Is the British roundabout conquering the US?

Roundabout in Carmel, Indiana

Sit in on a driving lesson in the American roundabout capital, Carmel

A roundabout revolution is slowly sweeping the US. The land of the car, where the stop sign and traffic light have ruled for decades, has started to embrace the free-flowing British circular.

A few moments after entering Carmel, it’s clear why the city has been described as the Milton Keynes of the US.

As the sat-nav loudly and regularly points out, there’s often a roundabout up ahead.

But unlike in the English town famous for its roundabouts, driving into this pretty city on the outskirts of Indianapolis also involves passing several under construction.

Mayor Jim Brainard

“We are saving thousands of gallons of fuel per roundabout per year”

Mayor Jim Brainard

The city is at the forefront of a dizzying expansion, across several American states, of the circular traffic intersection redesigned in 1960s Britain and then exported globally. The first arrived in the US in 1990 and about 3,000 have sprung up since.

The Mayor of Carmel, Jim Brainard, has become America’s evangelist-in-chief on the matter. He has demolished 78 sets of traffic light intersections in his city and replaced them all with those round islands so familiar to drivers in the UK. Four more will be finished in the coming months.

“We have more than any other city in the US. It’s a trend now in the United States. There are more and more roundabouts being built every day because of the expense saved and more importantly the safety.”

He quotes a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety which suggests there is on average a 40% decrease in all accidents and a 90% drop in fatal ones when a traffic intersection is replaced by a roundabout.

The long-term financial saving is about £150,000, he says, due to reduced maintenance costs, and there are also fuel savings.

“Not just the cars that aren’t idling at traffic lights, but starting from a dead stop takes up more fuel also, so we are saving thousands of gallons of fuel per roundabout per year,” says the Republican mayor.

“And aesthetically, we think they’re much nicer. If one is looking out their living room window, would you prefer to see a blinking traffic light all night or a beautifully landscaped roundabout with a fountain and flowers?”

Roundabouts v Rotaries

A British roundabout and the rotary at the Arc de Triomphe

The modern roundabout gives way on entry and priority to cars already on itThey are usually smaller than rotariesAnd vehicles usually travel at lower speedsRotaries may have traffic lights and stop signsMarble Arch in London and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris are found on rotary systems

The mayor’s unlikely passion began while studying in the UK, and his strong Anglophile credentials are in evidence from a glance around his office – a book by Prince Charles entitled Vision of Britain lies on the coffee table.

“I remembered those roundabouts in England and it raised the question in my mind – why don’t we do this? I remembered they worked better than traffic lights so I started to do a bit of research and convinced my traffic engineers to try some.”

There was scepticism at first, he says, but public education is critical and there was a newsletter and video campaign to tell people about the safety and environmental advantages.

Before every roundabout, there are squiggly lines on the road and on roadside signs to warn drivers which lane they need to be in.

The mayor’s ambition is to replace the city’s remaining 43 traffic lights too, apart from one. The traffic lights on the corner of Main Street and Range Line Street will survive – not because a plaque at the spot claims the country’s first automatic traffic signals were installed here in 1923, but the street’s just too narrow to fit a roundabout.

Leading roundabout statesWashingtonColoradoCaliforniaFloridaKansasOregonMarylandIndianaWisconsinArizona

The ornate fountain roundabouts of Carmel are a far cry from the large, one-way rotary systems conceived in the US and in Europe in the early 20th Century but which largely fell out of favour due to congestion problems.

Then forward-thinking British traffic engineers like Frank Blackmore tinkered with the designs and the UK established the modern roundabout by introducing a mandatory “Give way” rule for cars entering.

The US still has the older versions, called rotaries or circles, in cities like Washington DC and they remain quite unpopular, a confusing sprawl of signals, stop signs and concentric lanes.

The simpler British version first came to the US in 1990 in Nevada and it is these which are now proliferating. California has built nearly 200 in the last two or three years.

Countries with British-style roundaboutsFrance (has about 30,000, the most in the world)AustraliaNew ZealandThailandUSBelgiumIraqJordan

The problems Americans have navigating them was satirised in the film European Vacation starring Chevy Chase, who takes his family sightseeing in London but gets stuck until nightfall on a roundabout next to Big Ben.

There is some truth in that caricature. Some drivers in Carmel have been known to wait for the whole roundabout to clear before entering, says driving instructor Mike Ward, but learners soon get used to them.

But police in the city say the number of accidents on them, often caused by confusion or unfamiliarity, is still a lot fewer and less serious than at a traffic light.

The people of Carmel seem happy living in the country’s unofficial roundabout capital. The mayor, who has made roundabouts a central plank of his manifesto, is on the verge of earning his fifth term in office.

Roundabout in CarmelRoundabouts in Carmel have to look good

“I think they’re awesome,” says Blair Clark, who has lived in the area for 26 years. “They keep the traffic flowing, you don’t have to stop, you save gas and there are less accidents.”

Another driver, filling up his gas tank, says: “We’re proud of our city and proud of our roundabouts.”

But beyond Carmel, there has been greater resistance to them. One newspaper columnist in Atlanta says this undesirable European import will lead to higher taxes and accidents.

And Dan Neil, a motoring journalist at the Wall Street Journalist who personally welcomes their arrival, thinks there is something deep in the American psyche which is fundamentally opposed to them.

“This is a culture predicated on freedom and individualism, where spontaneous cooperation is difficult and regimentation is resisted.

A UK view of US roundaboutswell landscapedlower speedsbetter for cyclists and pedestrians

Clive Sawers, British traffic engineer who has consulted US cities on roundabouts

“You see it in the way Americans get in line, or as the Brits say, queue. We don’t do that very well.

“Behind the wheel, we’re less likely to abide by an orderly pattern of merging that, though faster for the group, make require an individual to slow down or, God forbid, yield.”

