers it feels like electricity. Say “yes” when you feel the electricity.” This part of telling the listener to “say yes when you feel the electricity” makes the listener respond back to the audio recording and keeps them in interaction.
Link to Sample Audio:

1. Must have an American English accent.
2. Must not have a stutter.
3. Must not use any interrupter words such as “uh”, “um” while you are thinking of the next description. You can pause until you think of the next description sense the listener will be thinking of your previous one.
4. Must try to use abnormal descriptions such as a piece of chocolate tasting like beer or walking on sand feeling like Jello. This is to try to expand the imagination.
5. Must try to incorporate all of the 5 senses such as sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.
6. Each recording must be at least 10 minutes long.
7. 5 recordings with different scenes.
If you have an instant messenger program we can discuss further for better examples. This should be easy and if done right there is a need for more.

Site Design Integrate To Css

Site Design Integrate To Css

I have a site design that needs completion. I am looking for a skilled designer/programmer to finish the design of the home page and sub page elements and integrate it into the script.

The scope of work could vary, at the very least will involve the design work and just CSS work, but could involve some template modification which are coded in XHTML/PHP.

REQUIREMENTS: The ideal candidate should be…

– Proficient in ADOBE CS3 or CS4 (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Illustrator)
– Proficient in XHTML, PHP and CSS
– Code to current standards
– Good communication (english)
– Have high attention to detail
– Be creative ( I welcome your design ideas and suggestions!)

If interested we can discuss details further.

Logo For Wtp

Logo For Wtp
Describe what you need and submit a project free and quickly.

Need a logo for “WorkTimePro”. The letter “O” in the word “Work” needs to be similar to a neon style clock. See:http://www.gameroomantiques.comNeonClocks.htm
The center background of the clock needs to be a world map. The hands of the clock would extend beyond the outer perimeter of the clock. The hour pointing to the number 2; the minute hand pointing to the number 10. The overall look of the clock / letter “O” would be a bit cartoon like. The remaining letters need to be in color, vivid, and stylish.

Design Simple Landing Page

Design Simple Landing Page
This project is for you to design a simple landing page similar to this page: including the document download frame. The only pages will be Home and the Contact Page but with the function to add more later.

This is more than just cloning the site. We need a designer to add your creative talent to make it different and to make it shine.

Please send samples of pages SIMILAR to this NOT your full list of 500 links. I won’t even look at one and you will not be considered.


Install Script To My Server

Install Script To My Server
I need someone to install a penny script to my server. I will give you all the programming you need to do this and also access to my server. If you have any questions please ask as I am new to this and can not do myself. Please get back to me as I am looking to do this quickly. Thanks

Any questions please contact me ASAP and I will work with you on this to get this done.

I will accept any reasonable bid to get this done quickly.

Periodical Db Software 2

Periodical Db Software 2
I have a few magazines that I am sending out periodically. I require a software to manage this A-Z as follows:>

1. Save clients/subscribers details
2. Alert every day/month/year/ etc for renewal of subscriptions
3. Update on payments received/ pending
4. Update on change of informations ( .e.g address, etc)
5. Printout of pending payments/ sales activities
6. Print out of envelopes of various sizes (depending on magazine) with subscribers/clients name , address etc on it
7. printout of invoice, receipt
8. Able to update on RENEWALS and retain history

Software has to be user-friendly as it will be operated by my staffs. It has to be OS independant ( so that it can work in ANY platform of windows etc )

Only serious programmers contact me for more details.

Flash With 10 Templates

Flash With 10 Templates
Hi, First all my company ( wants to engage a long term partner.
He/She must have dedication, hardworking, attentive to my request.

A person who is online most of the time on SKYPE.

This project is fairly simple. 1 Back end with 10 templates.
It has to be in FLASH (i want to see good designer) <– If you don’t have
– Newsletter
– Results
– Members Page
– Integration Paypal
– Voucher
– Google Ad-sense
– Banner
– etc etc like (terms & condition , disclaimer)
– Affiliate
(will show u details of it)

I also want one simple cms (Add page)

This are simple things as developers we have the script. I need someone to patch this together.

Someone can respond to me. If u see my past projects. I’ve cancel more than I completed. 5 failures to 1 success. That’s because there are many liars, procrastinators and I cannot work long term with.

Only a handful of guys.

IF you want PROJECT from me forever , u gotta prove to me with this one.