Jamroom-joomla Bridge 3

Jamroom-joomla Bridge 3
I need a bridge between Jamroom and Joomla.


– I need that my users can signup in Jamroom or Joomla and the both signup are writed in the same database (joomla db).

– Users can login in Jamroom( listeners) or Joomla.

– Dual login, if a user is logged in joomla is too logged in Jamroom or vice versa.

– If it´s possible I want that this bridge were a plugin of jfusion open source component for joomla, I need this because two briges in the same web will crash the db.

We have in mind more projects in the future, if the programmer works great we will work more times with him.
Please only joomla experts.

Best regards,

Fix Web Site Page Alignments

Fix Web Site Page Alignments
Simple task.
My website has header sections that properly float towards the center of the page when the browser window is expanded beyond the size of the page. However, the main body section floats left and does not align under header when the browser window is expanded. Need to fix on templates and pages.

This can probably be done sitewide modifying the css style sheet.

The site is www.amcofusa.com The index.html page is a good example.

There are 30 pages and 5 templates, but I expect the fix is a few minutes on the style sheet for most pages.

High Quality Web Design

High Quality Web Design
This job calls for a highly skilled web designer. I am looking for the layout and graphics only for a real estate. Someone else is handling the backend.

The design should be simple but highly polished and professional. For examples look at dothomes dot com, imoblien dot com dot br

There will be the following page formats

Home Page
Search Results Page
Community Section
Advertise Form
User Account Admin Page

I have an existing logo which I will use.

Wp Project

Wp Project
wordpress job – psd-html/wp template – customizing –


– 100% W3C Valid XHTML/CSS *Must pass validation*
– Use of .gif images for minimal load times (not a must)
– Semantic tableless XHTML *we have some developers to check ,)*
– Widget ready sidebar
– Must also create the comments template
– must pass IE7, FF, SAF, OP, GC
– easy changables header grafix (module?)
– be familiar with creating slideshow / featured gallery plugins for wordpress

Flash Interactive Floor Plan

Flash Interactive Floor Plan
We are building a website for a new home development. They want to include interactive floor plans that act like those on this page: http://www.villagesofirvine.com/Villages-And-Residences/Woodbury-Floorplan.aspx?type=home&Id=179

This application allows people to add and move furniture, altering its direction, dimensions and colors; use a ruler to measure rooms; add carpets, lamps, plants, etc.; and choose options, when they’re available on particular floor plans. The application would also provide a text tool; and the ability to print the results of the customize floor plan. It would have zoom in/zoom out. In essence, all of the features that you find in the url above.

We would use this for some unknown number of floor plans, but probably from 9 – 12 floor plans initially.

Other aspects of the website environment will be developed using php and mysql. The application should run in virtually any browser or on any platform, since it is Flash.

Cubecart 4 Gateway

Cubecart 4 Gateway
I need a Cubecart 4 gateway created for SveaWebPay.

API description can be found here:
More info here: http://www.sveawebpay.se/documents/HostedPayment2_-_Spec_v1.10_public.pdf

A Gateway made for OsC can be found here (could be used as “inspiration”):
The module can be found here: http://www.sveawebpay.se/documents/swp_oscommerce_v2.3.zip


Advanced Form Js/php (joomla 2

Advanced Form Js/php (joomla 2
“The first part” of the following credit calculator form has to be programmed and put into our joomla project.

We don’t need a “User details form pages”
We don’t need a “Result page” with input data
We don’t need an “Email” send.

Only a few fields will be different.

Your result should be as comfortable for the user as in the example page (error messages on the fly & mouse over explanations at question marks ”?” ).

In the attached file you see the individual form steps we need.

First form page
Depending on the selected numbers at point 1) the number of input fields in point 2) varies.

First & second form page
On the first two form pages sums have to be calculated with javascript depending on the user input.

Marketing Research Help Needed

Marketing Research Help Needed
I’m needing help with my marketing research for my business.
www.wppink.com “Your One Stop Business Solution.”
Website is undergoing a new design & services.

