Landing & Squeeze Pages X 4

Landing & Squeeze Pages X 4
I would like you to build me 4 landing pages and 4 thank you/squeeze pages to the same theme.

We are not talking major high end national brand style.
I am looking for a good solid professional TRUSTWORTHY looking pages that CONVERT.

2 for one demographic and 2 for another demographic.

The functionality of each landing page and the functionality of the thank you/squeeze pages are to be the same but each should have a very different look to the others.

The pages are for people to vote/rate five things (1 to 5 stars).

After they have voted/rated the items, by hitting the submit button.
They should be that taken to a thank you/video squeeze page.
That looks like/themed like the page they just left.

The thank you/video squeeze page should have a video of the items they have just rated, that starts automatically and a simple call to action message at the end.
(More details to be shared with the winning bid).

Please come back to me with your questions, fastest delivery and very best price.

O’ Yes Examples Of Your Work Is A Must!!!!

Also you must be very good at keeping in touch and be willing to work with us not against us.
We will not drive you mad I promise (if we do you can tell us – it will not upset up) but will do want and value your input.
We are working together after all…

Thank you for taking the time to read my project.

PS. YES we do this sort of project roughly twice a month (on and would love to find someone or a company we can work with all the time for stuff like this, banners, blog header and so on. So if you want regular work (not loads by regular) that would suite us nicely…

Mirror Upload Script

Mirror Upload Script
This script is for a high traffic website with more than a million members, which means my requirements are high.

1) You must have atleast 50 possitive reviews everything else will be ignored.
2) You must send me a message with a list of recent work using PMB, include the keyword “cooldown”.
3) You must keep in contact with me on regular basic, running for weeks without any status messages is not accepted.
4) The script need to be well documentet (// Description).
5) The script need to be created with speed and security in mind.

Project details:
– Need a script that will take a local placed file and upload it to 5 different file hosting sites (I will give you links to those sites), it will then return with the download link for the files placed on those 5 sites.
– Think we need a way to hide or change the IP address of the server, incase they deside to delete all files uploaded from the upload server (IP). Don’t think it will be needed from start, not sure though, suggestions welcome.

Ideas For A Diplomacy Game

Ideas For A Diplomacy Game
Hello, I need someone with experience in games like nationstates-net or cybernations-net to create a concept of a “diplomacy game”.
This game should be played in a website and for a long/infinite period of time.

You will need to create:
– 300 words summary.
– All the rules.
– How to operate the system (what admins/moderators should be able to do, what users should be able to do).

This game should not be very complex, so even children can play (like 10+), and involve as little admin interference as possible.

Imagine something simple in terms of design. You can use any of the above web games (nationstates and cybernations) as examples.

Take into account that users should interact with each other, using forums, to create alliances, secret pacts, etc.

You should not forget:

– This is a Diplomacy game, so war is the last option and should bring more penalties than gains.
– Include the United Nations
– Include Bilateral relations
– Include Trade
– Include Diplomats, Ambassadors, Consuls, Spies and Military.

Thank you

Website Re-designing

Website Re-designing
I need to redesign my website and need ideas for the same. The website design should be scientific to increase the CTR of google ads or other affiliate ads. It should include

1) Header and a logo.
2) A well designed comparision table ( to replace the one existing on my site ) on my home page
3) Right panel ( to put some ads) ( after the comparision table seen on the home page)
4) Footer
5) A page designed nicely to attract visitors ( like a sales page or bonus offer page) … see here

I just need the design. The functionality would be added by me. I use a website creation software and shall incorporate the ideas and design given by you. I would also be requiring all the images and jpgs.

Experienced persons only bid please.

Changing Site Features

Changing Site Features
This project involved changing and adding some features to an existing website I have already, I am looking for a competent web designer / programmer to under take this work. This is basic website maintenance, so not looking for anybody who plans to take a month to do this work or even three weeks.

I need to see examples of work you completed before.

Feature Requirements

•Colour scheme of site must be change to something different and user friendly

•Clearance button removed from the site.

•For demonstration I want three images with description, per category be appropriately format and added to the site. This must be present when you hand the finished work over to me.

•A home button needs to be added to the admin page, once you logout from the admin page it can be click to return to the main page of the site.

•I want the currency on the site to be in pounds for the moment, so all files relating to US dollars be changed accordingly.

Coding Requirements

•All VB code behind be place with their corresponding ASP pages

•All code should be in VB, all remnants of C# or any other language must be removed

•All unnecessary files and folder must be removed, basically I want the files and folder organised professionally.

Final Note

Everything about the change you make to the site must be kept simple and easy to understand, including the file structure.

Virtuemart Issues

Virtuemart Issues
I cannot get to see a product, it just displays a blank page. As discussed earlier about the ‘Whats New’ page I managed to find the file in question that it was missing and uploaded it now it gives an error:

Also with the Quick Find I would like it to go to a results page and if it doesn’t find a product then to show the actual search form again on the main page. The other tasks are below, most of them are just asthetic styling just tweeking a few things.