Americans tend to be orthogonal in their thinking and behaviour, he says.

“We like right angles, yes and no answers, Manichean explanations. Roundabouts require more subtlety than we’re used to.”

Un-American or not, it’s only a matter of time before they are covering every US state, says Gene Russell, a leading civil engineering professor at Kansas State University.

So while the Americans give the British fast food, rock and roll and baby showers, in return they get free-flowing, circular traffic intersections. A fair cultural exchange?

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Bjork opens Manchester festival

Bjork on stageBjork gave the first full performance of the songs from her nature-themed concept album Biophilia

A musical lightning generator and four harp-playing pendulums were among the custom-made instruments unveiled by Bjork as she opened her world tour.

The Icelandic singer performed the first date of her Biophilia tour on Thursday to launch the Manchester International Festival.

The festival specialises in staging music, theatre and art premieres.

Bjork’s concert also involved a 24-piece all-female Icelandic choir and a voice-over from Sir David Attenborough.

With voluminous ginger hair and a purple robe, Bjork gave the first full performance of songs from her forthcoming album Biophilia.

It is a concept album about nature with songs inspired by such themes as DNA, tectonic plates and crystals.

The concert’s opening song Thunderbolt featured two Tesla coils – electrical columns that shoot out small bolts of lightning to generate musical notes.

SharpsichordThe “sharpsichord” was among the bespoke instruments made for the tour

Four “gravity harps” were made from 10ft (3m) pendulums that plucked strings as they swung back and forth during a song about gravity.

Other newly-invented instruments included a “sharpsichord”, a large cylinder with protruding pins that played a harpsichord as they were turned, and a “gameleste”, a kind of piano that had been adapted so glockenspiel-style bronze bars were struck as notes were played.

Bjork approached Sir David Attenborough to take part after drawing inspiration for the album from his natural history programmes. She recently said he was her “rock star” when she was growing up.

The singer watched hundreds of video clips from his landmark shows to get inspiration for her songs and concert visuals.

The story of so-called zombie snails, which are invaded by parasites and were seen in Sir David’s Trials Of Life series, has been incorporated into one song.

Bjork on stageThe Graduale Nobili choir accompanied Bjork on stage

Footage of three-foot worms and carnivorous starfish feasting on a seal carcass at the bottom of the Antarctic, from the Life series, was shown on screens during the show.

Sir David recorded his introductory voice-over hours before the concert on Thursday. “He’s been a constant source of inspiration for the project,” the Biophilia project co-ordinator James Merry said.

The concert took place in front of 1,800 fans in a Victorian former fruit and vegetable market, which has more recently been used to store a Spitfire aeroplane and other items from the Museum of Science and Industry.

Bjork has said she wants Biophilia to be a multi-media experience combining music, technology and nature.

As well as a standard album and tour, the project involves a series of iPad and iPhone applications that let fans play with and create their own versions of the songs.

The apps also include a brand new system of musical notation devised by Bjork as well as academic essays explaining the ideas behind the tracks.

She will now play two shows a week at Campfield Market Hall for the next three weeks before taking the show to eight cities around the world over the coming two years.

Thursday’s concert opened the third Manchester International Festival, which aims to put the city on the global cultural map by hosting new works by respected performers.

The festival began in 2007 and takes place every two years.

This year’s other highlights include an opera by Blur and Gorillaz frontman Damon Albarn. Dr Dee, which tells the story of 16th Century alchemist, astrologer and spy John Dee, opens on Friday.

Victoria Wood is staging a new musical play about a 1920s Manchester children’s choir, while performance artist Marina Abramovic and theatre company Punchdrunk are also showcasing original productions.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Bjork opens Manchester festival

Bjork on stageBjork gave the first full performance of the songs from her nature-themed concept album Biophilia

A musical lightning generator and four harp-playing pendulums were among the custom-made instruments unveiled by Bjork as she opened her world tour.

The Icelandic singer performed the first date of her Biophilia tour on Thursday to launch the Manchester International Festival.

The festival specialises in staging music, theatre and art premieres.

Bjork’s concert also involved a 24-piece all-female Icelandic choir and a voice-over from Sir David Attenborough.

With voluminous ginger hair and a purple robe, Bjork gave the first full performance of songs from her forthcoming album Biophilia.

It is a concept album about nature with songs inspired by such themes as DNA, tectonic plates and crystals.

The concert’s opening song Thunderbolt featured two Tesla coils – electrical columns that shoot out small bolts of lightning to generate musical notes.

SharpsichordThe “sharpsichord” was among the bespoke instruments made for the tour

Four “gravity harps” were made from 10ft (3m) pendulums that plucked strings as they swung back and forth during a song about gravity.

Other newly-invented instruments included a “sharpsichord”, a large cylinder with protruding pins that played a harpsichord as they were turned, and a “gameleste”, a kind of piano that had been adapted so glockenspiel-style bronze bars were struck as notes were played.

Bjork approached Sir David Attenborough to take part after drawing inspiration for the album from his natural history programmes. She recently said he was her “rock star” when she was growing up.

The singer watched hundreds of video clips from his landmark shows to get inspiration for her songs and concert visuals.

The story of so-called zombie snails, which are invaded by parasites and were seen in Sir David’s Trials Of Life series, has been incorporated into one song.

Bjork on stageThe Graduale Nobili choir accompanied Bjork on stage

Footage of three-foot worms and carnivorous starfish feasting on a seal carcass at the bottom of the Antarctic, from the Life series, was shown on screens during the show.

Sir David recorded his introductory voice-over hours before the concert on Thursday. “He’s been a constant source of inspiration for the project,” the Biophilia project co-ordinator James Merry said.

The concert took place in front of 1,800 fans in a Victorian former fruit and vegetable market, which has more recently been used to store a Spitfire aeroplane and other items from the Museum of Science and Industry.

