Wine Review Web Site Rework

Wine Review Web Site Rework
I have a video wine review web site built in wordpress.

I would like to make a series of modifications to it and add new elements. Bidder should have certain flexibility as there are some modifications to the specs I need to make as I see things progressing. You need to be a good communicator and update me on how project progresses.

You will need to be able to work on a stand alone installation of wordpress (or whatever framework will be used) and when ready switch DNS to point to the new blog. There are no live web site modifications will be allowed until everything is ready to be rolled out.

Here are 2 files (vsd and docx) with Wireframes and module. descriptions. Files are pretty big (total around 180 mb).

This project is for the front end and backend modifications.

Also web site is built in WordPress I am open to redo it using Drupal in case if it will work better this way.

PM me with your questions and for the existing site URL.

Happy bidding!

Calculation Form With Js / Php

Calculation Form With Js / Php
In the attached file you see the two calculation steps we need in the form.

“The first 2 form pages” of the following credit calculator form have to be developed.

We only need the 2 steps as seen in the attachment file.
We do NOT need “User details pages” or an “Email” to be send.

Your result should be as comfortable for the user as in the example page (error messages on the fly & mouse over explanations at question marks ”?” ).
Doesn’t have to be a 1 to 1 copy though.

We deliver the icons you need.

Helios Calendar Customization

Helios Calendar Customization
add event reminder for viewer (select reminder for 1 day before, 2 days, week )

with anti span catcha.

add browse button to add picture/flyer from local pc on the sign up page

add a small photo gallery ( maximum 4 or 5 photos upload by user… add a

browse buttown to local picture from local pc as well as URL link on the sign

up page

duplicate existing event by location script to make regional location ( US and

city, other countries and cities) need a A .. .Z list of country and city page.

browse venues page which shows all the venues by country and city and you can

click on a venue page to see event at that venue

shopping cart/ buy button for featured event registration

has to be implemented and tested into my site.

see website for demo.

Need Joomla Site Updated 2

Need Joomla Site Updated 2
Have joomla site that needs a few things updated:
I need some nice pictures for the site
I need a logo for site
I have content, just put it on the right pages.
I need the back end customized for viewing links .
I have 2 checkout, just need that as a register before entering user back-end.
Joomla Template already has a script for registering and passwords..

So it should be easy…

(need someone that prides there-self’s in excellence)
I have other jobs following this one..
Once done just need it on my server thanks

Object Vs Object

Object Vs Object
So, I need a website that uses PHP5 and MYSQL databases in order to complete this. That means those are necesary languages you must know. Now, what I want with this site is, two pictures chosen at random, and they are displayed on the front page (you ever see It is just like that, but instead of pictures, I want it to allow people to submit a direct link to an MP3, WMA, AVI, or youtube video link and it plays it instead of the picture. (The file can NOT be uploaded on my server, it must be provided by them). Adding to this, I need (this is easy) the name of the band (look at again) and it should be hyperlinked to the persons personal site, or myspace or youtube account…

That means, along with this, I need an upload form that allows the person to upload their items and info. This does not need to require an account.

I also need reporting buttons (spam and stuff) and an admin panel that just allows me to edit and delete so said people.

And finally, I need a top 10 by percentage of wins/losses/draws.

Anyone want to do this?

Osc Install 1 Page Checkout

Osc Install 1 Page Checkout
Install One Page Checkout,6646/category,all/search,one+page+checkout

and Vouchers / Coupons Module,282/category,all/search,vouchers

And make it work on an oscommerce store which already has many contributions installed including MVS (Multi-Vendor-System) and Country-State Selector.

Requires a real oscommerce expert to get this to run with the currently installed contributions,

Os Commerce Paypal Payment Add

Os Commerce Paypal Payment Add
Scope of work:

1. Need to add paypal checkout to my Os Commerce store

2. Under home page, need take out the “Authorize Marchant Seal”
on the upper right corner after the credit card symbols and replace it with “100% Satisfaction
Guarantee Seal” like the one located at the bottom of the page. I want them in two places.

3. I also need to add two pictures in the middle of the page. Pictures will be provided.

Project will be awarded asap.

Simple Website Redesign

Simple Website Redesign
I would like to revamp my website. Your job as a programmer is to give it a more professional and clean look.

-Increase the width of the page
-Change the background and other colors
-Create a new header image (a simple one)
-Make space for advertisement at the left navigation and bottom
-Find a way to “insert adsense” at the middle of content (for directory listings) instead of at the bottom

Changes needs to be made at the directory’s css as well as wordpress for the design.

Quick Oscommerce Tweak

Quick Oscommerce Tweak
Online bookshop using OSCommerce – we’re using the ‘manufacturer’ field to put the author of the book and have changed the relevant text for things like searches and drop-downs.

What I need someone to do is add the author name into the category listings – so where all books in a section/category are listed we need the author/manufacturer field added in. This could either be in the same column as ‘Product Name’ or as a new column.

Niche Social Network Site

Niche Social Network Site
Am looking for a seasoned developer who can develop for me asocial network which will have the following features.Pls I want site which has been developed from scratch and not phpfox,socialengine,drupal or joomla).Serious people who can send detailed SRD or proposal.Priority will be given to people who have made socialnetworks which have been able to monetize or sold.Include references

1.Good look and feel good front end (simple but nice,the front end should make people understand what the site is about)
2.The login and profile creation (ajax) (need to give u details)
3.Subscription (e.g u pay 50 dollars and you get “mystore on ur profile)
4.Basic social stuff (Add friends,share files video,word,pdf,music),polls,quiz,q&a,forums,blogs,video,music,wall,chat,Q&A,tags,classifieds,events,comments,status,notification,private message)
5.Gmap (mini map on profile) and a larger map
6.Places I have lived (performed)
7.Portfolio Management
8.Ecommerce module (Read section C) this is perhaps the most important because that is hw i can make money
9.Business Directory
10.Job listing
12.Users banner (because most users will have their personal websites so the banner )
13.Ability to place ads and manage ads
14.Corporate CRM
15.Video conferencing

I have attached some of the features am looking at but we will not put them all at once

Broken Scripts

Broken Scripts
Currently we have two php scripts that are not functioning properly.
1. Wetlands database script
2. Vermin script.

May have something to do with PHP Version incompatability.

They reside at and

Registration is via the OzHunting Bulletin Board
Members of the OzHunting Bulletin board are automatically registered.

Both scripts are dependent on input from members.

It appears that the admin and membership logon is not functioning correctly.

When logged in as member script should allow editing and input to database information.

As a non member you can only view data

That “appears” to be working fine

When viewing “Print View” it gives a choice of several sections from “ALL” to Electoral Information, Hunting Information etc.

If I select only a section, say Hunting information, it gives out the following error

Warning: [Variable passed to each() is not an array or object] in /home/dkspub/public_html/ozwetlands/source/print_view.php on line 18

Notice: [Undefined variable: fga_info1] in /home/dkspub/public_html/ozwetlands/source/print_view.php on line 22

Warning: [end() [function.end]: Passed variable is not an array or object] in /home/dkspub/public_html/ozwetlands/source/lib/wetland.php on line 61

Warning: [key() [function.key]: Passed variable is not an array or object] in /home/dkspub/public_html/ozwetlands/source/lib/wetland.php on line 62

User Error: [Not open query. Statement error: SELECT * FROM wet_man WHERE id=] in /home/dkspub/public_html/ozwetlands/source/class/class.xxObject.php on line 66