Website Pages 2

Website Pages 2
I have a website and I want to add more pages to it. I created
a template to show you how it should be done exactly, Where you see “keyword” is where you insert a keyword from a list of keywords I send you. You will need to copy or create at least 2 paragraphs of fresh content for each page you create for me. You can find this content in many places on the net. You will add a link to each page in the left column and have no more then 100 links to pages on each page.

I have a list of 13,000 keyywords I want to do this for. I need to find a web design company that has about 10 employees that will be able to work on this project. One person will not be able to do it all unless he can come up with good automated way. The template for the web pages can be found here hxxp:// You will basically just use this template over and over and add content to it exactly as you see it

Image Upload + Edit Submission

Image Upload + Edit Submission
I have a website where I want the ability to have someone submit an image that is cropped and sized by the user and submitted on an existing PHP script. I want the resize and cropping to be identical to the Facebook profile submission with the exception of requiring the crop frame to be a perfect square. I’ll also want a small logo watermarked to the bottom right corner of the image.

If you need more reference please go on facebook and try to make a profile photo. The photo editing part is what I want with a few changes.

Serious inquiries only.

Notary Website Design

Notary Website Design
I have a client that needs a website built and the goal is to get it up and running within 30 days.

Scope of Project (Approximately 6 pages?)
1) My Client is a Notary Public and he wrote a study guide that he wants people to be able to study online and take tests online for their 3-6 hours certification required by the California Secretary of State. This website will grow as he writes more material but at the moment he wants to specifically target new and renewing notaries.

Website Example
2) We found a website format that he really likes for a base template We discussed at great length each page of this website and it is a really good fit for his product.

3) I will be able to provide the web designer most of the content myself. We plan of having a package put together within the next two weeks. I may need some help finding art work. My clients goal is to have the website up and running within 30-45 days so he can start a direct mail campaign to a targeted list of notaries.

4) Please provide me a quote and an outline of the best way to submit content. My expectation is the web designer will know how to do all the SEO and behind the scenes stuff that makes the website “friendly and searchable” and that they will be able to coach and lead us on what works and doesn’t work on the web. The web Designer we work with may be requested to be on retainer to help with social media, sales pages, etc. and for future expansion of the website. We are requesting to retain the same designer.

Mike G Needs Help

Mike G Needs Help
I need a basic squeeze page for people interested in listening to my music catalog,to opt in with first name and email address. In order to move on and browse the site.I need a commerce page to upload and sell my music online from my site. I need to be able to get a player that will display my beats, with price. basic designs, nothing major, and i also need marketing.

Flash/javascript Developer

Flash/javascript Developer
I am working on at a project at A <script> tag is used to pull a video player and dynamic content from another file using php/javascript. The video player works and displays information correctly in all browsers except for Internet Explorer. With Internet Explorer, the page just gets stuck and the video player never loads. I believe it to be a problem with <object> or <embed> tags.

Art Gallery / Coffeehouse Site

Art Gallery / Coffeehouse Site
I need a website developed for a coffee shop with art gallery. Preferrably, the site should be based on a CMS like Joomla or WordPress. The site should be search engine optimized and cross browser compatible. Menu items should be:
About Us
Our Menu
A newsletter signup block is required. Please let me know in the PMB if you need additional info.

Transfering Website Php

Transfering Website Php
I need this website to be transferred to the following address including the database.
This website is a template from
they have all the documentation you will need.
I will provide you with all the password and FTP information.

I already transferred the website but but I can’t get it to work correctly. I got this message:”We apologize, but our web site is currently experiencing technical difficulties…”

Programming Project 1269433127

Programming Project 1269433127
I need some guidance here first before choosing a programmer.
I am launching a number of affiliate wordpress sites, selling travel.
I need some script developed to produce a travel search box like this:-
I only need the search box for hotels.
I also want the ability to add more travel affiliates on the right.
I would like quotes/suggestions on how to do this.
I need to drop the code into WordPress.

Need A 7-8 Pages Mlm Website

Need A 7-8 Pages Mlm Website

One of our client, a Multi Level Marketing company of LIC policies is looking for an application which helps there customer to check information online and track there income at different level of network along with some administrative functionality to add or update their tree structure by adding members, track the payment status, award special prizes to member and sharing the updates/news with there customers. Client want to provide their customer or advisor a facility of accessing the system online by using their advisor id and password to track there incomes and payment on monthly basis and visualize their tree structure for different UID ( Advisor can purchase multiple policies, hence they will have multiple UID or node in tree) along with an administrative panel to add member to network, track the payment, awarding special prizes to member and share important updates with their customers.

Hence we are looking for a team or individual to make this 7-8 pages websites for us. Detailed description of pages and related document will be shared with selected programmer.

Team or programmer should be available on gmail or skype for updates and should share updates on daily basis. Need to complete the website in 15 days. If you think you can complete the job in specified time then only bid.