Bjork has said she wants Biophilia to be a multi-media experience combining music, technology and nature.

As well as a standard album and tour, the project involves a series of iPad and iPhone applications that let fans play with and create their own versions of the songs.

The apps also include a brand new system of musical notation devised by Bjork as well as academic essays explaining the ideas behind the tracks.

She will now play two shows a week at Campfield Market Hall for the next three weeks before taking the show to eight cities around the world over the coming two years.

Thursday’s concert opened the third Manchester International Festival, which aims to put the city on the global cultural map by hosting new works by respected performers.

The festival began in 2007 and takes place every two years.

This year’s other highlights include an opera by Blur and Gorillaz frontman Damon Albarn. Dr Dee, which tells the story of 16th Century alchemist, astrologer and spy John Dee, opens on Friday.

Victoria Wood is staging a new musical play about a 1920s Manchester children’s choir, while performance artist Marina Abramovic and theatre company Punchdrunk are also showcasing original productions.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Quiz of the week’s news

7 days quiz

It’s the Magazine’s 7 days, 7 questions quiz – an opportunity to prove to yourself and others that you are a news oracle. Failing that, you can always claim to have had better things to do during the past week than swot up on current affairs.

Graphic of a number seven

1.) Multiple Choice Question

Police in Newquay, Cornwall, say they will be confiscating certain items this summer in a crackdown on anti-social behaviour. Which of these is not on their list?

Policeman in Newquay Sexually explicit inflatablesClothes with offensive slogansNovelty handcuffsSex toys

2.) Multiple Choice Question

“I hadn’t planned on doing it… it was just, yeah, sort of off the cuff.” Said who?

Duke of Cambridge, Wimbledon queue and Andy Murray A Murray fan who queued for 75 hours for a ticketAndy Murray bowing to the Royal BoxPrince William, joining a Mexican wave

3.) Multiple Choice Question

A handbag belonging to the former British Prime Minister Lady Thatcher has fetched £25,000 ($40,000) at a charity auction in London. Who bought it?

Thatcher's handbag A man said to be a fanThe Ronald Reagan museumA Russian oligarch

4.) Multiple Choice Question

After a mini-heatwave, thunderstorms struck the South East of England on Tuesday. Which of these was not struck by a bolt out of the blue?

Lightning Gatwick Airport control towerSouthern Railway train servicesTelevision coverage of Wimbledon

5.) Multiple Choice Question

Californian firemen created a video-cutie when they filmed the rescue of a four-week-old kitten from a metal pipe. But what did they name the animal?

Rescued kitten PiperSqueezyMetallica

6.) Multiple Choice Question

And sticking to the theme of animal names, Blue Peter has made its final broadcast from London ahead of its move to Salford. Which of the show’s pets featured in a pop song?

Jason the SiameseJason the Siamese catGeorge the tortoiseGeorge the tortoiseShep the Border CollieShep the Border Collie

7.) Multiple Choice Question

Which age group did figures reveal this week is driving most of Facebook’s growth in the UK?

Computer keyboard Under 18s30 to 40-year-oldsOver-50s


It’s novelty handcuffs. The crackdown is because residents are worried that the behaviour of drunken revellers in Newquay is forcing families away from the town centre. It was Andy Murray. The player said he had only been told by a reporter that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were attending when he came off the practice courts. But he wasn’t entirely convinced. It’s the man believed to be a fan. The black glossy leather bag was owned by Lady Thatcher for more than 30 years and was on her arm during Cold War-era negotiations with the former American president, Ronald Reagan, and the then leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. Air passengers at the West Sussex airport faced delays, as did passengers on several rail lines, including the Southern London to Brighton route. The roof over Wimbledon’s centre court did spring a leak but there was no lightning. Piper was freed with the help of a mechanical cutter and has been adopted by a local television station employee. Although the firefighters have visiting rights. John Noakes’ catchphrase “get down Shep” was incorporated into a pop song of the same name by The Barron Knights in 1978, reaching number 44 in the charts. It’s the over-50s. According to research by Nielsen, in the last year the number of over-50s using the site has increased by 84%.

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0 – 3 : Ignore

4 – 6 : Like

7 – 7 : Friend

For past quizzes including our weekly news quiz, 7 days 7 questions, expand the grey drop-down below – also available on the Magazine page (and scroll down).

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Labour wins Inverclyde election

David CairnsThe by-election is being held following the death of MP David Cairns

Polling stations have closed in Inverclyde to elect a new member of the UK Parliament.

Labour is defending a 14,416-vote majority in the seat, which is also being contested by the Conservatives, SNP, Liberal Democrats and UKIP.

The by-election is being held to find a replacement for David Cairns who died from acute pancreatitis in May at the age of 44.

A result is expected in the early hours of Friday morning.

Sophie Bridger is standing for the Liberal Democrats, Iain McKenzie for Labour, Anne McLaughlin for the SNP, Mitch Sorbie for the UK Independence Party and David Wilson for the Conservatives.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Labour wins Inverclyde election

David CairnsThe by-election is being held following the death of MP David Cairns

Polling stations have closed in Inverclyde to elect a new member of the UK Parliament.

Labour is defending a 14,416-vote majority in the seat, which is also being contested by the Conservatives, SNP, Liberal Democrats and UKIP.

The by-election is being held to find a replacement for David Cairns who died from acute pancreatitis in May at the age of 44.

A result is expected in the early hours of Friday morning.

Sophie Bridger is standing for the Liberal Democrats, Iain McKenzie for Labour, Anne McLaughlin for the SNP, Mitch Sorbie for the UK Independence Party and David Wilson for the Conservatives.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Three-month-olds ‘hear emotion’

Baby in fMRI scannerScanning babies’ brains in an fMRI scan shed new light on how early they hear emotion in voices
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Babies can respond to emotions in a human voice at just three months old – earlier than previously thought – researchers believe.

