Join function is not working in javascript properly [closed]

I have one issue with my javascript code where I’m using join function.
I have this object.

const temp = {
    "sub": "اختبار تشتيت الانتباه",
    "dpt": "الجبيل",
    "work": "المنطقة الشرقية",
    "test": "6935",
    "Vspec": "Test Value"

when I’m doing this:-> [temp.sub, temp.test].join(“, “) it is producing different output where temp.test number is getting appended first.

when I’m using this: [temp.sub, temp.test].join(“, “) then output should be temp temp.sub first & then temp.test.

const temp = {
    "sub": "اختبار تشتيت الانتباه",
    "dpt": "الجبيل",
    "work": "المنطقة الشرقية",
    "test": "6935",
    "Vspec": "Test Value"

console.log([temp.sub, temp.test].join(", "));

kindly help. Thanks