Whmcs Module – Script

Whmcs Module – Script
We are looking for someone to develop an advanced module or php script for the billing system WHMCS.

We would like this module to be able to interact with the Magento Coomerce script we have developed in the past. Script has simple form, and is able to install fresh magento commerce on the fly (as personalized demo store for our clients).

We need someone do connect this scipit with whmcs in a way to:
– webiste visitor will fill simple php form on our site (we will collect: email, first and last name, phone, and desired username (username will serv as subdomain.ourddomain.com).
– this form go to whmcs via whmcs api (more at: http://wiki.whmcs.com/API) as a new order, and also new client will be created
– whmcs will activate this order as son as it gets it. Our magento demo will be predefinder product in whmcs, and there will aslo be a predefined email template that will be send to a client promptly afer demo store is created.

You will get full (root) cpanel acces to our server, full admin to our developer whmcs licence, in oder to get job done.

I just want to point out, that we do have a working sicrpt that create magento commerce demo store, we just need kind of a bridge or a connection in order this script will work with whmcs.

Clipshare Project

Clipshare Project
I would like to have ClipShare Pro 4.1.5 (www.clip-share.com) re-designed with a new template / skin to look like http://www.guitar-tube.com

They have used clipshare and placed all the design elements in different places. The background will be changed to light gray and the rest should be exactly the same with a different logo.

They have extended ClipShare functionality to use Categories for videos, which is not part of Clipshare and you will have to implement that as well. All other add-ons that they have implemented

They have changed the members area and I would like you to look on that as well!

The HTML interface will also have a XHTML template version in a different directory (like ‘/mobile’). The template should be similar to You Tube mobile The experience should only allow to watch those top categories and not having the related links at the bottom.

Please only bid if you can work on this project right away, you have ClipShare experience (that is: you already worked on extending or modifying it). Please include an estimate for delivery.

Domain Registrar Script Needed

Domain Registrar Script Needed
I need a registrar script written to allow for free domain registrations on a 2 letter domain name ex.: ce.cc –> sitename.ce.cc

Looking for something similar to cz dot cc. The script should have the following scope:
1) PHP driven.
2) Interface with BIND for DNS Zone files.
3) Web interface can be copied from godaddy dot com to manage DNS settings
4) Complete DNS management system.
5) No hosting functionality will be needed, only a DNS solution.

I was thinking of maybe using webmin.com and customize it a bit to do the job. There are a few other open source projects out there that may provide a solution.

Drupal Portal Required

Drupal Portal Required

We need a solid drupal programmer or team to take our existing website, and to convert to drupal, or prosepoint (drupal fork).

Some aspects of our website are not yet developed, but our new drupal website will need to have these working.

The website we need cloned in drupal is http://www.sussexbusinesstimes.co.uk/

The forum section is a vbulletin install and will remain in place as our forum section.

The property for sale and businesses for sale will be pretty much identical in functionality – existing drupal modules could possibly do these sections, or something custom build with CCK and views.

The jobs section will allows jobs to be searched, and posted. It will also allow CV’s to be searched and posted. We want to sell job listings and CV access.

Our business directory section can be put together quite simply I would imagine from existing drupal modules.

Dynamic Webpages / Database

Dynamic Webpages / Database
I require someone / team who can develop good web applications. I will need to see your previously done jobs.

This project is a very simple and straightforward one. I have already sketched out what operations the app will do and the screens in a rough form and programmer may not even need to do much thinking on that aspect.

It is going to a mini school admin web with maybe a total of 30 forms or thereabout. I will tell you how to go about each step. All you need to know to do is how to program well.

There will be a facility to create multiple instances of the app(eg on different subdomain) and they should function seperately and independently.

If you are interested, let me know. Only serious minded persons should contact me.

Psd To Joomla Template

Psd To Joomla Template

We need a joomla expert to convert a PSD design to a joomla 1.5 template to look EXACTLY like provided PSD design.

Requirements for the joomla template are:
– expandable and collapsible modules
– tableless coding
– W3C compliant
– compatible at least with IE7, IE8, FireFox 3+
– dropdown menu system
– daily feedback required
– when programmer is selected, job needs to be done and tested in less than 5 days
– you must be available in the next 5 days after delivery of the template if problems occur on template
– you must be available on MSN or skype
– complete payment by scriptlance escrow AFTER completion and delivery
– this is our design and you are not granted any future use of the template and images for other clients.

State together with your bid the time needed for the template-building.

Gay Website Blog Articles

Gay Website Blog Articles
Gay website need a good writer for adult (gay nische) related articles.
Each article must be unique and original, at least 250 words, and 10% must be keyords provide by us.
We would need the two articles every day, and for week-end time 2 articles, 500 words each.
We also need five short reviews every day about gay nische(about 50 words each)

Payment: escrow payment only.

Max budget for whole project

Get On Google 1st Page Asap

Get On Google 1st Page Asap
hi my name is antony brown and i own a personal training company in manchester england called www.bodyandmindmanchester.com also called Body and Mind Fitness. i currently have had my webiste for over a year and cannot seem to get my website anywhere near the first page of google. ive tried free directories, facebook, gumtree, enzinearticles and youtube but nothing is working.

I NEED my website to be on the first page of google for these phrases
personal training manchester
personal trainers manchester
personal trainer manchester
personal training cheshire
personal trainers cheshire
personal trainer cheshire
sports massage manchester
boxing manchester
bootcamps manchester
kettlebells manchester

Can anyone help me do this quickly. i need this to be done ASAP.

i can pay but not stupid amounts. i am a new business trying to get recognised not a settled company.

many thanks

antony brown

Html Images Needed 2

Html Images Needed 2

I have a very simple job that I need done right away. I have a PSD file that is like a small window box (template) and I add images and a few words of text in the box save as a jpeg and put on my web site. These are for “Did You Know Boxes” The PSD is the template for the boxes.. I need someone to take the template and search the web for relevant images to put in the template save as a psd and jpeg and send to me. I need 50 “Did you know boxes” done for me. NO ESCROW! Payment in FULL at completion. People just waste my time with escrow and take forever to do the job. You set your price and I will pick muliple for the job I have many projects.

Thank You

Php Clone With Shopping Cart

Php Clone With Shopping Cart
Create a website that uses a content management panel. All code for the admin panel will be given and the front end template will be given in html format.

Additonal area needs to be added to the admin panel and front end. Shopping cart needs to be included in the project. Not looking for Joomla etc. The project must use the custom admin panel that I supply.

Looking for experienced programmers.