Why is it when throwing custom error, my error type returns object

I have a nextjs app sample that sends a request but when trying to catch an error and checking if its my custom type it returns false, and when checking its err.name returns object.


'use client'

...some code
handleSumbit() {

  try {
    const res = await create(values);
  } catch (err: unknown) {
   console.log(typeof err, err instanceof ResponseError) <--- returns   object, false

   if(err instanceof ResponseError) {
     if(err.reponse.status === 400) {
      // do something with the bad request here



...some code

CREATE method Requests.ts

'use server'

 export async function create(data: DATA) {

   const res = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}/magic`, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        Authorization: `Bearer ${acc_tok?.value}`,
        body: JSON.stringify(data),

  if (!res.ok) throw new ResponseError('Bad fetch response', res) <---- THE TYPE IM EXPECTING

  return await res.json();


responseError Class

  export class ResponseError extends Error {
  response: Response;
  constructor(message: string, res: Response) {

    this.name = this.constructor.name
    this.response = res

I’m not sure if this is the behavior from nextjs but when I tried this in just react (No framework) this works fine, also tried it on the backend this works too. I mean when throwing a custom error I can still verify the type is not changing.