Broken Php Script

Broken Php Script
Here is the site for this project – – a sign up page for a race. The site is live.

The php script is not working properly. Orders are placed but are not recorded in the data base. The script links to Zen Cart. It takes data from a custom form outside ZC, sends the payment information to PayPal, and then is supposed to write the data to the data base and send an email to the site owner with all the details of the order. The script currently sends the order info to PayPal but does not consistently write the data to the data base (many records missing in the db) and does not send an email to the site owner with the order details.

This script needs to be fixed immediately by an experienced Zen Cart/php programmer. If you don’t have long experience with ZC, please don’t bid.

Rewrite 12 Easy Articles

Rewrite 12 Easy Articles
I will need 12 (300 word each) articles re-written on the subject of fashion, home improvement, business and power juicing.

I will supply you with the 12 articles to be re-written.

Each article is around 300-325 words each.

To be eligible to receive payment, the articles must meet the following requirements:

a) 100% ORIGINAL and UNIQUE. This means that your article must pass a check by Copyscape and have good english grammar.

Magento/google Checkout 2

Magento/google Checkout 2
Currently we are running Magento v and have a web store of 25,000+ products. We also employ Google Checkout as an option to our customers for check-out. In the backend we utilize the table rate shipping method which calculates the shipping charge based upon whether the item ships UPS or if it must be delivered by freight (common carrier). We charge a flat rate per order for items that can ship UPS and a graduated shipping rate if the item must ship via freight. The table works fine both in the regular Magento check-out and in Google check-out.

We also offer Free UPS ground shipping for orders totaling $59.00 or more for items that ship UPS. We utilize a Shopping Cart Price Rule Promotion to apply the Free Shipping based on the criteria: the order totals $59 or more and the item ships UPS. Once again this method works fine within the Magento check-out. The problem is that this Free Shipping Promotion does not carry through to the Google Check-out cart. When a customer checks-out via Google and meets the Free Shipping criteria, the Free Shipping will briefly appear in the cart and then it will automatically revert to the default UPS charge and will not offer the Free Shipping. We would like this issue resolved.

The Free Shipping not carrying through to Google Checkout is a known problem with the Magento/Google integration. I believe it relates to the API calls between Magento and Google check-out. We would like to find a developer that has experience with this issue and can provide a prompt and cost effective solution. If we find a reliable development source we will likely have future small projects that we need to address.

Joomla Design Expert Start N 2

Joomla Design Expert Start N 2

For my custom Joomla design I need a Joomla expert to fix something.

The website is www. ri mo without the spaces.

The menu is not working as it should be.

As you can see,there should be a submenu when you go over a menu button,but this doesn’t work.

Find here an example how it should work:

The job has to be done immediately,I will pay you $15 after the job is done via Paypal.

Please be aware that you have enough experience to do it,cause some people already had a look and they were not able to fix it.

Only people with experience!

Customising A WordPress Plug 2

Customising A WordPress Plug 2
I’m looking for some small enhancements to the awpcp classifieds plugin for wordpress.

It’s a free plugin with demo here

What I need:

1. Include ability to upload 3-4 image attachments when replying to an ad, eg add fields to this form

2. Change date format from yyyy/mm/dd To dd/mm/yyyy

3. Modify SEO friendly urls, the plugin comes with friendly urls but in my template they are broken.

4. Identify category_name/id and subcategory so each pages can be named in the breadcrumb navigation

5. Add a RSS for each subcategory.

It’s for an online dating site so you need to be OK with this.

Php Mysql Expert

Php Mysql Expert
Hi, we are looking for Individual programmers who can work with us on Various projects.

He / She should be an expert with Php and Mysql and should be able to learn any scripts and work on it quickly.

We can guarantee continuous work and a good pay. Payment will be based on Project by project basis. We will also help you on learning the script if you are having a problem but you should be a quick learner.

The website you will be working may contain some images. So be aware of that.


Simple Php Contact Form – Smtp

Simple Php Contact Form – Smtp
I have a non-profit website (My German Shepherd Dog Club) I manage, and I need our current “Contact Us” Form re-worked as my host just disabled the PHP mail functionality on all servers.

So I simply need it changed from the current PHP mail, to SMTP.

This should be VERY simple and take a good PHP programmer an hour or so. (if that)

Current code will be supplied, it is complete and functioned perfectly when PHP mail worked. No changes to the form are required from a cosmetic perspective.

Looking to spend the absolute minimum … should be very simple. I know my SMTP details and can fill them in later.

I will not pay up front for this work. Remember, we are a non-profit Dog Club 🙂