My business now offers:
Web Design, Hosting, SEO Optimization, Ecommerence, eBay Store Design,
signs & graphic, corporate branding design, brochure designs, flyers, post cards, business cards, logos, stationery, sign, ad designs, packaging design, posters, DVD/CD and all types of graphic work, magnetic vehicle signs, promotional items for advertising & marketing as well.

I would like to beat my competitors by becoming, “Your One Stop Business Solution.” in Advertising & Marketing.

I will need someone to help me figure out my business targets
and can also create my Marketing Research plan for me.
I have attached the requirements for that task.
I can provide you with a great resource website with user name & pass and it will be based on my county college campus directory . I would like to target my advertising & marketing potential lead costumers within a 100 miles radius. I’m willing to offer business not only locally but globally. As for my business plan needs to have information about local advertising & marketing and it’s target and it’s statics.

I can provide more info once I select the best price in bid.
My budget begins $10-$25 for the project task.

I will need this project task completed immediately, before the end
of this week. Before Friday if possible.

Please see attach requirements:
Page 7, & 16
if you can help some with operation plan that will
be great as well.

Seo/sem / Web Designer

Seo/sem / Web Designer
Ok I need either one or 2 persons to work on multiple projects.

The SEO person (SEO, SEM) is the most important, I currently have 3 clients waiting I usually do it my self but I am getting short of time now. I have a particular project now with Real Estate Rentals.

The Web design is pretty simple, I give you templates in HTML (from monstertemplate) text, images and color changes and you create the site sometimes is Flash sometimes are Hybrids. Please tell me how much will you charge per site considering is Flash with 5 links. The project I have now available is for a restaurant with a Flash template and 5 links.

Please PM me with work examples in SEO and Web Design.


WordPress Roofing Themes

WordPress Roofing Themes
We are looking for someone to design a wordpress theme similar for a roofing site.

Images needs to be interchangeable like the pictures of the logo, people and roofing pictures.

After the job is done you will need to provide:

1. PSD File
2. Fla File
3. Fonts
4. All source files

Before you respond to this AD, make sure you submit your previous WORD PRESS DESIGNS. Do not respond and send us regular sites or your bid will be deleted on the spot. Do NOT waste our time. Bid only if you are serious.

Completion Time: Needs to be done in 3 days or less.

Future Work:

If you do a good job on this one design, then you WILL have the option to design more themes for us at an additional cost of course.

Payment: Paypal or payment through scriptlance payment system.


We are a USA Web company looking to outsource some of our work.

WordPress Theme Needed Now

WordPress Theme Needed Now
We are looking for someone to design a wordpress theme similar to http://weinspect4u.com

Images needs to be interchangeable like the pictures of the logo and people. Also the picture of the house in the header needs to be interchangeable. In other words on the photoshop file make it where these options are on layers where they can simply be changed by importing another picture… etc.

After the job is done you will need to provide:

1. PSD File
2. Fla File
3. Fonts
4. All source files

Before you respond to this AD, make sure you submit your previous WORD PRESS DESIGNS. Do not respond and send us regular sites or your bid will be deleted on the spot. Do NOT waste our time. Bid only if you are serious.

Completion Time: Needs to be done in 3 days or less.

Future Work:

If you do a good job on this one design, then you WILL have the option to design more themes for us at an additional cost of course.

Payment: Paypal or payment through scriptlance payment system.


We are a USA Web company looking to outsource some of our work.

Ab Workout Articles-10 Unique

Ab Workout Articles-10 Unique

I need to have 10 UNIQUE (not spinned) articles written on the topic of ab workouts.

There will be 5 keywords.. I will need 2 articles per keyword. Each article will be checked for uniqueness.

You must send me some examples of previous work to be considered, preferably on the same topic or close. I have many more articles lined up, so this could be an ongoing project for the right person.

Each article will have to be optimized for each of the keywords. If you are not familiar with optimizing articles for keywords, please don’t bid.

I will only accept proper grammar articles. If the articles are not written in proper english, they will be denied.

If you can provide a discount for working long term, please let me know and it will be considered.