The results of scans on 21 sleeping babies suggested the brain responded to the type of sounds being played.

Researchers said it had previously been unclear when human brains developed the ability to process voices and emotions.

Scientists hope to learn the difference between the way autistic and non-autisitc brains develop as a result.

They used functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI) to record how babies responded to tapes playing “emotional sounds”, such as laughing and crying, as well as background noises, like water or toys.

A part of the brain – the temporal cortex – was activated when human voices were played – the same region as in adults.

The limbic brain region responded strongly to negative or sad sounds, but did not differentiate between neutral and happy sounds.

Professor Declan Murphy, from King’s College London, said: “This discovery fundamentally advances our understanding of infant development.”

Dr Evelyne Mercure, of University College London, said: “It is a rare demonstration that specialised areas exist in the brain very early in development.”

The researchers hope the study will allow them to compare what happens in autistic and non-autistic brains.

Professor Murphy told the BBC: “By identifying when brain systems come on stream, we can understand where it goes wrong.”

The researchers are also scanning the brains of babies thought to be at risk of developing autism, such as those who have a sibling with the condition.

They are investigating when differences can be detected.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Is the British roundabout conquering the US?

Roundabout in Carmel, Indiana

Sit in on a driving lesson in the American roundabout capital, Carmel

A roundabout revolution is slowly sweeping the US. The land of the car, where the stop sign and traffic light have ruled for decades, has started to embrace the free-flowing British circular.

A few moments after entering Carmel, it’s clear why the city has been described as the Milton Keynes of the US.

As the sat-nav loudly and regularly points out, there’s often a roundabout up ahead.

But unlike in the English town famous for its roundabouts, driving into this pretty city on the outskirts of Indianapolis also involves passing several under construction.

Mayor Jim Brainard

“We are saving thousands of gallons of fuel per roundabout per year”

Mayor Jim Brainard

The city is at the forefront of a dizzying expansion, across several American states, of the circular traffic intersection redesigned in 1960s Britain and then exported globally. The first arrived in the US in 1990 and about 3,000 have sprung up since.

The Mayor of Carmel, Jim Brainard, has become America’s evangelist-in-chief on the matter. He has demolished 78 sets of traffic light intersections in his city and replaced them all with those round islands so familiar to drivers in the UK. Four more will be finished in the coming months.

“We have more than any other city in the US. It’s a trend now in the United States. There are more and more roundabouts being built every day because of the expense saved and more importantly the safety.”

He quotes a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety which suggests there is on average a 40% decrease in all accidents and a 90% drop in fatal ones when a traffic intersection is replaced by a roundabout.

The long-term financial saving is about £150,000, he says, due to reduced maintenance costs, and there are also fuel savings.

“Not just the cars that aren’t idling at traffic lights, but starting from a dead stop takes up more fuel also, so we are saving thousands of gallons of fuel per roundabout per year,” says the Republican mayor.

“And aesthetically, we think they’re much nicer. If one is looking out their living room window, would you prefer to see a blinking traffic light all night or a beautifully landscaped roundabout with a fountain and flowers?”

Roundabouts v Rotaries

A British roundabout and the rotary at the Arc de Triomphe

The modern roundabout gives way on entry and priority to cars already on itThey are usually smaller than rotariesAnd vehicles usually travel at lower speedsRotaries may have traffic lights and stop signsMarble Arch in London and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris are found on rotary systems

The mayor’s unlikely passion began while studying in the UK, and his strong Anglophile credentials are in evidence from a glance around his office – a book by Prince Charles entitled Vision of Britain lies on the coffee table.

“I remembered those roundabouts in England and it raised the question in my mind – why don’t we do this? I remembered they worked better than traffic lights so I started to do a bit of research and convinced my traffic engineers to try some.”

There was scepticism at first, he says, but public education is critical and there was a newsletter and video campaign to tell people about the safety and environmental advantages.

Before every roundabout, there are squiggly lines on the road and on roadside signs to warn drivers which lane they need to be in.

The mayor’s ambition is to replace the city’s remaining 43 traffic lights too, apart from one. The traffic lights on the corner of Main Street and Range Line Street will survive – not because a plaque at the spot claims the country’s first automatic traffic signals were installed here in 1923, but the street’s just too narrow to fit a roundabout.

Leading roundabout statesWashingtonColoradoCaliforniaFloridaKansasOregonMarylandIndianaWisconsinArizona

The ornate fountain roundabouts of Carmel are a far cry from the large, one-way rotary systems conceived in the US and in Europe in the early 20th Century but which largely fell out of favour due to congestion problems.

Then forward-thinking British traffic engineers like Frank Blackmore tinkered with the designs and the UK established the modern roundabout by introducing a mandatory “Give way” rule for cars entering.

The US still has the older versions, called rotaries or circles, in cities like Washington DC and they remain quite unpopular, a confusing sprawl of signals, stop signs and concentric lanes.

The simpler British version first came to the US in 1990 in Nevada and it is these which are now proliferating. California has built nearly 200 in the last two or three years.

Countries with British-style roundaboutsFrance (has about 30,000, the most in the world)AustraliaNew ZealandThailandUSBelgiumIraqJordan

The problems Americans have navigating them was satirised in the film European Vacation starring Chevy Chase, who takes his family sightseeing in London but gets stuck until nightfall on a roundabout next to Big Ben.

There is some truth in that caricature. Some drivers in Carmel have been known to wait for the whole roundabout to clear before entering, says driving instructor Mike Ward, but learners soon get used to them.

But police in the city say the number of accidents on them, often caused by confusion or unfamiliarity, is still a lot fewer and less serious than at a traffic light.

The people of Carmel seem happy living in the country’s unofficial roundabout capital. The mayor, who has made roundabouts a central plank of his manifesto, is on the verge of earning his fifth term in office.

