Set initial shade darkness in Apex Chart Heatmap

I am using an Apex Chart heatmap.

My issue is the value range I am passing in for my series data is around 0.01 – 300.

This means that values of around 0.01 – 5 are practically invisible in the chart because they are so light and the only way I know they are there is if I hover over them and the tooltip tells me.

I am my chart options are –

var options = {
    series: data,
    chart: {
        height: 650,
        type: 'heatmap',
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: false
    colors: ["#008FFB"],
    title: {
        text: 'HeatMap Chart (Single color)'

I got somewhere when I added –

plotOptions: {
    heatmap: {
        enableShades: true,
        shadeIntensity: 1,
        reverseNegativeShade: true,
        colorScale: {
            ranges: [
                    from: 0.001,
                    to: 5,
                    color: '#008FFB'

This at least meant that if a value was under 1, it showed up on the chart in a visible shade, however this offset the entire heat map because in some case values of 5 were darker than values of 6 because of the range difference.

How can I set the initial shade on load (for the one range of whatever my lowest and highest values are) to make sure that boxes are dark enough to see?