Discord.js Giveaway command [closed]

So in my code everything works, the only thing is that if the bot is crashed/restarted the giveaway does not work anymore, so like it does not do anything in the code anymore. If you can try to use node-cron that’s fine too but I can’t figure it out.

import { giveaway, giveaway_endDate } from "../../data/mongodb.js";
import ms from "ms";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

export const data = {
    name: "giveawaycreate",
    type: 1,
    description: "Creates a new giveaway",
    options: [
            type: 3, // STRING Type
            name: "name",
            description: "Title of giveaway",
            required: true
            type: 4, // INTEGER Type
            name: "winners",
            description: "Number of winners",
            required: true
            type: 3, // STRING Type
            name: "duration",
            description: "Duration of the giveaway",
            required: true
    dm_permission: false,
    default_member_permissions: 0

export async function execute(interaction, client) {
    await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true });

    const title = interaction.options.getString("name", true);
    const winnerCount = interaction.options.getInteger("winners", true);
    const durationOption = interaction.options.getString("duration", true);
    const msDuration = await ms(durationOption);

    const endDate = new Date(Date.now() + msDuration);
    const formattedEndDate = `${endDate.getMonth() + 1}/${endDate.getDate()}/${endDate.getFullYear()}`;
    const unix = Math.floor(endDate / 1000);
    const remainingTime = `<t:${unix}:R>`;
    const giveawayId = uuidv4();

    const embed = {
        color: client.settings.color,
        footer: { text: `${winnerCount} winners | Ends at u2022 ${formattedEndDate}` },
        url: "https://www.google.com/search?q=hello+world",
        image: { url: `https://thumbs2.imgbox.com/a2/41/pNr8rADZ_t.png` },
        description: `### ${title}`,
        fields: [
            { name: "Time Remaining", value: `${remainingTime}`, inline: true },
            { name: "Hosted by", value: `${interaction.user}`, inline: true },

    const hiddenEmbed = {
        description: giveawayId,
        url: "https://www.google.com/search?q=hello+world"

    const giveaway_enter = {
        type: 1,
        components: [{
            type: 2,
            label: `Enter`,
            emoji: "<:tada:1230682264384311357>",
            style: 3,
            custom_id: `giveaway_enter`,
        }, {
            type: 2,
            label: `Leave`,
            style: 2,
            custom_id: `giveaway_leave`,

    const originalReply = await interaction.channel?.send({ embeds: , ephemeral: false, components: [giveaway_enter] });
    await interaction.deleteReply();

    const logChannel = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(client.settings.hrLogChannelId);
    if (!logChannel) {
        return interaction.reply({
            content: "CONFIGURATION ERROR: Check Log Channel ID!",
            ephemeral: true,

    const logEmbed = {
        title: "SFRA Command Logging",
        description: `${interaction.user} used **giveaway** command in <#${interaction.channel.id}>.`,
        fields: [
            { name: "Moderator", value: `${interaction.user}`, inline: false },
            { name: "Name", value: `${title}`, inline: false },
            { name: "Winners", value: `${winnerCount}`, inline: false },
            { name: "Time Remaining", value: `${remainingTime}`, inline: false },
        color: client.settings.color,
        footer: { text: `${interaction.guild.name}`, icon_url: interaction.guild.iconURL() || undefined },

    logChannel.send({ embeds: [logEmbed], ephemeral: false });

    const giveawayEndDateSave = new giveaway_endDate({
        endDate: endDate,
    await giveawayEndDateSave.save();

    const interval = setInterval(async () => {
        const currentDate = new Date();
        if (currentDate >= endDate) {

            const winners = await selectWinnersFromDatabase(giveawayId, winnerCount);

            embed.fields.push({ name: "Winners", value: winners.map(winner => `<@${winner}>`).join('n'), inline: true });

            await originalReply.edit({ embeds: , components: [] });

            await giveaway_endDate.deleteMany({ endDate: endDate });
            await giveaway.deleteMany({ giveawayId: giveawayId });

            const winnerIds = winners.map(winner => `<@${winner}>`).join(' ');
            await interaction.channel.send(`Congratulations ${winnerIds}, you won ${title}!`);

            await clearGiveawayData(giveawayId);
    }, 60000);

async function selectWinnersFromDatabase(giveawayId, winnerCount) {
    const participants = await giveaway.find({ giveawayId });


    return participants.slice(0, winnerCount).map(participant => participant.userId);

async function clearGiveawayData(giveawayId) {
    await giveaway.deleteMany({ giveawayId });

function shuffleArray(array) {
    for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];

Please ignore this part it wants me to put more things than code so i am going to just put a lot of “g’s”.