Roundabout in CarmelRoundabouts in Carmel have to look good

“I think they’re awesome,” says Blair Clark, who has lived in the area for 26 years. “They keep the traffic flowing, you don’t have to stop, you save gas and there are less accidents.”

Another driver, filling up his gas tank, says: “We’re proud of our city and proud of our roundabouts.”

But beyond Carmel, there has been greater resistance to them. One newspaper columnist in Atlanta says this undesirable European import will lead to higher taxes and accidents.

And Dan Neil, a motoring journalist at the Wall Street Journalist who personally welcomes their arrival, thinks there is something deep in the American psyche which is fundamentally opposed to them.

“This is a culture predicated on freedom and individualism, where spontaneous cooperation is difficult and regimentation is resisted.

A UK view of US roundaboutswell landscapedlower speedsbetter for cyclists and pedestrians

Clive Sawers, British traffic engineer who has consulted US cities on roundabouts

“You see it in the way Americans get in line, or as the Brits say, queue. We don’t do that very well.

“Behind the wheel, we’re less likely to abide by an orderly pattern of merging that, though faster for the group, make require an individual to slow down or, God forbid, yield.”

Americans tend to be orthogonal in their thinking and behaviour, he says.

“We like right angles, yes and no answers, Manichean explanations. Roundabouts require more subtlety than we’re used to.”

Un-American or not, it’s only a matter of time before they are covering every US state, says Gene Russell, a leading civil engineering professor at Kansas State University.

So while the Americans give the British fast food, rock and roll and baby showers, in return they get free-flowing, circular traffic intersections. A fair cultural exchange?

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Doctors call for Baby P inquiry

Peter ConnellyPeter Connelly died in August 2007 at the age of 17 months after being subjected to sustained abuse
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Doctors have demanded a government investigation into why London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital kept information from the original Baby Peter inquiry.

They have backed a similar call from Home Office minister and Lib Dem MP Lynne Featherstone, who wants the hospital’s chief executive to quit.

The hospital failed to share findings of a highly critical report into St Ann’s Clinic in Haringey.

Abused toddler Peter Connolly was treated there two days before he died.

During a serious case review into Peter Connelly’s death in August 2007, Great Ormond Street commissioned an independent investigation by two of the country’s most experienced paediatricians, Professor Jo Sibert and Dr Deborah Hodes.

But it produced an edited version of their report and passed that – not the original – to the review.

Now a number of unidentified consultants have written to the medical journal The Lancet calling for “strong ministerial intervention” to establish what happened.

They say that because the trust board has denied allegations so strongly, “it is now impossible to raise such questions internally”.

Great Ormond Street HospitalGreat Ormond Street Hospital should not be seen to bury its mistakes, the doctors wrote in the letter

The letter adds: “Hence our need to ask publicly: If there is nothing to hide, no wrongdoing, why not commission an independent investigation to make the executive’s innocence indisputable?”

They did not want the hospital “to be seen as an organisation that buries its mistakes”, they added.

“In addition we are alarmed about the way in which senior management has treated individuals who have voiced concerns, not just in the case of Baby P, but also in relation to other clinical risks within the Trust.

“We urge that there is strong ministerial intervention to order an investigation into these matters, including the treatment of whistleblowers.”

The edited version of the report omitted key findings and damning criticisms including:

The head of the clinic, Dr Sukanta Bannerjee, claimed the case was a “clinically risky situation”Child protection arrangements caused “grave concern”The doctor who examined Peter two days before his death, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, was under-qualified, and should not have been appointed by Great Ormond Street because she had “little experience and training in child protection”

Recommendations for the urgent appointment of consultants to key child protection posts were also withheld from the review.

Ms Featherstone has accused the hospital of a cover-up and called on the health secretary to launch an inquiry.

Great Ormond Street Hospital has rejected the allegations, saying it had “no reason to believe that any of its staff, with the approval or without the approval of management, sought to mislead the serious case review or otherwise hide deficiencies in the service”.

In a letter to The Lancet, medical directors Barbara Buckley and Martin Elliott say Ms Featherstone’s claims are “incorrect and unsubstantiated.”

They write: “We know that a great many of our staff – doctors, nurses, and others – are incredibly angry at the way the reputation of the hospital and its chief executive, Jane Collins, have been called into question.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Is the British roundabout conquering the US?

Roundabout in Carmel, Indiana

Sit in on a driving lesson in the American roundabout capital, Carmel

A roundabout revolution is slowly sweeping the US. The land of the car, where the stop sign and traffic light have ruled for decades, has started to embrace the free-flowing British circular.

A few moments after entering Carmel, it’s clear why the city has been described as the Milton Keynes of the US.

As the sat-nav loudly and regularly points out, there’s often a roundabout up ahead.

But unlike in the English town famous for its roundabouts, driving into this pretty city on the outskirts of Indianapolis also involves passing several under construction.

Mayor Jim Brainard

“We are saving thousands of gallons of fuel per roundabout per year”

Mayor Jim Brainard

The city is at the forefront of a dizzying expansion, across several American states, of the circular traffic intersection redesigned in 1960s Britain and then exported globally. The first arrived in the US in 1990 and about 3,000 have sprung up since.

The Mayor of Carmel, Jim Brainard, has become America’s evangelist-in-chief on the matter. He has demolished 78 sets of traffic light intersections in his city and replaced them all with those round islands so familiar to drivers in the UK. Four more will be finished in the coming months.

“We have more than any other city in the US. It’s a trend now in the United States. There are more and more roundabouts being built every day because of the expense saved and more importantly the safety.”

He quotes a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety which suggests there is on average a 40% decrease in all accidents and a 90% drop in fatal ones when a traffic intersection is replaced by a roundabout.

The long-term financial saving is about £150,000, he says, due to reduced maintenance costs, and there are also fuel savings.