1. Can you fix the ‘Whats New’ page to display newly products added products.

2. Fix the home page design so it looks like this, then link each image and title to the right category.

3. Make the Category pages look like the attached image:

a. So put the title of the current category above the breadcrumbs
b. Then put the intro text of the page next to it
c. Make the pagination show up above the categories/products
d. Style the pagination as the image please
e. Style the title, price of the products as in the image – please take off the cufon text replacement for the titles so it looks like below – make sure the ‘£’ is showing

4. Fix the site so it displays the product detail page as below please. As for some reason this isn’t showing now, it used to.
a. Also can you install the trail of please

Desktop App. – P2p C# .net Php

Desktop App. – P2p C# .net Php
I need a desktop application that will be similar to

It needs to be peer-to-peer between the users.

I have a server so you can use PHP/MySQL to store information there if needed.

The report system would work like this : If someone (an ID or IP Adress) has 5 reports in a 5 minutes time span, he will be banned for 1 hour.

I also need to be able to put some people moderator, and they would be able to click a “Ban” button to ban someone (His IP adress) for 24 hours.
Perhaps for example, on my website i could have a program where I put each external IP of the moderators, and when these people connect on the application, they will be mods and be able to click “Ban” (or F10), when going through webcam, pressing next or F9 etc.

Then the things I see for programming are the “Cam required” thing, when people check this, they will only match people with a webcam.

Except this, the rest should be similar to

Technologies used could be :

desktop application – .NET Framework 3.5, C# or C++ language, ORM,WCF etc.
server application – LAMP (linux+apache+mysql+php)
Or windows, whatever works.

I would use a dedicated server from :

Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and different SP’s.
If possible MAC…

p2p can be used for video chat and voice chat, the chat could be handle by my server.


1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables):
a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer’s environment–Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run condition in the Buyer’s environment.
b) For all others including desktop software or software the buyer intends to distribute: A software installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) All deliverables will be considered “work made for hire” under U.S. Copyright law. Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder’s Seller Legal Agreement).

Stats And Ranking Page

Stats And Ranking Page

I would like help in Creating a user stats and ranking page, for a design contest site.
It should look like this:

It would have to use the same ranking principle as well (I will provide the precise formula)

I’m looking for an experienced php/mysql coder who can start working immediately and complet this today.

No bids over 20$.


Three Travel Articles

Three Travel Articles
I need three 500-word travel articles written. They pertain to regions of France and Italy and will require the inclusion of a few keywords as well as attractions in specific cities.

The keywords, cities to include and sample articles to show the style that is necessary will be provided to the writer who is awarded the project.

Native US English speakers only please.

Thank you!

Writer For 50 Articles Project

Writer For 50 Articles Project
I need 50 Unique articles on different topics.


* Word Count should be 500 words per article
* Article should be informative
* Articles should be 100% free from grammar mistakes

Time Frame: 12 days

Bid only if you agree with above requirements.
Please note this is a long term assignment.Whosoever selected would be given regular work.
I need 100’s of articles on regular basis.
So bid accordingly.

Cms Fixes

Cms Fixes

Issues I am facing with My CMS admin.
1.Only 1 Photo- is loaded and needs automatically Resizing, Video is not fully loaded, and need the recent articles to be on top to older,ability to delete the loaded PDF .

2.same site part is Flash based -Email form submission needs to fix the encoding- to support Hebrew Text -as text comes not readable.

3.Add one small Profile of a new Manager both Hebrew and English sectios.

4.I have a small HTML site- where I need to add 2 More HTML pages .

5.Loading site on new server-simple task.

You must be available on Skype and constantly update me.
As this is a starter work with Us- Once you prove up- you’ll get more work on a long run.

Bids Above 30$ shall be Ignored .


Javascript Modification

Javascript Modification
I have a javascript that should be modificated for me.The code goes like this


<style type=”text/css”>

.containerDiv {width:560px;height:340px;position:relative;}

.containerDiv div.overlayVid {position:absolute;z-index:100;top:0px;left:0px;width:560px;height:310px;background-color:#000;filter:alpha(opacity=30);opacity: 0.5;-moz-opacity:0.5;text-align:center;padding-top:30px;}

.containerDiv object.mainVid {position:absolute;z-index:0;top:00px;left:0px;}

.containerDiv div.overlayVid div.hideLink {filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity: 1;-moz-opacity:1;text-align:center;font-family:arial;background-color:#000;font-size:11px;}

.containerDiv div.overlayVid div.hideLink a {color:#fff;}


<script type=”text/javascript”>

function hideOverlay() {

document.getElementById(‘overlayVid’).innerText = ”;

document.getElementById(‘overlayVid’).style.display = ‘none’;




<div class=”containerDiv”>

<object width=”560″ height=”340″ class=”mainVid”><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”wmode” value=”opaque”></param><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”560″ height=”340″ wmode=”opaque” ></embed></object>

<div class=”overlayVid” id=”overlayVid”>


<div class=”hideLink”><a href=”javascript:hideOverlay()”>Hide</a></div>



As you can see this is a video overlay code.The problem with it is that only works with this embed code,wich means i have to change everytime the youtube link on the code(because it does not work with the original one).If i try to put there the original code the hide link doesnt show up and people can’t close the advertisement window.What i need is somebody who modificates this code that i can put there any kind of html code(iframe,javascript….)and the hide link still shows up.If You have already a working code like this i will accept that.