“Not just the cars that aren’t idling at traffic lights, but starting from a dead stop takes up more fuel also, so we are saving thousands of gallons of fuel per roundabout per year,” says the Republican mayor.

“And aesthetically, we think they’re much nicer. If one is looking out their living room window, would you prefer to see a blinking traffic light all night or a beautifully landscaped roundabout with a fountain and flowers?”

Roundabouts v Rotaries

A British roundabout and the rotary at the Arc de Triomphe

The modern roundabout gives way on entry and priority to cars already on itThey are usually smaller than rotariesAnd vehicles usually travel at lower speedsRotaries may have traffic lights and stop signsMarble Arch in London and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris are found on rotary systems

The mayor’s unlikely passion began while studying in the UK, and his strong Anglophile credentials are in evidence from a glance around his office – a book by Prince Charles entitled Vision of Britain lies on the coffee table.

“I remembered those roundabouts in England and it raised the question in my mind – why don’t we do this? I remembered they worked better than traffic lights so I started to do a bit of research and convinced my traffic engineers to try some.”

There was scepticism at first, he says, but public education is critical and there was a newsletter and video campaign to tell people about the safety and environmental advantages.

Before every roundabout, there are squiggly lines on the road and on roadside signs to warn drivers which lane they need to be in.

The mayor’s ambition is to replace the city’s remaining 43 traffic lights too, apart from one. The traffic lights on the corner of Main Street and Range Line Street will survive – not because a plaque at the spot claims the country’s first automatic traffic signals were installed here in 1923, but the street’s just too narrow to fit a roundabout.

Leading roundabout statesWashingtonColoradoCaliforniaFloridaKansasOregonMarylandIndianaWisconsinArizona

The ornate fountain roundabouts of Carmel are a far cry from the large, one-way rotary systems conceived in the US and in Europe in the early 20th Century but which largely fell out of favour due to congestion problems.

Then forward-thinking British traffic engineers like Frank Blackmore tinkered with the designs and the UK established the modern roundabout by introducing a mandatory “Give way” rule for cars entering.

The US still has the older versions, called rotaries or circles, in cities like Washington DC and they remain quite unpopular, a confusing sprawl of signals, stop signs and concentric lanes.

The simpler British version first came to the US in 1990 in Nevada and it is these which are now proliferating. California has built nearly 200 in the last two or three years.

Countries with British-style roundaboutsFrance (has about 30,000, the most in the world)AustraliaNew ZealandThailandUSBelgiumIraqJordan

The problems Americans have navigating them was satirised in the film European Vacation starring Chevy Chase, who takes his family sightseeing in London but gets stuck until nightfall on a roundabout next to Big Ben.

There is some truth in that caricature. Some drivers in Carmel have been known to wait for the whole roundabout to clear before entering, says driving instructor Mike Ward, but learners soon get used to them.

But police in the city say the number of accidents on them, often caused by confusion or unfamiliarity, is still a lot fewer and less serious than at a traffic light.

The people of Carmel seem happy living in the country’s unofficial roundabout capital. The mayor, who has made roundabouts a central plank of his manifesto, is on the verge of earning his fifth term in office.

Roundabout in CarmelRoundabouts in Carmel have to look good

“I think they’re awesome,” says Blair Clark, who has lived in the area for 26 years. “They keep the traffic flowing, you don’t have to stop, you save gas and there are less accidents.”

Another driver, filling up his gas tank, says: “We’re proud of our city and proud of our roundabouts.”

But beyond Carmel, there has been greater resistance to them. One newspaper columnist in Atlanta says this undesirable European import will lead to higher taxes and accidents.

And Dan Neil, a motoring journalist at the Wall Street Journalist who personally welcomes their arrival, thinks there is something deep in the American psyche which is fundamentally opposed to them.

“This is a culture predicated on freedom and individualism, where spontaneous cooperation is difficult and regimentation is resisted.

A UK view of US roundaboutswell landscapedlower speedsbetter for cyclists and pedestrians

Clive Sawers, British traffic engineer who has consulted US cities on roundabouts

“You see it in the way Americans get in line, or as the Brits say, queue. We don’t do that very well.

“Behind the wheel, we’re less likely to abide by an orderly pattern of merging that, though faster for the group, make require an individual to slow down or, God forbid, yield.”

Americans tend to be orthogonal in their thinking and behaviour, he says.

“We like right angles, yes and no answers, Manichean explanations. Roundabouts require more subtlety than we’re used to.”

Un-American or not, it’s only a matter of time before they are covering every US state, says Gene Russell, a leading civil engineering professor at Kansas State University.

So while the Americans give the British fast food, rock and roll and baby showers, in return they get free-flowing, circular traffic intersections. A fair cultural exchange?

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Quiz of the week’s news

7 days quiz

It’s the Magazine’s 7 days, 7 questions quiz – an opportunity to prove to yourself and others that you are a news oracle. Failing that, you can always claim to have had better things to do during the past week than swot up on current affairs.

Graphic of a number seven

1.) Multiple Choice Question

Police in Newquay, Cornwall, say they will be confiscating certain items this summer in a crackdown on anti-social behaviour. Which of these is not on their list?

Policeman in Newquay Sexually explicit inflatablesClothes with offensive slogansNovelty handcuffsSex toys

2.) Multiple Choice Question

“I hadn’t planned on doing it… it was just, yeah, sort of off the cuff.” Said who?

Duke of Cambridge, Wimbledon queue and Andy Murray A Murray fan who queued for 75 hours for a ticketAndy Murray bowing to the Royal BoxPrince William, joining a Mexican wave

3.) Multiple Choice Question

A handbag belonging to the former British Prime Minister Lady Thatcher has fetched £25,000 ($40,000) at a charity auction in London. Who bought it?

Thatcher's handbag A man said to be a fanThe Ronald Reagan museumA Russian oligarch

4.) Multiple Choice Question

After a mini-heatwave, thunderstorms struck the South East of England on Tuesday. Which of these was not struck by a bolt out of the blue?

Lightning Gatwick Airport control towerSouthern Railway train servicesTelevision coverage of Wimbledon

5.) Multiple Choice Question

Californian firemen created a video-cutie when they filmed the rescue of a four-week-old kitten from a metal pipe. But what did they name the animal?

Rescued kitten PiperSqueezyMetallica

6.) Multiple Choice Question

And sticking to the theme of animal names, Blue Peter has made its final broadcast from London ahead of its move to Salford. Which of the show’s pets featured in a pop song?

Jason the SiameseJason the Siamese catGeorge the tortoiseGeorge the tortoiseShep the Border CollieShep the Border Collie

7.) Multiple Choice Question

Which age group did figures reveal this week is driving most of Facebook’s growth in the UK?

Computer keyboard Under 18s30 to 40-year-oldsOver-50s


It’s novelty handcuffs. The crackdown is because residents are worried that the behaviour of drunken revellers in Newquay is forcing families away from the town centre. It was Andy Murray. The player said he had only been told by a reporter that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were attending when he came off the practice courts. But he wasn’t entirely convinced. It’s the man believed to be a fan. The black glossy leather bag was owned by Lady Thatcher for more than 30 years and was on her arm during Cold War-era negotiations with the former American president, Ronald Reagan, and the then leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. Air passengers at the West Sussex airport faced delays, as did passengers on several rail lines, including the Southern London to Brighton route. The roof over Wimbledon’s centre court did spring a leak but there was no lightning. Piper was freed with the help of a mechanical cutter and has been adopted by a local television station employee. Although the firefighters have visiting rights. John Noakes’ catchphrase “get down Shep” was incorporated into a pop song of the same name by The Barron Knights in 1978, reaching number 44 in the charts. It’s the over-50s. According to research by Nielsen, in the last year the number of over-50s using the site has increased by 84%.

Your Score

0 – 3 : Ignore

4 – 6 : Like

7 – 7 : Friend

For past quizzes including our weekly news quiz, 7 days 7 questions, expand the grey drop-down below – also available on the Magazine page (and scroll down).

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Bribery Act targets corrupt firms

Cash in pocketCompanies prosecuted by the SFO must show they have adequate procedures in place to stop bribes
Related Stories

Legislation aimed at making it easier to prosecute companies who make corrupt payments abroad has come into force.

The Bribery Act overhauls existing laws dating back to 1889 and creates offences that carry prison terms of up to 10 years and unlimited fines.

It makes it illegal to offer or receive bribes and to fail to prevent bribery.

Both British and foreign companies are covered, provided they have some operations in the UK. The act also applies to individuals.

The government says the act will cement the UK’s position as a global leader in the fight against business corruption.

The legislation was due to come into force in April 2011, but it was delayed over business concerns about whether corporate hospitality could be seen as a bribe.


It was the halting, in late 2006, of the Serious Fraud Office investigation into alleged bribery payments greasing the Al Yamamah arms deal between the UK and Saudi Arabia which focused the need to reform the UK’s antiquated bribery laws.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development was critical, especially as the UK had signed up to its anti-bribery convention in the late 1990’s. Prosecutions of companies were all but unheard of, and to prove a case prosecutors had to show that the bribery on the ground was perpetrated by a “controlling mind” of the company ie: someone high up. That was difficult

The new act creates offences of offering or receiving bribes, and a tough new offence of “failing to prevent bribery”. If a company is prosecuted for that, its only defence is if it can show it has “adequate procedures” in place to stop bribes. That will involve new policies, training and cost.

Government guidance says that corporate hospitality that is reasonable and proportionate, will not be seen as a bribe.

As a result, the government issued additional guidance on the act.

In its guide to the Bribery Act, the Ministry of Justice says: “Very generally, [bribery] is defined as giving someone a financial or other advantage to encourage that person to perform their functions or activities improperly or to reward that person for having already done so.”

In March Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke assured companies the act would be implemented in a “workable, common sense” way.

He has since assured companies that they can take clients to events such as Wimbledon and the Grand Prix, so long as the hospitality is reasonable and proportionate.

The government said it did not expect “genuine hospitality” or similar expenditure to fall under the act.

Companies prosecuted under the act must show they have “adequate procedures” in place to stop bribes.

“Adequate procedures” may include providing anti-bribery training to staff, carrying out risk assessments for the markets being operated in, or carrying out due diligence on the people being dealt with.

A survey released in June 2011 by the consultants KPMG suggests that a third of UK companies have not yet conducted an anti-bribery and corruption risk assessment.

The survey also found that 71% of companies believed there are some places in the world where business cannot be done without engaging in bribery and corruption.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Quiz of the week’s news

7 days quiz

It’s the Magazine’s 7 days, 7 questions quiz – an opportunity to prove to yourself and others that you are a news oracle. Failing that, you can always claim to have had better things to do during the past week than swot up on current affairs.

Graphic of a number seven

1.) Multiple Choice Question

Police in Newquay, Cornwall, say they will be confiscating certain items this summer in a crackdown on anti-social behaviour. Which of these is not on their list?

Policeman in Newquay Sexually explicit inflatablesClothes with offensive slogansNovelty handcuffsSex toys

2.) Multiple Choice Question

“I hadn’t planned on doing it… it was just, yeah, sort of off the cuff.” Said who?

Duke of Cambridge, Wimbledon queue and Andy Murray A Murray fan who queued for 75 hours for a ticketAndy Murray bowing to the Royal BoxPrince William, joining a Mexican wave

3.) Multiple Choice Question

A handbag belonging to the former British Prime Minister Lady Thatcher has fetched £25,000 ($40,000) at a charity auction in London. Who bought it?

Thatcher's handbag A man said to be a fanThe Ronald Reagan museumA Russian oligarch

4.) Multiple Choice Question

After a mini-heatwave, thunderstorms struck the South East of England on Tuesday. Which of these was not struck by a bolt out of the blue?

Lightning Gatwick Airport control towerSouthern Railway train servicesTelevision coverage of Wimbledon

5.) Multiple Choice Question

Californian firemen created a video-cutie when they filmed the rescue of a four-week-old kitten from a metal pipe. But what did they name the animal?

Rescued kitten PiperSqueezyMetallica

6.) Multiple Choice Question

And sticking to the theme of animal names, Blue Peter has made its final broadcast from London ahead of its move to Salford. Which of the show’s pets featured in a pop song?

Jason the SiameseJason the Siamese catGeorge the tortoiseGeorge the tortoiseShep the Border CollieShep the Border Collie

7.) Multiple Choice Question

Which age group did figures reveal this week is driving most of Facebook’s growth in the UK?

Computer keyboard Under 18s30 to 40-year-oldsOver-50s


It’s novelty handcuffs. The crackdown is because residents are worried that the behaviour of drunken revellers in Newquay is forcing families away from the town centre. It was Andy Murray. The player said he had only been told by a reporter that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were attending when he came off the practice courts. But he wasn’t entirely convinced. It’s the man believed to be a fan. The black glossy leather bag was owned by Lady Thatcher for more than 30 years and was on her arm during Cold War-era negotiations with the former American president, Ronald Reagan, and the then leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. Air passengers at the West Sussex airport faced delays, as did passengers on several rail lines, including the Southern London to Brighton route. The roof over Wimbledon’s centre court did spring a leak but there was no lightning. Piper was freed with the help of a mechanical cutter and has been adopted by a local television station employee. Although the firefighters have visiting rights. John Noakes’ catchphrase “get down Shep” was incorporated into a pop song of the same name by The Barron Knights in 1978, reaching number 44 in the charts. It’s the over-50s. According to research by Nielsen, in the last year the number of over-50s using the site has increased by 84%.

Your Score

0 – 3 : Ignore

4 – 6 : Like

7 – 7 : Friend

For past quizzes including our weekly news quiz, 7 days 7 questions, expand the grey drop-down below – also available on the Magazine page (and scroll down).

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Three-month-olds ‘hear emotion’

Baby in fMRI scannerScanning babies’ brains in an fMRI scan shed new light on how early they hear emotion in voices
Related Stories

Babies can respond to emotions in a human voice at just three months old – earlier than previously thought – researchers believe.

The results of scans on 21 sleeping babies suggested the brain responded to the type of sounds being played.

Researchers said it had previously been unclear when human brains developed the ability to process voices and emotions.

Scientists hope to learn the difference between the way autistic and non-autisitc brains develop as a result.

They used functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI) to record how babies responded to tapes playing “emotional sounds”, such as laughing and crying, as well as background noises, like water or toys.

A part of the brain – the temporal cortex – was activated when human voices were played – the same region as in adults.

The limbic brain region responded strongly to negative or sad sounds, but did not differentiate between neutral and happy sounds.

Professor Declan Murphy, from King’s College London, said: “This discovery fundamentally advances our understanding of infant development.”

Dr Evelyne Mercure, of University College London, said: “It is a rare demonstration that specialised areas exist in the brain very early in development.”

The researchers hope the study will allow them to compare what happens in autistic and non-autistic brains.

Professor Murphy told the BBC: “By identifying when brain systems come on stream, we can understand where it goes wrong.”

The researchers are also scanning the brains of babies thought to be at risk of developing autism, such as those who have a sibling with the condition.

They are investigating when differences can be detected.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

UN court issues Hariri warrants

Rafik Hariri (Sept 2004)Rafik Hariri is widely credited with getting Lebanon back on its feet after the 15-year civil war

Four arrest warrants have been issued by the UN-backed tribunal investigating the 2005 murder of Lebanon’s former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Lebanon’s state prosecutor said.

Mr Hariri’s son, Saad, welcomed the indictments and described them as a “historic moment” for Lebanon.

Local reports say the warrants name senior members of the Shia militant and political group Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has repeatedly denounced the tribunal and vowed to retaliate.

Divisions over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), based in the Hague, have thrown the country into political turmoil and sparked fears of sectarian unrest.

The Lebanese cabinet is meeting on Thursday to agree its policy towards the tribunal.

Rafik Hariri and 21 others were killed in February 2005 in central Beirut when a huge bomb went off as his motorcade passed by.

“After many years of patience, of struggle… today, we witness a historic moment in Lebanese politics, justice and security”

Saad Hariri Son of Rafik Hariri and former PM

Hezbollah has criticised and attempted to discredit the tribunal, claiming it is a plot involving the United States, Israel and France. The group has denied any role in the assassination.

On Thursday, Lebanon’s state prosecutor Saeed Mirza confirmed that he had received the indictments and four arrest warrants from an STL delegation in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

Saad Hariri – himself a former prime minister – described the indictment as a milestone for the country.

“After many years of patience, of struggle… today, we witness a historic moment in Lebanese politics, justice and security,” he said in a statement quoted by the AFP news agency.

He urged Lebanon’s new Hezbollah-dominated government to to live up to its international obligations.

Hezbollah forced the collapse of Saad Hariri’s government in January after he refused to stop co-operating with the tribunal.

Later today, Lebanon’s incoming Prime Minister Najib Mikati is due to issue a policy statement which clarifies his government’s stance on the STL.

Mr Mikati has previously said that he would strive to uphold Lebanon’s international obligations, but that he was also mindful of his responsibilities when it comes to the country’s stability.

According to tribunal officials, Lebanon now has 30 days to serve out the arrest warrants.

If the suspects are not arrested within that period, the STL will then make public the indictment and summon the suspects to appear before the court, the experts told AFP.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.